Chapter 133 Top stream is a vixen (19)

Shu Liang raised his hand hesitantly, and gently put it on his back, "...Are you sure?"

The closer he was to her, the more the pain of the wound left by the soul after being hit by Thunder Calamity was relieved.

The place where her hand fell was obviously not far from his wound. Although the injury was not in the body, it was the injury to the soul that hurt more. Even he himself did not dare to reach out and touch that place.

It stands to reason that Shuliang's touch would make him feel a pain like peeling cramps.

The moment Gu Xingheng noticed the tendency of her movements, he already quietly clenched his teeth.

However, unexpectedly, the expected pain did not hit.

The temperature of her palm was just right, not too hot, which inexplicably made him feel warm and stable.

At that moment, Gu Xingheng could hear a trace of tenderness from the woman's tone.

He originally followed his will to find her, but Gu Xingheng, who had recovered from the pain and regained some sense, suddenly realized that since he came to this room, the thunder disaster had never had a chance to land on him.

Gu Xingheng slowly closed his eyes, rubbed his cheek against her shoulder, slowly climbed his hand on her shoulder, put his arms around her neck, and sighed: "Well, if Xiao Yu can kiss me, I won't feel bad."


Gu Xingheng looked forward to it: "Is it possible?"

Noticing that his breathing has indeed become much more stable, Shu Liang raised his lips silently, and carelessly rubbed his soft hair, "You think beautifully."

Her refusal was within his expectations.

Gu Xingheng didn't feel disappointed, he groaned, "Xiao Yu move his hand to the side."

The little idiot is asking a lot.

Hearing this, Shu Liang moved his hand on his back slightly to the left and asked, "Is it here?"

"No, no," Gu Xingheng said, "Go a little lower."


Shu Liang's eyes moved down slowly, and through the thin layer of pajamas, he could clearly see the tight and well-proportioned muscle lines of his back.

She moved her hand down slightly and landed on his waist, and was about to ask if it was here, when she suddenly felt the young man's arms tightened, and then he stopped breathing for a while, let out a low gasp, and exhaled stale air.

"Well, it's so comfortable..."

"..." This good spine suddenly became hot to the touch.

Let's just crush it.

The thunder roared outside the window, as if a ferocious beast that had lost its prey was furious and shouting in dissatisfaction.

For a long time.

Shu Liang even felt that the thunder was getting closer, and it had moved to the top of the villa, covering it, and the crackling thunder and lightning fell on his head and face, as if he would not let it go until it penetrated here.

This Lei is outrageous.

Shu Liang was annoyed by the dazzling flashes of light one after another. Seeing the sleeping young man shivering in fear, his eyelashes trembling, and looking like he would wake up at any time, his mood became even more unpleasant.

She wanted to get up to see what happened, but when she moved a little, the person who was entwining her like a vine tightened her grip, and murmured: "Xiao Yu, don't go."


Sin ah.

The Great Demon King sighed, his fingertips were surrounded by crystal clear light, and he lightly tapped on the brow of the pale young man.

After a while, Gu Xingheng, whose five senses were temporarily excluded, relaxed his brows, and Shu Liang got away with little effort.

Shu Liang got out of bed, stepped on the soft carpet with her white feet, walked to the door without a sound, put her hand on the doorknob, and opened the door.

Just as she was about to step out, a strong intuition drove her to stop.

It's excited.


Shu Liang took a step back, closed the door again, walked to the window, opened a corner of the curtain, and looked up at the huge purple-gold thundercloud above his head that was ready to go.

such a color...

A supernatural cultivator who is not a mortal body is crossing the catastrophe.

If there is no mistake in counting, the Thunder Tribulation has already descended 39 times.

The birth of a god fetus gathers the aura of the weather, and after birth, it needs to go through 49 purple-gold lightning tribulations from a cub to an adult. Shu Liang has seen such a scene before.

However, in such a modern society, it is rare for a divine fetus to cross the catastrophe.

Seeing her show up, Tianlei suddenly turned upside down, as if expressing his dissatisfaction with her, but he didn't have the guts to send down the thunder, only regretting that he didn't have the ability to speak.

Shu Liang glanced lightly at the young man who was sleeping soundly curled up under the quilt, looked back and smiled silently, stood still on the spot, unmoved by its request, and kindly suggested: "Why don't you strike me with the rest of the lightning?" , go back to work sooner?"

As soon as these words came out, the system that hadn't appeared for a long time couldn't help but jumped out:

[Master Shu Liang!Thunder will directly burn your soul! 】

"What's the rush?" Shu Liang raised his eyebrows calmly, "Forgive it for not daring."


I'm so stupid, really.

How could the Great Demon King be so considerate, standing and being hacked?
Sure enough, upon hearing Shu Liang's suggestion, not only did the purple-gold thunder cloud group not dare to attack her, but as if frightened, it visibly shrank and moved to the side.

021 watched helplessly as the purple-gold thunder calamity that was supposed to slash precisely at the body of the robbed crosser was smashed and smashed, and disappeared in mid-air. It didn't take a moment for the last ten thunder calamities to fall.

In the blink of an eye, the thundercloud that had covered half of the sky just now had already gone away, and soon disappeared from sight.

The night in this city is quiet, and the noise that has troubled Shu Liang for a long time seems to be just her illusion.

Shu Liang drooped her eyelids, yawned, glanced at Gu Xingheng who was sleeping soundly while hugging her pillow, shook her head helplessly, turned around and left the room, and went to sleep in another empty guest room.


When I woke up the next day, the sun was already high.

Shu Liang lifted his heavy eyelids, stretched his hands, and felt something furry on his face, and something soft seemed to be entangled on his calf.

As soon as she turned her face, she saw a snow-white little fox, sleeping soundly in the quilt beside her, as if to prevent noise, with her pointed ears drooping slightly.

Shu Liang:? ? ? ?

Where did the little beast come from? ? ?

She looked at the half-open door, lost in thought.

Could it be... She didn't lock the door after she came in last night?
Is it too sleepy to forget?
In the next second, the big devil pinched the back of the little fox's neck, mercilessly threw the struggling little fox out of the door, and closed the door with a bang.

The sleepy little fox blinked, shook his head, and raised his paw unwillingly to pat the door.

The people inside would naturally not open the door for it.

The little fox jumped up again and tried to unscrew the doorknob.


It drooped its ears slumped, wandered outside the door, whimpering softly, which sounded extremely pitiful.

The people in the room were unmoved, they tore off the quilt and shook off the hair stained on it, and continued to sleep.

After several hours.

After missing breakfast, Shu Liang who had slept through lunch again was woken up hungry.

 Regarding the last plane, some people expressed doubts about Shu Liang's transfer from vocational high school to general high school. In fact, you can find out by searching the Internet. Write out the specific process of transfer procedures and review, the time is shortened, it is considered a special treatment~

(End of this chapter)

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