Chapter 108 Learning is the real thing (108)

Shu Liang really didn't understand, the one who was confessed was him, why did he look like she owed him 500 million and didn't pay it back?
Cheng Gui didn't speak, but stared straight at her, the corners of his mouth drooping slightly, his face was colder than the moonlight above his head, obviously unhappy.

In the girl's clear eyes, he clearly saw his own cold face.

Her tone and expression showed that she felt that he was making trouble for no reason.

Noticing her unconscious frown because of the pain, he loosened his fingertips and let go of the hand he was holding.

The snow-white fingertips slowly lifted up, brushed against her cheeks and ear pinnae, lifted a strand of her hair and wrapped it around the fingertips, and then gently placed it behind the ear, but did not withdraw her hand.

The bony palms rested on her shoulders, moving slowly, with one hand resting on her back, the warmth of the boy's palm was transmitted to her body through the fabric of the denim jacket.

Even under the dim night light, the tall and straight figure and extremely superior beauty of the person in front of him still has an irresistible attraction.The dark gray makes his complexion fairer, and you can't see any blemishes on his skin at such a close distance. The young man's eyes are slightly closed, his eyelashes are long and curled up, thick as a small fan, his nose bridge is straight, soft Lips pursed slightly.

Seeing his throat rolling, Shu Liang couldn't help following his movements, grunted, swallowed, and her ears suddenly fell silent, she heard her own heartbeat, one after another, like a soldier beating a drum.

Shu Liang's eyes flickered slightly, and he staggered his Adam's apple, which was close at hand. He raised his eyes to look at his fair face, and felt a little jealous when he saw it. The emperor was no better than City A. In September, when the sun was scorching, she painted so much The layer of sunscreen is darker, how did he manage to keep it so white?
Cheng Gui had a panoramic view of the girl's changing expression, and the temperature in his eyes gradually rose.

The charming and lingering atmosphere wrapped around the two of them, as if the next movement would be thunder and fire.

Shu Liang blinked her eyes, her lips moved slightly, and asked in a mysterious way:

"What sunscreen are you wearing?"

Cheng Gui: "..."

He didn't answer, and closed his eyes under the gaze of the girl's eyes full of sincerity and expectation.

Seeing his disguised refusal to answer, Shu Liang shrugged his shoulders very well: "Forget it, it doesn't matter if you don't want to say it."

An idea suddenly formed in her mind.

Shu Liang asked: "You're not angry because I laughed just now, are you?"

Cheng Gui slowly opened his eyes and looked at her noncommittally.

"I definitely didn't mean to laugh at you," Shu Liang quickly explained: "At that time, someone behind me suddenly said, I thought this was a singing competition, and I thought it was very funny, so I couldn't help it."

She imitated the tone of the man just now, and the corners of her mouth raised unconsciously.

Seeing that Cheng Gui was still looking at her expressionlessly, as if he didn't get her smile at all, and instead felt more angry, Shu Liang was very puzzled: "Don't you think what he said is right? They are vying to be the first Singing like a game."

Thanks to the amplification effect of the microphone, Shu Liang could clearly hear their singing only on the way to join in the fun. After speaking, she commented seriously: "I think the last one sings better."


Shu Liang wanted to continue explaining the reason why she voted for the last person, but as soon as he moved his mouth, Cheng Gui couldn't bear it anymore, and suddenly pressed his palm on the back of her head, pushed her in front of him, and bowed his head to kiss her.

The style tonight is extraordinarily gentle, the clouds float in front of the moon, quietly covering its eyes.

The breaths of the two were intertwined, and the temperature in the air was rising steadily.

The hand on the back slowly slid down and landed on Shu Liang's waist, pinching tightly, fingertips caressing through the fabric intentionally or unintentionally.

The sense of touch on the waist became much more sensitive than usual, and it felt a little itchy.

Shu Liang squinted his eyes half-closed, his vision a little out of focus.

Cheng Gui's kiss was as gentle as ever, which made her gradually relax her vigilance.

Suddenly, the gentle wind and light rain became aggressive.

Impatient, strong.

Physiological tears overflowed from the corners of Shu Liang's eyes, he opened his eyes, and saw the deep lust flowing in Shang Cheng Gui's deep pupils.

In addition, there seemed to be some other emotions hidden.

She was startled.

The air became thinner, making it impossible for her to think much.

She started to be out of breath, and raised her hand to push him, but his face didn't change, and he cut her hands accurately and pressed them behind his back. Instead, he pressed her whole body into his arms, shackled her in his arms, and kissed deeper .

Shu Liang's whole body was limp, and he had no strength to fight back.

She blushed and became angry from embarrassment, and bit him hard.

Cheng Gui was in pain, but restrained his instincts, still unwilling to withdraw, raised his hand to clasp the back of her head, and kissed her hard.

