Chapter 109 Learning is the real thing (109)

Students of this major are no longer surprised by this situation, but they still want to laugh.

Originally, there were only 24 students in this class, and the professional courses for physics graduate students are relatively difficult. Unless they have a good foundation and are interested, most people will not choose to listen.

It is conceivable that among the hundred or so people in the classroom, except for the students of this major, they are all drunkards.

Zhang Kun is 35 years old this year, and he became an associate professor only last year. It happened that Professor Cheng, the original physics professional course of "Nonlinear Optics and Quantum Information", was at the age of retirement, so he took it.

Zhang Kun is a short man with a baby face, which looks kind of honest and cute.

When he appeared in the sight of everyone, Cheng Gui clearly heard the two girls whispering behind him.

"Is this teacher 1.7 meters tall?"

"No way, I think he is not as tall as me, at most 1.6 meters five."

Cheng Gui didn't pay attention to other people's physical appearance, but when he heard students who were obviously not in his major commenting on the teacher, he lost basic respect and frowned imperceptibly.

Fang Xinli had found someone to get Cheng Gui's class schedule early on. Hearing the news that he was having trouble with his girlfriend recently, she was secretly delighted. Thinking that the opportunity had come, she didn't even take a nap after school this morning. , went back to the dormitory, took a shower carefully, put on a beautiful skirt, put on delicate makeup, came to the classroom early, and waited in the back row.

After seeing Cheng Gui seated, she quickly stood up, and sat down as if inadvertently but at a speed that made it too late for anyone to speak.

The slightly pungent perfume blew in the direction of the wind, Cheng Gui frowned, and gave up the idea of ​​asking the person next to him to ask her to move out of his seat.

I wanted to change seats, but when I looked up, the classroom was full of people, and only the seat in the first row was tacitly reserved.

Fang Xinli didn't know Cheng Gui's dislike for her, seeing him occupying a seat with a textbook, she subconsciously thought it was for his roommate, so she didn't think much about it.

Cheng Gui didn't realize that the person sitting next to him was one of the girls who confessed to him.

She was very excited, and she knew how many pairs of envious and jealous eyes were staring at her without turning her head. The joy and vanity of sitting next to Cheng Gui made her curl her lips, in order to avoid being unable to hold back during class. Excited, she didn't sit for long, then left her things on the seat and went to the bathroom.

When Fang Xinli calmed down and returned to the classroom, she found that many people looked at her with weird smiles, as if they were waiting for a good show.

Fang Xinli's heart skipped a beat.

Soon, she knew why.

It turned out that the seat occupied by Cheng Gui was reserved for his girlfriend.

When someone's real girlfriend came, wouldn't she be making fun of herself by rushing over?

Fang Xinli was a little embarrassed, and secretly scolded the person who gave her the news, didn't they say that they were quarreling, having a cold war, and hadn't seen each other?
So who is the person who is lying on the table and sleeping soundly? !
But it is absolutely impossible for her to retreat so easily.

Even when she saw Shu Liang appearing with her own eyes, Fang Xinli never thought of retreating.

She thinks she is much more beautiful than this girl named Chen Mo, and she can sing and dance well, so what if she is a graduate student?Everyone is admitted to university based on their ability, and she is not far behind!

 Two more in one
(End of this chapter)

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