Chapter 104 Learning is the real thing (104)

His voice was a little hoarse and sounded a little muffled.

"But I want to protect you."

I don't want you to always face it alone, I don't want you to ignore your own safety when facing danger, and I don't want you to forget that you have the power to rely on others.

I have to admit that when I heard these words, Shu Liang's heart suddenly bumped.

The body temperature around her became scorching.

If Cheng Gui had directly said "I like you" or "I love you" to her, maybe she would not have such a feeling.

But suddenly someone said to her seriously: "I want to protect you", this is the first time I heard it.

If Shu Liang, the arrogant and arrogant demon king ten thousand years ago, would have looked up to the sky and laughed like an ignorant child, sneered lightly, turned his head and left it behind.

Shu Liang blinked, his eyes moved slightly, and landed on the floor of a building not far away, who was walking down with a garbage bag, suddenly pushed the person in front of him away, met his dazed eyes, and looked serious. Said: "Our current affairs must be kept secret, at least until my undergraduate graduation, my mother must not know."

Chen's mother is a very traditional woman, and almost every once in a while she would pull her to have a long talk with her in earnest. My wronged mother didn't even know that you wouldn't come back", "Study hard, don't worry about falling in love, there will be a lot of good men for you to choose after work" and so on, which made her yawn.

If she knew that her daughter had nodded her head and agreed to her yesterday, and turned around and asked people if they wanted to date her, she would probably be so angry that she vomited blood for three liters.

Alas, then she has committed a great sin.

He was not surprised by this request.

It's just that when he heard it with his own ears, he didn't know whether it was mostly regret or loss. His fair and clear face seemed to be covered with a layer of gray mist in an instant. He blinked, looked at her with eyelids lifted, and retracted. eyes, and responded in a low voice: "Yes."

Shu Liang raised her lips and smiled, feeling that he had to compromise despite his apparent reluctance, this pitiful appearance was very cute.

She couldn't help stretching out her paws, and rubbed his tender and tender cheeks, "Good boy."

Seeing her smiling happily, after turning her face away, Cheng Gui couldn't help but slightly licked the corners of her lips.

Suddenly, he agreed with what Li Si said.

When you like someone, you want her to be healthy, happy and get what she wants.
that night.

Shu Liang lay on the window sill, propped her chin, and casually looked at the dark night sky.

What Li Si said to her flashed through his mind.

In her impression, Li Si is not a typical rich second generation.

He has money in his family, but he didn't hide it or show it off deliberately, and he never bullied others. He blushed and scratched his head embarrassingly after being thanked for helping strangers.He is very loyal to his brothers and friends. Although he is ignorant and incompetent, he seems simple-minded. He only knows how to enjoy himself all day long. His eyes are clear, making people seem to see the bottom at a glance, and he has a rare heart.

Even when he fell in love with a girl, he seemed clumsy and sincere, the heart was revealed in his eyes, almost overflowing, she could make him go around with a word, and he never complained, but he knew it all too clearly However, the girl he loves belonged to someone else and would not like him at all, so no matter how obvious he did it, he would never express his feelings.

(End of this chapter)

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