Conscience of heaven and earth, if this is not her boyfriend in front of her, she would definitely fall over her shoulder and trample him under her feet.

Between biting him again and giving up struggling to let him kiss him enough, Shu Liang hesitated for a moment and chose the latter.

She stood on tiptoe and carefully licked the wound she had bitten just now, blood was still coming out, and the tip of her tongue tasted sweet and fishy.

Cheng Gui froze.

In the three years of dating, they kissed quite a lot, but most of the time it was only him who took the initiative to kiss. She didn't resist, and only occasionally responded to his request.

Sensing the girl's unskilled movements, Cheng Gui forgot to move, as if he had been cast with a holding spell for an instant.

Shu Liang took the opportunity to push him away.

The brain gradually began to return to oxygen, Shu Liang's whole body was as red as a boiled shrimp, she thought she was vicious, but she gave the person in front of her a glare without any deterrent force, she didn't bother to say a word, turned around and left.

The wrist was held from behind, and she paused, feeling that the boy let go of his hand with great reluctance, and then gently hooked the corner of her clothes.

"How can I make you like me more?"

His voice was hoarse, with a distinct trace of anxiety and begging.

Shu Liang's back seemed to move slightly, but in the end he didn't look back, pulled back the corner of his clothes, and strode away.
After that day, the two did not contact each other for three days.

Even the roommates clearly felt Cheng Gui's irritability.

One day, someone finally couldn't help asking: "Brother Cheng, are you in a bad mood?"

Cheng Gui didn't look back: "No."

Hey, no, no, why don't you stare at your phone all day long?
The roommate thought for a while, and tried: "Have you had a fight with your girlfriend?"


Seeing him, Chen Mo, the roommate knew that he had guessed right.

"She ignores you? Sends a message and doesn't reply?"


Although he didn't send a message, it was almost the same.

Cheng Gui pursed his lips and remained silent.

The roommate sighed, and said with emotion: "I didn't say that, I have never seen such a handsome guy who is so masculine, no, he is a super handsome guy who has money to study against the sky!"

Cheng Gui didn't speak, but his roommate opened up the chatter box, as if he couldn't vomit: "Look at you, all day long you look like you reject the opposite sex except your girlfriend from thousands of miles away. It’s like a living glacier in Siberia, it laughs when it sees your girlfriend, but now it’s lost when your girlfriend ignores you.”

He almost had the words "really worthless" written all over his face.

He shook his head and sighed again and again, and said in a tone of hatred, "You like her so much."

Cheng Gui didn't deny it, looked at the chat history on the phone interface that was stuck three days ago, looked in a daze for a moment, and asked softly: "Then what should I do?"

From the first time I saw her, I liked her very much, and I liked her more and more, what can I do?
The roommate couldn't hear his heartfelt voice, smiled, patted him on the shoulder thoughtfully, and said earnestly: "Brother teaches you a trick, woman, you must not get too used to her, or she will get carried away without a sense of crisis." gone."

"In my opinion, as long as you have a little contact with other girls in front of her, she will definitely be jealous."

... are you jealous?

Cheng Gui frowned slightly, thought for a moment, and didn't speak.

After the roommate finished talking, he stretched his arms and stretched his waist, climbed onto the bed and lay down, yawned and said, "I set the alarm clock, but I may not be able to get up. If you go to the classroom first, please help me." A back seat, thanks bro."

His voice became smaller and smaller, and as soon as he finished speaking, he heard the sound of snoring.

This spicy hot pot tastes very good and is recognized as a popular window. When the four of them got their own meals, they were already so hungry that their chests were on their backs.

They waited from the rush hour until now, and there are very few people in the cafeteria.

Just as Shu Liang put the dinner plate on the table, the phone suddenly vibrated and turned on.

She pulled out her chair and sat down, glanced at the phone casually, and stopped.

It was a message from Cheng Gui.

It's his schedule.

[Do you have class this afternoon? ]
She really didn't have class this afternoon, Shu Liang wanted to reply, but just clicked on the dialog box with her fingertips and stopped.

Cheng Gui sent another message:
[Come and accompany me to class, okay? ]
not good.

[Give you a place. ]
Oh, you can stay if you want, Gu will not go anyway.

Shu Liang pursed her lips, put her mobile phone on the table with her backhand, and picked up her chopsticks to eat.

The roommates looked at each other, "Did you argue with your boyfriend?"

Shu Liang paused for a meal.

The roommate asked: "Is it because of the fact that several women sang love songs to him the other night?"

Before she could answer, another roommate immediately said with righteous indignation: "Hey, who would not be angry about this kind of thing? Although I didn't have time to go to the scene at the time, I started to get angry when I heard it! If someone knows that my boyfriend is People with families even confessed their love in public, and I went up and hammered her head off every minute! Isn't this a slap in the face for me?"

Shu Liang was silent.

"……I am not angry."

(End of this chapter)

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