Chapter 111 Learning is the real thing (111)

While speaking, he put his hands on her shoulders and kneaded her with just the right strength.

Shu Liang took advantage of the situation and sat down, facing Fang Xinli with stiff eyes with embarrassment, embarrassment with embarrassment, and embarrassment with shock.

Enjoying Cheng Gui's thoughtful "service", Shu Liang felt much better. He looked at her with a smile and said, "He doesn't want to talk. If there's anything you don't understand, why don't you come and ask me, I'll teach you, how about it?"

Fang Xinli paused every word, as if it had popped out between her teeth: "No, yes, it's done."

Shu Liang raised her eyebrows: "Why, you look down on me?"


Fang Xinli felt as if she was riding a tiger.

Shu Liang nodded seriously: "It's fine if you don't."

She naturally picked up Fang Xinli's open notes, glanced at the title lightly, and asked, "What do you want to ask, the physical image of quadratic wave phase matching, or the conditions of phase matching?"


She is a foreign language learner, so she can't understand physics, and her mind is on Cheng Gui throughout the class, she just wants to find a logical excuse to communicate with Cheng Gui.

Shu Liang's serious question made Fang Xinli flustered all of a sudden, she pursed her lips tightly, not knowing how to answer.

But after thinking about it, she is a non-professional. Even if Chen Mo studies physics, she is not in this direction. Could she?
Besides, she at least listened to some of it just now. Chen Mo slept from beginning to end. What can she understand?
Fang Xinli felt more and more that Shu Liang was cheating on her.

So she calmed down a bit, "I don't even understand it very well, so please tell me, Chen Mo, is that okay?"

Compared with her hesitation and panic, Shu Liang agreed easily: "Yes."

She conveniently picked up Cheng Gui's pen and paper, wrote and drew on it, talking while writing.

"The phase velocity of the fundamental frequency light reflects the phase of the second-order nonlinear polarization generated in the crystal, and the phase velocity of the double frequency light reflects the phase it has when propagating in the crystal. If the two can be consistent... "

"...then obtains constructive interference."

Fang Xinli felt that she was listening to a bible.

After finishing speaking, Shu Liang looked up and asked, "Do you understand?"

Fang Xinli felt that the person in front of her was not Cheng Gui's girlfriend, but the teacher who was asking her questions on the podium.


She took a deep breath, "Understood." No wonder.

Shu Liang nodded: "It's good if you understand."

Before Fang Xinli could breathe a sigh of relief, Shu Liang suddenly thought of something, "Oh, yes, there is something I don't know if I should say it or not."


I don't think you need to talk about it.

She smiled politely, how forced the smile was: "Say it."

Shu Liang didn't seem to understand her rejection eyes, blinked and said innocently: "I think the young lady who sings Cantonese songs is not only better than you, but also more beautiful than you. "

Fang Xinli's face froze and suddenly became gloomy.

No one wants to hear others put themselves in a bad position when making comparisons, especially Fang Xinli's singing voice and beauty that Fang Xinli has always been proud of.


A girl's blatant laughter came from behind.

When Shu Liang spoke, the volume was not deliberately lowered. Although the people around them were not as obvious as the two behind them, they also quietly pricked up their ears. Glance in their direction.

Fang Xinli subconsciously looked up at Cheng Gui, wanting to see how he would react when he heard her girlfriend blatantly say humiliating words.

Cheng Gui ignored her, didn't even move his eyelids, and gently squeezed the girl's shoulder with his slender jade hand, not only ignored her, but even asked gently: "Does this kind of force hurt you? Do you want me to be gentler? "

Fang Xinli's chest heaved violently. When the class bell rang again, she threw the things on the table into the canvas bag, stood up abruptly, and strode out of the classroom with the bag on her shoulders.

Zhang Kun walked in.

Shu Liang shrugged and reminded him: "Class is over."

Not to mention, after being massaged by him for a while, the soreness in my neck was relieved a lot.

She yawned and propped her chin to watch the PPT shown in the multimedia.

Cheng Gui withdrew his hand without saying a word.

After 5 minutes, Shu Liang began to feel drowsy again, his eyelids opened and closed, closed and opened again.

After realizing that the people around her were approaching, Cheng Gui had already pressed close to her ear, and asked in a low voice, "Aren't I prettier than them?"

The clear voice was magnetic, and when speaking, the soft lips touched her ears intentionally or unintentionally.

Shu Liang:? ? ? ? ? ?

Shocked, she subconsciously dodged to the side.

Cheng Gui had expected it a long time ago, a big hand grabbed the back of her head one step ahead of her, locked her tightly beside her, and said, "If you want to listen to Cantonese songs, I can sing them for you."

Shu Liang's back stiffened.

The lips gently engulfed the earlobe, and the tip of the tongue brushed deliberately, leaving a small wet trace.

The two girls behind looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

Lying! ! !groove! ! ! !

kill! ! !dog! ! ! !up! ! ! !

