Chapter 147 Top stream is a vixen (33)

Looking at the dry tears on the woman's face, a cold light flashed in Shu Liang's eyes.

Fingertips probed her pulse, a little weak, but still stable.

021, who hadn't appeared for a long time, suddenly made a voice, saying with emotion:
【Oh my god, this Fang Zheng is really nothing. 】

Fang Zheng approached Qi Yumeng with ill intentions from the very beginning, and even more so when he pursued her. He deliberately used her and the public as witnesses of his "transferring love" to win his father's trust, step by step. His father seized the power, and during the year-long marriage, he had always been entangled with his ex-girlfriend's stepmother, but when he came to Qi Yumeng, he pretended to be affectionate.

When he just came back from being out with his ex-girlfriend, facing his gentle and lovely wife and watching her carefully prepared hot meals, would he feel guilty and guilty?
After the actor enters the play, he still can't get out, maybe he has been pretending for a long time, and he can't even see his own heart clearly.

Qi Yumeng took the initiative to propose a divorce, willing to hide it for him, and promised to keep it secret, but he was still not satisfied, and forcibly used such despicable means to keep her.

Marriage cheating, derailment within marriage, restriction of wife's freedom, and rape.

...It's really the same thing as that dirty guy Liang Xiaowen.

Hearing 021's emotional voice, Shu Liang snorted coldly: "Hmph, a beast is a beast."

She bent down and carefully tidied Qi Yumeng's messy clothes, then picked him up and carried him into the car.

When passing by the corridor, a bodyguard on the ground suddenly woke up, put his hands on the ground and wanted to get up to stop her, shouting: "Who are you?! Put the young lady down!"

Shu Liang raised his leg and kicked the mobile phone he took out, with a thud, the mobile phone flew two meters away in a parabolic arc, hit the ground, and the screen was torn apart.

The bodyguard was heartbroken, and the crisp sound seemed to coincide with his heartbreaking voice.

Qi Yumeng is very light, Shu Liang hugged her almost effortlessly.

Seeing the bodyguard's unwillingness to give up, Shu Liang glanced at him lightly, and said lightly: "Follow me again, your head will blossom."

The tone of understatement, but the bodyguard did not dare to listen to it as a joke.

After all, just now, this woman could easily lift her leg and kick his mobile phone away while holding someone in her arms. That reaction, that speed, that strength...

If that kick had been on his head, it would definitely have kicked him into a fool.

He didn't want to be a fool for a little salary.

The bodyguard looked at the weak breathing woman in Shu Liang's arms, and was secretly startled. If the young master came back and saw the young lady turned like this, he would definitely blame them for not being able to take care of the young lady...

Wages will be deducted left and right, so it's better to let this woman take the young lady away, so that you don't have to become a fool, and you can get less punishment.

After thinking it over clearly, the bodyguard's mood became much more balanced in an instant. Not only did he turn sideways to get out of the way, but he also kindly kicked the unconscious companions who were lying on the ground a few times, so as not to let them get in the way of Shu Liang. way.


After a while, the ambulance came.

Shu Liang sent Qi Yumeng to the ambulance, and he drove behind.

It happened that the secretary called. Shu Liang guessed that Qi Yumeng's parents should still be kept in the dark at this time, and Qi Yumeng was hospitalized and needed someone to take care of her, so she mentioned something and reported the address of the hospital to the secretary, so that The secretary contacted Qi Yumeng's parents.

After the secretary agreed, the more he thought about it, the more he wondered: "Mr. Xiaochi, are you in the hospital now?"

"Well," Shu Liang looked at the building not far away, and said, "It's almost here."

...isn't it?Mr. Xiaochi suddenly postponed the whole day's schedule, is it just to go to the hospital to take care of Qi Yumeng?
When did Mr. Koike have an intersection with this female star?
She muttered in her heart, but she also knew not to gossip in front of the boss, so she asked, "Okay, does Mr. Xiao Chi have any orders?"

Shu Liang just wanted to say no more, but suddenly remembered something, pondered for a moment, "Send me a copy of Huayi Entertainment's detailed information."

"Okay," the secretary responded subconsciously. After realizing the name, he was stunned and asked hesitantly, "Mr. Xiaochi, may I ask why?"

Mr. Xiaochi has several national-level projects in his hands, and he has been focusing on following up the progress before, and he doesn't care about other things. Some time ago, he didn't know why he suddenly became interested in the entertainment and film modules, and he personally ordered Qi Star Media asked them to take the initiative to contact Gu Xingheng, an artist who was in a contract dispute, to bear a huge liquidated damages for him, and even asked him to be the spokesperson of the Canglong chip series mobile phone brand for the first time...

Now he suddenly became concerned about Gu Xingheng's old club, Huayi Entertainment...

Could it be that Mr. Xiaochi couldn't escape the top-notch beauty?

But according to her observation, Mr. Xiaochi is not such a superficial person...

Shu Liang didn't know that her secretary was in all sorts of conflicts. Hearing this, she said calmly, "Oh, I plan to buy Huayi."

The secretary's jaw almost fell to the ground: "Ah?????" Did you hear me wrong?Who to buy?
"W-why do you want to acquire Huayi Entertainment all of a sudden?"

All right, why buy an entertainment company?
Could it be Mr. Koike, she really...

The secretary shook his head abruptly.

No no no, no!Mr. Koike is definitely not such a superficial person!
It must be Mr. Koike's sharp eyes who discovered new business opportunities in the entertainment module, and wanted to expand the scope of his business!

Yes, it must be so!

On the other end of the phone, Shu Liang chuckled, and said casually: "It's getting cold, Fang's should go bankrupt."

When the secretary contacted Qi Yumeng's parents, the two elders were still skeptical, but after careful consideration, it was true that he hadn't contacted his daughter for a long time, and when looking for a son-in-law, he always used various reasons that sounded innocent. .

So they couldn't hold back their worries, and finally came to the hospital.

Anyway, it's just an extra trip at most, even if it's fake, just buy it for peace of mind.

But what if it was true?

When they saw Qi Yumeng lying weakly on the hospital bed, the husband and wife burst into tears instantly.

Before she woke up, when Qi Yumeng's parents learned that it was Shu Liang who brought their daughter to the hospital, they knelt down to thank her without saying a word.

Of course it was impossible for Shu Liang to let the old couple kneel down to her. After stopping them, the two of them were still full of gratitude. Feeling grateful, he anxiously asked what happened.

Afraid that they, as parents, would be uncomfortable hearing this, Shu Liang simply described the whole story and skipped the details. What to say in the end depends on Qi Yumeng herself.

 It's getting cold, everyone should pay attention to keep warm~
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(End of this chapter)

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