Chapter 103 Learning is the real thing (103)

"it is good."

Cheng Gui's brows moved slightly, and he looked at her slowly: "...Then Li Si?"

"Oh, Li Si is that boy just now, his jealousy is even less delicious, the person he likes..."

Shu Liang stopped suddenly, raised his eyebrows, and cast a playful gaze on the person beside him: "How do you know Li Si's name?"

When he heard her question, the corners of Cheng Gui's mouth stiffened.

And this question obviously didn't need Cheng Gui's answer. The next second, Shu Liang said meaningfully: "You secretly investigated me, huh?"

After catching his pigtail, Shu Liang turned his back on the customer: "What else did you check?"

Cheng Gui frowned slightly, and asked hesitantly, "Do you want to hear the truth?"

Shu Liang nodded: "Of course, if you have something to say, what else can I not listen to?"

After a brief silence, Cheng Guiqing took a deep breath, looked at her directly, and said firmly, "You like Jiang Li."


Now, why did she get carried away in a moment and forget about it?

Shu Liang was at a loss for words, looking at the young man's deep eyes, the amber pupils that should have been gentle, now had an invisible sense of oppression.

The midday sun was a bit dazzling, and it fell from the direction of the top of the head, making it difficult to open your eyes.

But Shu Liang felt that Cheng Gui's gaze was more aggressive.

Seeing that she had a strange expression and fell into silence, instead of skipping the question, Cheng Gui asked:

"Didn't you say it yourself? If you want to hear the truth, there is nothing you can't hear?"

"Then why don't you talk?"



Is this what happens with a quick mouth?

Cheng Gui, you took on the role of boyfriend very quickly, so now you're starting to get to the bottom of it?
Shu Liang sighed, "Yes, I liked it before."

Cheng Gui did not stop there.

"Don't you like him now?"

Shu Liang felt that he was asking nonsense, and had a faint intuition that there was something in his words, and something was meant.

"of course."

Cheng Gui asked, "Why?"


Shu Liang raised her eyebrows.

what why?If you don't like it, you don't like it. Could it be possible to ask her to count out one, two, three, four, five, six, seven or eight unbearable shortcomings of Jiang Li for him on the spot, and then write a [-]-word review to analyze her breakup with Jiang Li? the reason?
When she looked over suspiciously, Cheng Gui's thick eyelashes drooped, covering the emotions in his eyes.

"Since you don't like him anymore, why did you call him the only phone call when something happened?"


"Why didn't you call me?"


"Because you don't think of me at all, do you?"


Shu Liang realized the helplessness of those boys in the face of continuous questioning from their girlfriends.

Cheng Gui's expression was extraordinarily calm when he spoke, and his voice sounded a little cold, but Shu Liang felt a strong sense of resentment rushing towards his face.

"No, listen to me." Unprepared by his series of questions, Shu Liang had to interrupt him and said, "I called Jiang Li, not to ask him for help, but to ask him to come and take Gu Wu The three of them took them away because they knew that Jiang Li cared about Gu Wu and would never leave Gu Wu alone, so they called him."

She paused, and when she raised her eyes, her eyes were very serious: "As for why I didn't contact you, it's because I can solve it by myself, and I don't need to ask anyone for help."

"Cheng Gui, do you understand?"

Before the words finished, Shu Liang was hugged tightly by the person in front of him.

 Two more in one
(End of this chapter)

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