Chapter 132 Top stream is a vixen (18)

Gu Xingheng picked up the chopsticks and began to pick up food for her. Seeing that she had tasted it, her eyes shone with anticipation, and he hurriedly asked, "How is it? The taste is not bad, right?"

! ! !This is not only good, it's the best home-cooked food she's ever eaten, isn't it? !
Even compared to Gu Xingheng's cooking skills, the original owner Chi Yu's was much inferior.

After tasting the first bite, she almost couldn't control herself, picked up the chopsticks and ate wildly.

Realizing that the people around him were watching him closely, Shu Liang lowered his eyes slightly, restrained the light of surprise from eating delicious food, squeezed his fingers, and said reservedly: "It's okay."

Hold back, don't let this little idiot get too proud.

"you're lying!"

Shu Liang's eyebrows twitched slightly.

Gu Xingheng snorted triumphantly, shook his head and said with a smile, "I can see that you like it very much, don't pretend to be Xiaoyu, I won't laugh at you!"

If there is a tail behind him, I'm afraid it has already gone up to the sky at this moment.

Shu Liang didn't feel flustered or guilty after being exposed by others, he glanced at him calmly, then picked up the chopsticks, and ate slowly.

The manner is gentle, but the speed is fast.

Seeing this, Gu Xingheng was even more sure of his discovery, his brows and eyes curled up in a smile, his chin was propped on one hand, and he stared straight at Shu Liang: "Didn't you say it's normal, then what are you doing eating so fast, huh?"

"I'm hungry." Shu Liang paused in picking up food, and glanced at the restless person next to him, "If you don't want to eat, stay in another place."

Don't shake around to disturb Gu's enjoyment of food.

"Xiao Yu, you are so fierce!"

Gu Xingheng looked at her with wry eyes, trying to reach out and tug at her sleeve.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Shu Liang raised his arm and picked up a chopstick of hot and sour potato shreds into his bowl, dodging his small movements and turning a blind eye to his continuous eye attacks.

Gu Xingheng lowered his head in disappointment and puffed his mouth out.

Just when Shu Liang thought that he was finally overwhelmed by his own aura and could calm down, a restless hand quietly got under the table, grabbed the corner of her clothes, and wrapped her slender knuckles around her. a few laps.

Shu Liang frowned, and put down his chopsticks resolutely, trying to slap his claws away.


There was a crisp sound, showing that Shu Liang's slap was merciless.

The back of his hand hurt, and his fair skin turned red in an instant.

However, even after being beaten, the hand wrapped around the corner of her clothes still did not withdraw.

Shu Liang raised her eyes to look at him, met a pair of wet eyes, she was staring at her with pouting, she didn't say a word, but her face was full of grievances and accusations.

She was stunned for a moment, her frowning brows loosened imperceptibly, but it seemed that her face was still tense, "Let go."

Gu Xingheng was surprisingly stubborn, he shook his head, but instead dragged the chair closer to her.

She wanted to laugh for no reason.

The current atmosphere can be regarded as tense, right?This little idiot clearly saw that she was unhappy, so he didn't know how to run away, and why did he come up to her, looking for a fight?
Suddenly, Gu Xingheng's usual coquettish tone contained a hint of grievance, and said to her: "I just don't make trouble with you, don't drive me away."


After a while, Shu Liang sighed helplessly, and didn't hold him any longer.

"Why are you so clingy today?"

Shu Liang was a little puzzled.

Gu Xingheng got her acquiescence, and his mood turned from cloudy to sunny in an instant. He picked up the chopsticks with his spare hand to add food to her, "I don't know why, I really want to stay with Xiaoyu today. Leave me alone."

Shu Liang didn't make a sound.

When he was in the hospital, Gu Xingheng always acted coquettishly and flirtatiously to her when his father and mother were away, like a clingy person, but when outsiders were present, his behavior was much more normal, and sometimes his attitude was even called To be indifferent.

According to the doctor, it was a sign of his insecurity.

It's normal, after all, anyone who suddenly loses part of his memory will feel uneasy.

But Shu Liang has never met such a clingy person who loves to act like a baby, he really can't stand it, and secretly thought of throwing this guy away several times.

Now hearing him casually mentioning it, Shu Liang rarely feels a little guilty.

Could it be that he felt it at the time?

Shu Liang was eating the vegetables that Gu Xingheng put into her bowl, and she caught a glimpse of him peeling the prawns out of the corner of her eye. After a while, a whole fresh and tender prawn went into her bowl.

