Chapter 113 Studying is Serious Business (End)
Different from her kiss like a touch of water just now, Cheng Gui sucked her lips, and after a deep kiss, he slowly let go, lowered his head and touched the tip of her pen, again and again, his amber pupils were breathtaking, like lingering lips. Silk wrapped around her.

Cheng Gui held the girl's hand, with a satisfied smile on his face and lips, and said in an intoxicating voice, "I'm satisfied now."

Shu Liang blushed and silently rolled her eyes.
As soon as the front foot hung up the phone, there was a knock on the door with the back foot.

Chen's mother, who was making soup, put down her phone casually, wiped her hands on her apron, and went out to open the door.

When she saw the two people standing outside the door, she froze for a moment, thinking she was dazzled.

The person who was still on the phone saying that he would arrive in half an hour, why did he arrive at the door in a blink of an eye?
Shu Liang smiled and stepped forward to hug the bewildered mother of Chen: "Mom, you are not dreaming."

Cheng Gui nodded reservedly, and brought Shu Liang's luggage in, "Auntie."

"Hey, hey, I'm really sorry for you, and I sent Momo back."

Mother Chen looked at him with a smile, suddenly remembered his family background, couldn't help worrying that Cheng Gui would go to his girlfriend's house first when he came back, and asked, "Have you greeted your parents? Wouldn't it be nice to come here directly?"

Cheng Gui saw her worry, and explained: "It's okay, they're not here, I've already said hello, and the luggage has already been sent home."

Mother Chen felt relieved, "That's good."


Lunch was still being prepared, the soup and the rice in the pot were not cooked yet, Shu Liang relaxed, all the luggage was carried upstairs by Cheng Gui, and even the bag she was carrying was now hanging on his shoulder.

This is Cheng Gui's first time entering her room.

Simple yet warm style, what surprised him a little was that there was a big doll with a strange grin on the bedside.

Shu Liang sat on the bed, lying down in a big shape, looked at the young man who looked down on her condescendingly, patted the seat beside her, "Sit whatever you want."

Cheng Gui followed his words, looked down at her, put down the bag on his shoulders without looking back, put his hands on the bed, and slowly leaned towards her.

Shu Liang quickly covered his mouth with his eyes and hands.

Soft lips kissed the back of her hand.

Cheng Gui narrowed his eyes slightly, looking a little unhappy.

"My mother is still outside."

Shu Liang motioned to the wide open door of the room, motioning him to pay attention.

Cheng Gui understood, got up to close the door, and locked it neatly.

"..." I didn't mean that, hey!
Seeing the person approaching step by step, Shu Liang blinked, and when he lowered his head to kiss him, he raised his head honestly, wrapping his slender arms around his neck.

For a long while, the inseparable two looked at each other intently.

Cheng Gui's Adam's apple rolled, his light lips were glowing rosy at the moment, he stared at the girl's bewildered eyes, panted a few times, and said in a hoarse voice, "Go to my house tonight, okay?"

When the consciousness was dissociated, the word "good" just blurted out.

When she came back to her senses, Cheng Gui was satisfied and went to the kitchen to help Mother Chen.
When recalling the process of completing the task, Shu Liang couldn't help curling up her fingers.

Dim room, clothes, quilts, Chenggui's breath, the temperature of fingertips.

It makes people shudder.

That night, Shu Liang kept listening to Cheng Gui whispering in her ear while moving, "I love you, I love you so much."

Her consciousness was floating and sinking, with fragmented syllables coming out of her throat, indulging in a strange feeling she had never had before, her eyes were sometimes dark and sometimes bright.


When she was a graduate student, Cheng Gui proposed to her.

Obviously Shu Liang said that there is no need for those superficial formalities between them, but that day, the tall and straight young man was still holding her hand, knelt down on one knee, lowered his head devoutly, and gently landed on the back of her hand. A kiss, and then solemnly put on the unique diamond ring in the world for her.

At that time Shu Liang didn't know how precious this diamond ring was, but thought it was a beautiful and expensive ring.

Until one day I saw a report on the news website that a mining team unearthed a very high-purity pink diamond in South Africa. The media dubbed it a "diamond made for a ring," with a conservative estimated market value of $8000 million.

Shu Liang opened her eyes wide, looked down at the ring on her hand, and looked up at the picture on the screen, this...

It can't be said to be similar, it can only be said to be exactly the same.

She touched her nose.

No wonder they wore rings to go out some time ago, and when they were seen by others, they would show such surprised expressions and look at her strangely, as if hesitating to speak.

Who has nothing to do with 8000 million US dollars in their hands and swaggered through the market?Isn't this attracting hatred and showing off wealth?
Shu Liang quickly took off the huge money and stuffed it into the safe.

After her junior year, Shu Liang moved out of the dormitory and lived in a house bought by Cheng Gui, not far from the school, with convenient transportation and a beautiful environment, but the price is not very pleasing to the eye.

Therefore, rich people are annoying, and small villas are bought as soon as they are said.

As long as he blinks more, Shu Liang's teeth will not be so sore.

Life after cohabitation is much more comfortable than living in a dormitory. There are basically no classes in her senior year, and Shu Liang rarely goes to school. Since her professional performance has been ranked first in the past three years, she doesn't even need to prepare for exams, and she is directly admitted to graduate school. Graduate students of this school.

After Cheng Gui lit up his culinary skills, Shu Liang became more and more at ease as a rice bug waiting to be fed.

One day, when Cheng Gui came back, he saw that the girl had already fallen asleep on the sofa, and the TV was still playing a horrifying horror movie, the picture was horrifying.

Cheng Gui glanced casually, then looked away, leaned over and picked her up, intending to carry her to the bed and go to sleep.

When she lowered her head, she inadvertently saw that the place where she was wearing the ring was empty.


While sleeping, Shu Liang always felt that something was rubbing against her face tirelessly.

Woke up leisurely, the moment their eyes met, the young man's eyes were deep, he lowered his head and sucked her lips, his teeth moved slightly, and he took a bite lightly, he was not willing to use force after all, and he didn't feel any pain in Shu Liang.

Shu Liang hooked his neck, still a little confused: "What's wrong?"

Cheng Gui pressed against her forehead, "Why don't you wear a ring?"

"You have the nerve to say it," Shu Liang became angry when she heard it, and snorted, "I carry such an expensive ring on my hand every day to show off in the market, and others think I am showing off my wealth!"

What's more, if she accidentally bumps into such a precious diamond, or accidentally throws it away, then she will feel distressed to death.

This little thing is worth several mountains of snacks!

Probably because he didn't expect to hear this reason, Cheng Gui's eyes were slightly startled, and then he chuckled.

"Well, it doesn't matter."

"What's all right?"

"It's yours, you can show it off."

Cheng Gui's slender fingers had already penetrated into the hem of her clothes, and he gently lifted them away, his eyes turned hot, and he whispered in her ear: "The diamond is yours, and so am I."

(End of this chapter)

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