Learn God! !he! !It's so easy to tease! ! ! !

Shu Liang closed her eyes, took a deep breath, swallowed her saliva, pushed away the person sticking to her body with trembling hands, and said calmly, "Don't make trouble, class is on."

Recalling the act of letting the other party pull his sleeves just now, Shu Liang slightly raised his eyebrows.

Perhaps in other people's eyes, Cheng Gui's non-response is indifference and rejection in disguise, but after spending so long with him, Shu Liang obviously understands him better. He has always had a clear sense of boundaries and hates being touched by strangers. I always directly reject people and things I don't want, and never procrastinate.

Therefore, his indifference just now, in Shu Liang's view, was tacit approval.

Tsk, acquiesce.

Shu Liang squinted his eyes, and the corners of his mouth curled up in a half-smile.

She propped her chin and looked at Cheng Gui, "Also, don't try to change the subject."


Cheng Gui looked at her innocently.

Shu Liang smiled coolly: "To be honest, did I interrupt your good business?"

Before Cheng Gui could answer, the corners of her mouth widened, and she apologized without sincerity: "I'm sorry for taking away your chance to give a lecture to the beautiful woman."

Cheng Gui suddenly understood what she meant.

He froze and denied, "I didn't."

In order to clear the relationship, Cheng Gui did not hesitate to sell the roommate who sat in the first row without knowing it.

The roommate was lowering his head to send a message on his mobile phone, suddenly his nose itched, and he sneezed loudly.

Zhang Kun casually looked down and saw this scene.

He frowned slightly, walked to his roommate, knocked on his desktop, and when the roommate raised his head in confusion, he reminded: "I still have to listen to it in class, otherwise Haidilao won't be able to catch it at the end of the semester."

Everyone in the classroom was amused by his sense of humor.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha."


Damn, did you agree that the first row would not attract the attention of the teacher?Which god is talking behind my back, making me sneeze?
Here, Cheng Gui stared intently at the person in front of him, not attracted by this episode, let alone his hapless roommate.

Shu Liang had a clear mind: "Oh, so you still considered doing what he said?"

"No," Cheng Gui lowered his eyelashes, had to admit his thoughts, and said softly, "I don't want to."

Just because he knew the feeling of being jealous was uncomfortable, even if it was just a little bit, he was reluctant to let her feel it.

Cheng Gui thought to himself: Even if she doesn't like him that much, so what?Anyway, he likes her enough that she won't leave him as long as she doesn't like others, won't she?
Seeing him absent-mindedly listening to the class, Shu Liang opened his mouth, but stopped talking.
Recently, Shu Liang realized one thing.

It turns out that in a relationship, there is no sense of security, regardless of gender.

But how to make Cheng Gui feel safe and Shu Liang is really a headache.

The roommate said: "To make your boyfriend feel safe, you need to keep a sufficient distance from other members of the opposite sex in your life and treat him wholeheartedly."

Apart from attending classes in the classroom, Shu Liang has almost no opposite sex around her at other times, but it is impossible for her not to go to class, right?
The roommate said: "If you want your boyfriend to feel safe, you have to report your whereabouts frequently, and there must be no cheating."

Apart from going to the classroom to attend classes, Shu Liang is either on the way to cook or on the way back to the dormitory to sleep every day, so there is no point in reporting his whereabouts.

The roommate said: "To make your boyfriend feel safe, you must often express your love, care about him, share the pressure in life with him, and help him solve difficulties."

Shu Liang thought about it, with Cheng Gui's family background, he doesn't have any difficulties in life, right?

The roommate said: "To make your boyfriend feel safe, you must often plan your future marriage with him in your life so that he can see the future."


When hearing this word, Shu Liang froze for a moment.

She...hasn't really thought about it.

Enthusiastic roommates put forward a lot of suggestions, Shu Liang carefully went through them in his mind, and felt that none of them were realistic.

In the end, she yawned again and again, and her only thought was:

There is a reason for being single.


Before I knew it, it was National Day.

Two of Shu Liang's roommates are locals. They finally took a vacation. It was the first time they left home for such a long time.

Although the other person doesn't live in the city, the transportation is convenient now. He has been thinking about going home since the Mid-Autumn Festival, and he became more and more excited after he got the train ticket.

Shu Liang didn't think about it that much at first, but under the influence of the three of them, seeing Chen's mother's worrying greetings on WeChat for three meals a day, he suddenly thought of going home.

Hmm... mainly because I miss Chen's mother's craftsmanship.

Although the taste of the school cafeteria is not bad, it still lacks something compared to the hand-cooked vegetables and soup made by Chen's mother.

Tapping the desktop with her fingertips, Shu Liang took out her phone and clicked on the chat box on the top of WeChat.

[Shall we go home together on National Day? ]
Shu Liang's eyes suddenly paused when he saw the "The other party is inputting..." interface jumping on the dialog box that noted Cheng Gui.

When it came to going home, Cheng Gui was the first person she wanted to contact?

(End of this chapter)

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