Chapter 107 Learning is the real thing (107)

As soon as the words fell, the roommate who was filled with righteous indignation just now was stunned, and looked at her in astonishment: "Ah? You're not angry?!"

The roommate who hadn't had time to speak just now smiled, "That's right, our little fairy Chen Mo was not only not angry, but even laughed out loud on the spot."

The roommate couldn't believe it: "No way, you can bear this? Are you really not angry or pretending not to be angry?"


Shu Liang looked at their chins that seemed to be able to stuff eggs in wonder, "Why should I be angry?"

A big question mark appeared on the foreheads of the three roommates.

"Why? No why! If someone wants to steal your boyfriend, normal people will be angry, okay?"

Shu Liang opened her mouth, and just wanted to say that they couldn't take them away anyway, if they could be taken away, then she wouldn't mind taking them.

However, the roommate raised his hand, made a shut-up gesture in front of her, and said speechlessly: "I understand, you are not angry, so your boyfriend is angry."

The roommate who was filled with righteous indignation cried and said, "I'm so stupid, really, I thought you were the one who took the initiative. I was so naive."

Shu Liang: "Huh????"

The roommate was heartbroken: "Sisters, Chen Mo has boyfriends, and I have been solo for 24 years. Is this reasonable?!"

The other two said in unison: "This is unreasonable!!!"

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the alarm clock beside the pillow rang.

Shu Liang opened his eyes with difficulty, quickly turned off the alarm clock, and then slowly closed his eyelids.


I had five classes in a row in the morning and waited late for lunch. It was almost 01:30 when I returned to the dormitory.

The dormitory was quiet, only the sound of the fan turning could be heard, and all the roommates fell into a deep sleep, and were not woken up by her short alarm.

Shu Liang is sleepy like a dead dog now.

1 minute later.

She forced her eyelids open, climbed out of bed to change clothes and shoes, and went out with her mobile phone.


Yawning all the way, Shu Liang beat Cheng Gui hard in his heart.

Although he came reluctantly, but I have to admit that looking at the smile in his eyes when he saw her appearing in the classroom, the tip of his heart felt like a feather was gently scratched and itchy.

Shu Liang wanted to smile at him, but soon came to his senses, with a tense face, walked over very reservedly, and sat down on the empty seat beside him.

He doesn't look sideways, doesn't even look at him, the shelf is very stable.

Shu Liang is very satisfied.

Just as soon as she touched the chair, sleepiness swept over her. She lay on the table, tilted her head, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

The classroom was already full when belated roommates rushed into it.

He locked onto Cheng Gui with a single glance, ran over, looked at him, and looked around him, there was no empty seat.

"Where's your seat for me??"

His voice is a bit loud.

Cheng Gui looked down at Shu Liang, then raised his eyes, gave him a look to shut up, and motioned him to look ahead.

So the roommate followed his gaze and found his water glass in the middle of the first row.


? ? ?Damn, that's what my brother did to me? ? ? ?

The classroom that can accommodate more than 100 people is almost full. When the teacher of this class walked to the door of the classroom, he inadvertently looked into the classroom, showed a surprised look, took a step back, looked up and checked carefully on the machine at the door. Class timetable, after confirming again and again that it was my own class, I dared to walk in.

(End of this chapter)

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