Chapter 112 Learning is the real thing (112)

Cheng Gui: [OK]
Hearing that they were coming back, Uncle Li wanted to come pick them up, but Shu Liang thought it was too troublesome for him, and he had to make two hard trips, but the high-speed train only took three hours and the price was not expensive.

The day before National Day, the two of them had no class in the afternoon. After school in the morning, when Shu Liang returned to the dormitory, the two roommates from the local area had already dragged their suitcases home. One class, almost home now.

The roommate who was in the same major as her asked a fellow villager to go home with her. He was a boy from the school next door. Hearing that the two were in contact, they almost punctured the window paper.

The two made an appointment to have dinner together, so of course Shu Liang had to be a light bulb without being ignorant.

I am used to eating with my roommates every day, but when she is suddenly left alone, Shu Liang loses her appetite.

Looking at the empty dormitory, Shu Liang sat quietly for a while, then flicked a phone call to Cheng Gui.

The other end was picked up almost immediately.

Cheng Gui's voice was mixed in a group of noisy voices, appearing a little fuzzy.

"what happened?"

His voice was cold, but Shu Liang's heart was hot for no reason, and he had an inexplicable desire to see him urgently.

"Where are you?"

Cheng Gui paused, "I just came out of the classroom."

Oh, it turns out that I just finished class.

Shu Liang lay lazily on the table, and unconsciously elongated her voice when speaking, coquettishly, said: "I'm in the dormitory, I'm so hungry, I want to wait for you to eat together."

In the crowded stairwell, Cheng Gui's footsteps stagnated imperceptibly, and his throat moved slightly: "Well, I'll go find you now."

After hanging up the phone, Shu Liang flicked the video on his phone boredly.

After about a dozen brushes, Cheng Gui sent a message saying that he was downstairs in the dormitory.

So fast?
Shu Liang stood up abruptly, looked down the balcony in surprise, and indeed found a figure of excellence.

Before she realized it, the corners of her mouth had turned up, and she couldn't wait to go out the door without turning her head. She grabbed the handle and knocked on the door with her backhand. With a bang, the door was closed, and she had already gone downstairs.

Driven by the inexplicable impulse in his heart, Shu Liang trotted into the arms of Shi Shiran who was standing there, and felt that his breath was a little short, and looked up at him: "You didn't come here by running Bar?"

"Yeah." Cheng Gui hugged his girlfriend who was rarely in his arms, his indifferent brows softened suddenly, he suddenly remembered something, and asked, "Where's your roommate?"

Shu Liang's chin rubbed against his shoulder, and then he slowly broke free, holding his hand instead, and the two said as they walked, "Two people are coming home soon, and one has an appointment."

Cheng Gui's face was slightly condensed: "So you thought of looking for me because there was no one to eat with you."

"No, I just miss my boyfriend and want to have dinner with him." Seeing his unhappy appearance and slightly pouted lips, Shu Liang smiled as if she had been pricked, and suddenly stood on tiptoe He quickly left a mark on his lips, hooked the boy's arm, looked at his blank eyes, and teased: "Is your boyfriend satisfied?"

Her original intention was to ask him whether he was satisfied with the answer, but there seemed to be some deviations in her understanding.

Seeing her smile reaching her eyes, Cheng Gui's eyes darkened, and his voice became a little hoarse: "I'm not satisfied."

After finishing speaking, he stopped abruptly, pulled him into his arms, bowed his head and kissed him.

(End of this chapter)

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