Chapter 106 Learning is the real thing (106)

——Learning God's Immortal Love!His girlfriend must be pretty too, right?Woohoo, do you have any photos? ! !

——The girl circled is his girlfriend.

The roommate saw that there was actually a photo, so he quickly opened up the college graduation photo, and opened his eyes wide to see the circled girl's face.

This is incredible.

"Why do I feel so familiar?"

"Yeah, I think too..."

"Familiar with what? It's Chen Mo!"

The three of them turned their heads at the same time, looking at Shu Liang who was opening a pack of biscuits to eat.

Being stared at by three pairs of eyes, Shu Liang didn't understand why he put the biscuit into his mouth, " you want some?"


There was a brief silence in the bedroom.

After a while, someone called out and asked, "Is your boyfriend Cheng Gui?"

Shu Liang thought in his heart that no one believed it just now, why did he come to ask Gu again so quickly, and nodded: "That's right."

The roommate who interrupted her with a blatant statement just now turned green: "..."

I wish I could go back in time, and give myself two blows before she wanted to interrupt Shu Liang's speech.

Make you talk more.

The roommates just accepted the fact that this handsome and astonishing Marshal Bi of J University already has a girlfriend, and when they turned around, the Marshal Bi's girlfriend was the critical attack of their roommate, and was a little at a loss for a while.

They looked at the girl carefully.

The waist is very thin.

The legs are straight and long.

Well, the skin is quite white.


The eyes of the three slowly moved to her face.

Although she has a pretty face, her eyes are very beautiful, with the tails of her eyes raised slightly, she looks very agile, her eyes are clear, and there is something charming when she is not smiling, but her face is full of satisfaction when she is eating. Inexplicably cute.

"What are you all looking at me like that for?" Shu Liang blinked, and hesitantly took out potato chips from the bag. When she bought it, this flavor was the last bag on the shelf in the supermarket. She said reluctantly: "If you want to eat, then I will eat it for you."


Who can bear this eager look?

Not only did all the girls feel sorry for knowing that the handsome man who is recognized by everyone has a girlfriend, but the boys from the School of Materials and Electricity were all heartbroken when they learned that Shu Liang was the girlfriend of the new school girl of J University next door. .

There are not many girls who are willing to study physics, and after so many years, Shu Liang is the only one who is beautiful.

When I heard that there was a beautiful graduate student sister in the physics department, the boys in the graduate school were eager to move.

However, before he had a chance to take action, he learned that not only did he have a boyfriend, but that the boyfriend was also a handsome, well-educated, well-educated, rich man.

Looking at the face in the photo, they looked at each other and had to die.
Even though they knew that he had a girlfriend, they couldn't stand up to the superior beauty and the multiple buffs on him, and many people continued to follow him.

Just after entering school, Cheng Gui received a lot of friend applications, and some warriors stopped him directly asking for his contact information and handing over love letters.

In Master Cheng's dictionary, the word gentleman never existed.

He directly threw the mobile phone to his curious roommate and asked him to reject all friend applications, and then set it to refuse to add friends, directly eliminating all harassment from the source.

Love letters are not accepted at all, and they don't give a single extra look.

Even so, he will be confessed in various ways almost every few days.

Most of the time, Cheng Gui would choose to ignore it, and then leave without any disturbance in his mood.

Until one day, he suddenly realized that his girlfriend didn't seem to care that he was always confessed in tricks, and even enjoyed it, as if it was a very interesting thing for his boyfriend to be confessed.

Cheng Gui was a little annoyed.

Three years.

After graduating from undergraduate, he announced the relationship between the two as he wished. Both parties met their parents and got understanding and blessings.

When she heard the news that they were together in their sophomore year, Chen's mother seemed a little surprised, but now that both of them have fulfilled their wishes and entered the top graduate schools in the country, the future is bright, and all she can do seems to be blessing.

Chen Mo never refuses his touch, whether it is holding hands, hugging or kissing.

But when he dreamed back at midnight, he would often feel uneasy, stretching out his hand, but he couldn't grab the person who was close at hand.

One night, Cheng Gui's club held a group activity on the playground, and suddenly a girl sang a sweet love song to him on the spot to confess his love.

Everyone clapped their hands and booed, and the president watched from the side without stopping, watching this scene with a smile.

This movement certainly attracted the attention of other walkers on the playground.

When Shu Liang heard the news, when he went to watch the fun, there were already quite a few people around the scene.

I don't know who it is, turned my head inadvertently, and recognized her at a glance under the dim light, and subconsciously called out: "Chen Mo, are you here?"

As soon as the words fell, the crowd made way for her in unison.

At this time, the atmosphere of the confession scene was filled with a strong smell of gunpowder.

It turned out that after the first girl sang and confessed her love, the department flower from the outer college who heard the news was not to be outdone, even raised a microphone borrowed from a radio station, and turned around and sang an affectionate English love song to Cheng Gui to confess her love.