The special sauce is paired with fresh and firm shrimp, which is just right and delicious.

She ate this meal comfortably, but Gu Xingheng himself didn't eat a few mouthfuls.

As the old saying goes, cannibals have short mouths.

Shu Liang ate without changing his expression, thinking in his heart: In fact, it is not impossible to keep him...

At least this cooking skill, Lord Demon King expressed his satisfaction.

Halfway through the meal, Gu Xingheng was still peeling the prawns with all his heart, when he suddenly heard a calm voice from beside him.

"No matter how long you want to stay, I will not drive you away."

This is Shu Liang's promise to him.

He turned his head suddenly, his eyes brightened: "You said that!"

Shu Liang was about to speak, but before he could make a sound, he was interrupted by the sudden sound of the doorbell.

Accompanied by the ringing of the doorbell, there were knocks on the door one after another, indicating the anxiety of the people outside the door.

She frowned, annoyed by the noise, put down her chopsticks, and walked towards the living room.

Gu Xingheng didn't know what came to his mind, he quickly got up, rushed to wash his hands as fast as he could, and then trotted towards the living room.

Shu Liang was already standing in front of the gate.

Through the cat's eyes, she saw a completely unfamiliar face. It was a man in his thirties, with long hair and narrow eyebrows. He was somewhat similar to Gu Xingheng, but his eyes looked much sharper than his.

Gu Xingheng's head came close, and he whispered in her ear, "Who is it?"

Shu Liang shrugged, turned sideways, and motioned him to watch for himself.

After seeing who was standing outside the door, Gu Xingheng pursed his lips a little unhappily, then turned to her and said, "I don't know him, we won't open the door for him."

The next second, through a door, both of them heard the man's angry voice: "Stinky boy, I heard you! Open the door for me!"

bang bang bang-

Rage is often accompanied by a knock on the door.

In order to prevent this precarious door from being scrapped in advance, Shu Liang ignored Gu Xingheng's obstruction and opened the door.

After the door opened, Shen Ming glared at Gu Xingheng who was behind Shu Liang before calming down, nodded to her, stretched out his hand, and said, "Hi, Miss Chi, my name is Shen, and I'm his uncle and his manager." .”

Shu Liang was mentally prepared for Shen Minghui to come to her door. Even before that, she prayed that this day would come sooner.

But now that he really showed up, Shu Liang found that she didn't seem so happy, on the contrary, she was a little unhappy.

The Great Demon King thought, halfway through a good meal, he was suddenly interrupted by a violent guy knocking on the door and ringing the doorbell. Anyone would be upset, right?
So she is not in a good mood, which is normal.

Shu Liang casually glanced at his outstretched hand, didn't shake it back, and took a few steps back, motioning for him to come in and talk.

"Mr. Shen is here to lead someone?"

Shen Ming revealed his identity when he came up, and his purpose was self-evident.

He didn't know why Shu Liang asked the question knowingly, but thinking that the other party had been taking care of Gu Xingheng during this time, he nodded patiently, "Yes, I have troubled Miss Chi during this time."


Well, it's really troublesome.

Shu Liang found it interesting, "Mr. Shen didn't know he had a car accident?"

Shen Ming was startled, "We know something about this matter. Since he is fine now, Miss Chi doesn't have to feel too guilty. He saved your life, and he is accumulating good fortune for himself."

Oh, it does seem to be informed.

Shu Liang nodded, "Since Mr. Shen has spoken as a parent, then..."

"I do not go!"

Gu Xingheng hugged Shu Liang's arm, and looked at Shen Ming not to be outdone: "Anyway, I don't have a job when I go back, so I want to stay and stay with Xiao Yu!"

"Who said you won't have a job when you go back?" Shen Ming suddenly became annoyed, "Your concert tour is about to start, the news has been sent out a long time ago, and the pre-heating started four months ago, and the tickets were sold out a few days ago Now, you didn’t take it seriously when you co-authored it?!”


Gu Xingheng's expression was blank for an instant, and after a while, he said dumbly: "I thought..."

Shen Ming rolled his eyes at him angrily, and even ignored Shu Liang's presence, and taught him a lesson: "What do you think, do you think their hands can be stretched so long that you can't even hold a concert? Or do you think filming is all you have?" Work, can you do whatever you want if you don’t receive the script?”

Gu Xingheng pursed his lips tightly and did not speak.

Shen Ming frowned, and looked at him suspiciously: "What are you hesitating about?"

Based on the principle that silence is golden, Shu Liang stood silently by the side when the two were talking.

