Chapter 152 Top stream is a vixen (38)

Chi's mother was the most well-informed. When this photo first leaked on the Internet, she began to frantically bombard her daughter with phone calls.

Unfortunately, at that time, Shu Liang was having an important meeting, and after the phone was muted, it was handed over to the secretary.

She couldn't get in touch with the person concerned, but she didn't give up, and instead focused on her husband.

So Chi Xu also knew the news, and was shocked, and repeatedly told his wife that he didn't know.

The innocent Comrade Old Chi was immediately accused by Chi's mother: "Old Chi, I am very disappointed in you. Your daughter is right under your nose, but you don't even know that she is in a relationship. Don't care about our baby Xiao Yu!"

Chi Xu expressed that he was wronged.

Judging from the news he received, his daughter is simply a workaholic who can't pull back ten cows. She comes to the company every day and returns to the villa at two o'clock and one line. How can she look like a young and middle-aged couple in love?
"Don't quibble! When Xiao Yu suddenly stood up for Xiao Gu before, I suspected that the relationship between the two of them had deteriorated. Who told me that Xiao Yu did this purely for the sake of repaying a favor? Who is who?!"

The upright comrade Lao Chi reluctantly admitted: "...well, it's me."

Mother Chi, who had to go through nine twists and turns in order to eat melons, finally revealed her real purpose: "Huh, I order you to quickly ask Xiao Yu for information, and reply as soon as you get the letter!"

As for his wife's tricks, Chi Xu had already known in his heart. Hearing this, he shook his head and smiled: "Okay."

So after the meeting, Shu Liang, who was so hungry, was about to go straight to the cafeteria when he was stopped by his own father in an instant.

After finishing the call, Chi Xu suddenly felt like an old father belatedly. Thinking that the cabbage he had raised for more than [-] years was kidnapped without his knowledge, his mood was subtle and complicated .

Chi Xu raised his mobile phone, motioned her to look at the photo on it, and asked, "Xiao Yu, is that you in this photo?"

Shu Liang is dizzy from hunger now, afraid that if she goes to have dinner later, those gangsters will rob her of her food, but her own father is still blocking her way of eating, what is the difference between this and the back of her neck strangling her fate? !

After seeing clearly the fuzzy photo that was taken secretly, Shu Liang raised her eyebrows: "Tsk, these people really don't talk about martial arts, so it's fine to take a sneak shot, but it's better to take a better one."

Chi Xu: "..."

But she didn't mean to hide it deliberately, she nodded and admitted: "It's me and Gu Xingheng."

Chi Xu didn't know whether he should feel relieved that he was finally together or should gnash his teeth and scold Gu Xingheng.

In short, he acted quite calmly. In order to ensure that there was no misunderstanding, he asked: "What is your relationship...?"

Shu Liang raised her eyebrows: "Of course they are normal boyfriend and girlfriend."

Seeing that Chi Xu's brows moved slightly, as if she still had something to say, she quickly raised her hand to stop her, "Dad, don't worry, I have something to say after dinner."

Before the words were finished, the person could not help but ran a long way in the direction of the cafeteria.

Chi Xu: "..."

The old father rubbed his belly and realized belatedly that he seemed a little hungry too.
Chi's father and mother were obviously not the only ones who recognized Chi Yu in the photo.

When the heat continued to ferment on the Internet and the amount of discussion continued to rise, Liang Xiaowen also inevitably saw this hot topic.

It was quite surprising for him to say it, but Liang Xiaowen recognized her immediately without a trace of doubt.

But the more he confirmed, the more he hoped that he had identified the wrong person.

Chi Yu and Gu Xingheng...

How can it be?

How can this be?

How could the two of them have such a connection?
In Liang Xiaowen's eyes, this fuzzy picture in the mobile phone, which has been browsed by countless people, is particularly dazzling.

It was as if a boulder had been thrown out of nowhere in his chest, setting off a huge wave. Not only that, the boulder also unreservedly pressed its own heavy weight on his heart.

It made him breathless.

Liang Xiaowen kept shaking his head, a voice in his mind told him, this is wrong, this is wrong, things should not be like this.

This is completely different from what he expected! !

Chi Yu... Isn't it he who Chi Yu likes? !
Liang Xiaowen realized that the situation was completely out of his control, and some things he had discarded like shoes were like water sprinkled under the hot clear sky, which could no longer be kept.

Should belong to me...

These should belong to me...

Neither the company nor Chi Yu should belong to others.

As if stunned, Liang Xiaowen suddenly felt betrayed anger, and the anger burned to his forehead in an instant, breaking the string called reason.

He stood up abruptly, with a terribly gloomy expression, and grabbed the arm of Secretary Lin who was passing by, "Where is Chi Yu?"

Secretary Lin was taken aback by him, her whole face wrinkled, and she patted his hand subconsciously: "Hey, hey, Assistant Liang, you are too strong, my hand hurts!"

However, Liang Xiaowen acted as if he hadn't heard it, and repeated through gritted teeth: "Where's Chi Yu?!"

Secretary Lin's complexion turned pale. She looked around and wanted to ask for help, but at this point, most of the people had gone to lunch, and the surrounding area was empty, and there was no one in sight.

She suspects her arm is now bruised.

Secretary Lin was going to the cafeteria to deliver Shu Liang's mobile phone, but Liang Xiaowen caught him unexpectedly. Seeing that he seemed to be out of order, he was terrified, "Xiao Chi is always in the cafeteria, you..."

Before he finished speaking, Liang Xiaowen let go and left with big strides.

Accompanied by the crisp sound of the iron basin falling to the ground, Shu Liang spilled half of the spicy hot pot on the ground.

When she got rid of Chi Xu and rushed to the cafeteria, the ready-made meals had been swept away by everyone, so Shu Liang had to queue up to buy spicy pot.

Fortunately, everyone in the company knew her. Seeing her starving stare, they kindly asked her to join the team.

But even so, it took some time to wait for the food to arrive.

So when Shu Liang finally started to eat, most of the people in the cafeteria had left.

She put her head down and ate quickly, she didn't expect that an uninvited guest would rush over suddenly, let alone that the visitor would pick up her basin and throw it on the ground without saying a word.

The hand holding the chopsticks froze in mid-air.

Shu Liang lowered her head slowly, looking at the tempting aroma of beef balls, fried eggs, tamagoyaki, lucky bags...

She hasn't had time to eat yet.

Waste, waste, food, food, is, shameful, shameful.

Shu Liang's eyes suddenly turned cold.

Liang Xiaowen, who was in self-anger, hadn't noticed the murderous intent of the person in front of him, overturned her dish, and after venting part of his anger, he still couldn't let go of his hatred, and opened his mouth to speak.

 Thank you [Chu Mo] for your reward~

  It’s the first time I received a reward, I’m quite happy hhh
(End of this chapter)

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