The department flower from the outer college had just finished singing and was about to speak when she was interrupted by the department flower from Xinchuan College.

The department flower of Xinchuan College held a microphone in her hand, looked at the expressionless Cheng Gui, and sang a Cantonese song with colorful lyrics as a tribute to her competitor.

This song successfully cheered up the boys at the scene, and the booing sound went up to a higher level.

At this moment, someone in the crowd said, "Chen Mo is here."

Chen Mo, as Cheng Gui's girlfriend, has been spreading around J University at a speed comparable to a rocket launch recently, but most people only know her name and have never met her in person.

Therefore, the effect brought by these two words can be said to be immediate, and the originally noisy crowd became as quiet as a chicken in an instant.

The instructor didn't know "Chen Mo", but seeing that everyone immediately silenced her when they heard her appearance, and the expressions of the three girls who were confessing their love looked very delicate, they had vague guesses in their hearts and laughed playfully.

Shu Liang was purely here to join in the fun, and she didn't expect that her appearance would cause such a big uproar. Now hundreds of pairs of eyes swept over her, and she froze in place.

As soon as he raised his head, he met Shang Chenggui's deep eyes.

The originally calm eyes, the moment he saw the girl, was unconsciously stained with a slight smile, and the lines of his face softened. However, when he noticed that her peripheral vision fell on these girls, Cheng Gui was a little flustered, and shook the hand hanging by his side weakly, subconsciously wanting to come over and explain to her.

There was a person behind Shu Liang who was whispering, probably whispering to his companion, the voice was very low, but he forgot that in such a quiet environment, people who were a little closer could still hear him.

"Is this really a confession scene? I thought it was a singing contest."


Shu Liang couldn't hold back, and laughed out loud.

The young man who was walking towards her froze suddenly, and his footsteps obviously stopped for a moment before walking in front of her again.

He lowered his eyes slightly, suppressing the impatience in his heart, raised his head after a few seconds, held the girl's hand hanging by his side, clasped his fingers tightly, and there was an imperceptible coldness in his clear voice.

"I have a girlfriend, and I don't like anyone but her."

After finishing speaking, regardless of the surprised, excited and envious eyes of everyone present, he led Shu Liang and turned around to leave.

The president next to him was the first to come back to his senses, looking at the backs of the two, he wanted to stop them and let them come back.

But as soon as he raised his hand, he thought about it, anyway, the activities of the club are almost over, not to mention that his girlfriend witnessed three girls taking turns confessing to her boyfriend, even though she couldn't see the anger on her face, she even laughed voice, but who knows if he laughed out of anger?I guess it's very frustrating.

When he watched the fun just now, he didn't expect this boy to have a girlfriend, and he didn't stop him. He felt very sorry for the young couple.

The president slowly put down his hands, turned his head away, decided to pretend nothing happened, and raised his voice to the dumbfounded crowd, "Hey, don't be cold, everyone applaud, let's make the applause louder, does anyone else want to do this?" Sing and sing to express yourself? If you don’t sing, it’s okay to dance for everyone.”

Everyone was dazed and embarrassed, but hearing the president's resonant voice, they couldn't help but raised their hands and clapped their hands.

A burst of neat and loud applause surrounded them.

The three who just finished singing: "..."

Their complexions were not very good-looking, alternately blue and then white, as if their clothes had been completely removed by the eyes of everyone, and they felt chills when the wind blew, but their faces were burning hot and painful .

They are not here to show their talents and perform for others.

But no matter how well you sing and how hard you work, so what?

As soon as the confession object saw his girlfriend, he didn't even give them an extra look, and coldly threw down a word of oath of ownership, and then led her away, with his back view showing no nostalgia.

He didn't even give them a formal and direct rejection, completely ignoring them.

Xihua from the School of Foreign Languages ​​was the first to recover, glanced in the direction where the two disappeared, hummed softly, lifted her chin, turned and left.

The department flower of Xinchuan College also walked away with a dark face.

Only the girl who bravely stood up and sang a love song to Cheng Gui at the very beginning was left behind. She was so embarrassed that she walked back to her seat with her head down, wishing she could bury her face.


The night breeze was blowing, and Cheng Gui led Shu Liang out against the flow of people. Because of this outstanding face, he attracted many people's attention along the way.

The strength in her hands tightened inch by inch, Shu Liang felt a little pain, she frowned slightly, and moved her hands, wanting Cheng Gui to release her, but after sensing her intention of struggling to get rid of him, the boy tightened even more hand.

Shu Liang stopped and refused to leave.

Cheng Gui also stopped in his tracks, and looked down at her with gloomy eyes when he came back to his senses.

"What are you mad about?"

 Super Plus enjoy! ! !The blocked (87) is finally released! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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