Chapter 148 Top stream is a vixen (34)

Qi's father was very angry, "I didn't agree with her to marry at the beginning, our family's conditions are not bad, and my daughter is so good, I can definitely find a good man who is well-matched and devoted to her! Why do you need to marry that surnamed Fang? Said to be a high climber? Sigh, it’s hard to say, but this girl just doesn’t want to be soft and hard, and she wants to marry him!”

Qi's mother wiped away tears, patted his arm, and asked him to control his volume: "After Mengmeng wakes up in a while, you are not allowed to say that about her! She is innocent and was coaxed by that bastard Fang Zheng. Blame her? My poor daughter is suffering, and if we don't love her, who else will?"

Father Qi sighed repeatedly as he looked at his daughter who was so thin and out of shape.

Shu Liang quietly looked at Qi's father and Qi's mother who were guarding Qi Yumeng's bed, and the memory of the original owner appeared in his mind unexpectedly.

At the beginning, after Chi Yu got the certificate without telling his parents and Liang Xiaowen, Chi's father and Chi's mother must have hated this daughter and felt helpless when they learned about it.

... If you want to say that the only people in this world who will truly have no reservations about you and pour out their hearts and souls are your parents.

When recalling that Chi Yu's family had a good life all their lives, but they were killed by Liang Xiaowen, Shu Liang felt a fine suffocation in his heart.

This is Chi Yu's hatred and pain.

A cold light flashed in Shu Liang's eyes, and a restless hostility suddenly surged in his body.

[Master Shu Liang, calm down! 】

I'm so annoying.

The voice of 021 in his mind was particularly noisy at this moment.

She glanced at Qi Yumeng who was sleeping on the hospital bed, closed her eyes, and left the hospital quietly.

Far away from the smell of disinfectant and the depressing environment, Shu Liang felt a little calmer.

"Little Yu."

Suddenly, a familiar voice came from behind.

Gu Xingheng?
Shu Liang suspected that he had heard wrong, how could he appear here?

Just when she was hesitating whether to turn around, the young man had already strode up behind her, hugged her into his arms without hesitation, lowered his head slightly, and gently kissed her soft hair, his voice full of tenderness. Lingling: "I finally found you."

Ever since he learned that he could go back, Gu Xingheng was excited and looking forward to it. He woke up the night before, although Shen Ming had repeatedly emphasized and assured him that he would definitely wake him up on time and would not let him miss the flight. Uneasy, I open my eyes spontaneously every hour, for fear that I will oversleep accidentally.

As a result, he didn't sleep well all night, and the next day he boarded the plane listless and with dark circles under his eyes.

Although he yawned and was extremely sleepy, Gu Xingheng didn't fall asleep on the plane. After getting off the plane with great energy, he went straight to the headquarters of Fengchi Group without even taking care of his luggage.

But before he could go in, he was stopped by the door guard.

The lady at the front desk learned that he was looking for Mr. Xiaochi, and seeing that he was covering herself tightly, she was a little puzzled, but somehow felt that he was a little familiar, so she kindly told him: "Mr. Xiaochi is not here, you can come back another day."

On weekdays, Xiao Yu is not at work?

Gu Xingheng was a little puzzled, and when he made a call, there was a notification that the other party had turned off the phone.

When he couldn't see anyone, and couldn't get in touch, Gu Xingheng's heart suddenly arose, and he asked, "Where is she?"

The lady at the front desk smiled vigilantly: "I'm sorry sir, this is Mr. Koike's private itinerary, I'm afraid I can't disclose it to you."

Gu Xingheng raised his hand and took off his sunglasses and mask, and met the excited and shocked eyes of the lady at the front desk, and said solemnly: "I am her boyfriend, I miss her very much, but her phone is turned off, I can't contact her, I am very worried , may I trouble you to tell her where she is now?"

Front desk lady: Is it really Gu Xingheng himself? ? ? ? ? ! ! ! ! ! !
What? ? ?Is Koike always in love? ? ?Boyfriend is Gu Xingheng? ? ? !
Her jaw was about to drop from shock, but she raised her hand to cover her mouth, and was speechless for a while.

Gu Xingheng thought she didn't believe him, and his expression became more sincere: "I didn't lie to you, if you don't believe me, you can ask her yourself when she comes back."

"..." Gossiping in front of the boss, no, it's not very good.

The front desk lady who ate a top idol and her own boss Dagua at the same time was very excited: "Xiaochi is always at XXXX Hospital, but she is here to deliver..."

Before he finished speaking, the person in front of him disappeared.


The lady at the front desk was stunned for a moment, and after a while, she came back to her senses.

Very angry! ! !Forgot to sign it! ! !
She looked around and saw no one passing by, so with trembling hands, she couldn't wait to find out her mobile phone and send a message in the group of colleagues.

[Shocking news! ! !Koike always has a boyfriend! ! ! ]
One sentence successfully blasted the diving crowd out.

[? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ]
[So, Vice President Li has no chance? ]
[Brother Li is heartbroken online, and I feel sorry for Brother Li. ]
[I don't believe it, no pictures and no evidence! ! ! ]
[I don't believe it either, Xiaochi doesn't look like he's in a relationship at all, and I've never seen her get close to any man. ]
Seeing their doubts, the front desk lady immediately retorted:

[That's because her boyfriend has never been to our company!That's why you haven't seen it! ]
Everyone chattered and asked——

[So, how do you know?See it with your own eyes? ]
[How do you look?handsome or not?He's not a super handsome guy, I don't recognize him, our Xiaochi always looks beautiful and has a good figure, and he is still a business elite, how can ordinary people deserve it! ]
[You women are so superficial no matter how old you are, what's the use of being handsome, what if you are a little boy?Does Koike always support him for rice? ]
[Cut, Xiaochi is always rich and has a career, and it's not that he can't afford a handsome boy. Based on her conditions, if she doesn't find a handsome guy, is it possible to find a greasy straight man? ]
[What do you mean, pointing at Sang and scolding Huai? ! ]
[What I'm saying is the truth, you just want to be right, I can't help it. ]
Seeing the smoke in the group, the front desk lady, as Gu Xingheng's old fan for many years, quickly stood up and explained:

[Don't worry, everyone, I guarantee that Mr. Koike's boyfriend graduated from a prestigious school, earns a lot of money, and most importantly, he is definitely a super handsome guy with a beautiful face! ]
Although she said so, most people still didn't believe it.

[Empty talk is useless, Mr. Xiaochi is busy with his career these days, how could he suddenly have a boyfriend?I do not believe. ]
Several times, she wanted to reveal Gu Xingheng's identity directly.

But fortunately, rationality overcame impulsiveness, and she is a fan of rationality, so she would not expose her idol's love affair just because of a few questions.

When the idol and Mr. Koike made it public, they had no choice but to believe it.

Thinking of this, the front desk lady who was sincerely happy for her idol put a smile on her lips, and typed a reply in the group:
[It’s fine if you don’t believe me, anyway, what I said is the truth. ]
(End of this chapter)

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