Unexpectedly, Gu Xingheng suddenly raised his eyes and looked over, with a hint of hope in his eyes: "Xiao Yu, you just said that no matter how long I stay, you won't drive me away, right?"

Hearing this, Shu Liang smiled and nodded, before he could smile, he changed the subject and added what he hadn't finished saying just now: "But if you leave, don't come back."

Gu Xingheng's face froze, and he turned his head to meet his little uncle's shocked eyes, without even thinking about it: "Then I won't go!"

Shen Ming:? ? ? ? ? ?

He widened his eyes in disbelief, pointed to Gu Xingheng, then pointed to the calendar hanging on the wall, frowned and asked, "Are you sure you don't want to come with me?"

Gu Xingheng was firm: "Don't leave."

Shen Ming's eyes were almost rolled up to the sky, his arms were shaking with anger, "Okay, okay, I can't control you, if you want to stay here, just fend for yourself!"

After finishing speaking, he really didn't bother, turned around and left.

Looking at the man's back full of anger, Shu Liang felt an inexplicable joy of victory in his heart. He sat down on the soft sofa nearby, narrowed his eyes and pursed his lips, and said sarcastic words: "Look at how angry you are with your uncle!" .”

Gu Xingheng blinked and saw that she was in a good mood, so he couldn't help laughing, "Xiao Yu, you really want me to stay, don't you? You can't bear to part with me."

Shu Liang got up and went back to the dining table, "I am reluctant to have a free chef."

Gu Xingheng followed behind her, "Hmph, you just like to eat my dishes, and you can't bear my dishes. If you round it up, you are the one who hates me."


Although Chi Yu doesn't live here often, he hired someone to clean it every few days.

In addition to the master bedroom, there are many spare rooms in the villa.

When Shu Liang asked Gu Xingheng which room he wanted to live in, he hung on to the corner of her clothes and asked with a smile: "I remember we used to live in the same room, Xiaoyu, I will take the room tonight." Stay here, okay?"

The direction of his finger is the master bedroom.

Shu Liang broke away from his restless hand expressionlessly, "Not good."

"Oh, Xiao Yu is so ruthless."

Gu Xingheng failed in every possible way, so he had to put his tail between his legs and move his things into the second bedroom next to Shu Liang's room.

into the night.

In the quiet night sky, a thunderbolt suddenly sounded. The dazzling light of thunder and lightning shone in the air, and through the closed glass windows and curtains, it illuminated the empty and dark room extremely brightly in an instant.

Although this moment lasted less than a second, Shu Liang had always felt light, and his consciousness was already clear.

She faintly felt that the sound of thunder was unusual, but she also thought that it had nothing to do with her, so she didn't bother to get up to check it out. She still closed her eyes tightly, frowned slightly, and prayed that the noise would pass quickly so that she could sleep.

At this moment, there were slight footsteps behind him.

Very light, very slow, like bare feet stepping on the ground carefully, you can't even notice it if you don't listen carefully.

Shu Liang opened his eyes suddenly.

In the next second, the other end of the bed collapsed slightly.

There was a familiar smell in his nose.

After a moment of relaxation, with arms wrapped around her waist, Gu Xingheng got into her bed and hugged her from behind.

Subconsciously, Shu Liang wanted to beat up this disobedient little idiot, and then throw him out.

But before the hand landed on him, it froze in mid-air.

She clearly felt that he was trembling.

Through the fabric of the clothes, the body temperature is very low.

The words of reprimand turned a corner in his mind, and he swallowed after realizing that something was wrong with him. Shu Liang turned around, looked at his pale, sweaty, and even faintly blue face, and frowned tightly, "You What's wrong?"

Gu Xingheng originally closed his eyes tightly, but when he heard her voice, he opened his eyes with trembling eyelashes, and raised the corners of his mouth, "Xiao Yu."

Obviously looking so uncomfortable, I don't know how to laugh.

Shu Liang checked the temperature on his forehead and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

While asking, she gestured to get up, "I'll take you to the hospital."

As soon as the words fell, the thunder in the air outside the window became more intense, and a more dazzling light came in than before.

The hands wrapped around her waist tightened suddenly, preventing her from getting up.

Gu Xingheng took a heavy breath, with cold sweat pouring from his forehead, no trace of blood could be seen on his lips, meeting her solemn eyes, he slowly buried his head in her shoulder, and said in a hoarse voice, "I'm fine, just I was a little scared when I heard the thunder."

"I'll just hug you."

 Sticky little Gu beating gongs and drums to beg for tickets~~

(End of this chapter)

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