Chapter 153 Top stream is a vixen (39)

However, when he opened his mouth, he found that no matter how hard he tried, there was no sound in his throat.

Liang Xiaowen's pupils narrowed sharply, and under the surprised eyes of the people next to him, he raised his hand, as if he was breaking something through the air, and the blood on his face faded instantly.

He felt that an invisible hand was pinching his neck, and the strength was getting tighter and tighter. He was almost out of breath, and his lungs were aching.

The corners of Shu Liang's mouth curled up slowly, and he put down the chopsticks slowly.

She raised her eyes and watched him struggling desperately, but unable to make a sound, like a clown performing a pantomime.

Hearing her thin and cool voice, Liang Xiaowen asked in a calm tone: "Knocking over my job, don't you want to live anymore?"

It sounded more like asking him: Tell me, which way do you want to die?

He opened his mouth, wanting to call for help, but in the next second, he felt the restraint around his neck disappear.

Before he could heave a sigh of relief, a huge impact hit his abdomen directly, knocking him back a few steps.

Liang Xiaowen was caught off guard by the impact, staggered, and fell on the floor of the cafeteria in an extremely embarrassing posture.

On top of the food he had just knocked over with his own hands on the floor.

His expensive suit was stained and stood out.

Liang Xiaowen felt that his internal organs were hurt by the sudden impact just now, and he couldn't lift much strength, but what made him even more unacceptable was the strange gazes of everyone.

——As if watching a big joke.

Liang Xiaowen gritted his teeth and got up from the ground. Looking at the stains on his body, he felt pain and embarrassment. He felt in his pocket, but couldn't find a tissue, so he turned his face and stretched out his hand to the nearest person, asking, "Is there a tissue?" ?"

The person he asked for the paper was an intern who had just arrived and not long after graduating from university. If he remembered correctly, this girl had expressed her affection for him more than once.

Therefore, he never dreamed that he would get such an answer from this girl——

"Are you worthy?"

Liang Xiaowen raised his head in disbelief, and met a pair of eyes with undisguised disgust for him.

The girl found a pack of tissues from her pocket, passed him straight in front of him, handed the tissues to Shu Liang, pointed at the corner of her mouth, and said with a smile: "Mr. Xiaochi, your mouth is a bit dirty here, wipe it off." Wipe it off."

Shu Liang was a little surprised, but still took it, "Thank you."

The girl seemed a little happy, and when she took back the tissue that Shu Liang had returned, she walked to her companion, turned to Liang Xiaowen who was stunned, and said, "You don't need to wipe it, I don't think you are very clean."

Liang Xiaowen's face suddenly became gloomy. Seeing that she was about to leave with his companions, he stretched out his hand to grab her: "What do you mean..."

However, before he could meet the girl, his fingertips felt as if he had been pricked by a sharp thorn. The pain made him subconsciously withdraw his hand, and after watching the girl humiliate him in front of so many people , the back view of leaving with his companion proudly.

Shu Liang stood up from his seat, looked at Liang Xiaowen trying to endure the anger and shame in his heart, sneered in his heart, and simply added the last fire, announcing: "You are fired."

As soon as the voice fell, the whole cafeteria seemed to be quiet for a moment.

Liang Xiaowen felt that the eyes of the entire cafeteria were on him.

But he didn't feel the enjoyment of being surrounded by stars at all, on the contrary, he wished he could get into a crack in the ground and disappear on the spot.

Shu Liang didn't want to look at this brazen thing any more, so she turned and left.

After her back disappeared, the cafeteria, which had just fallen still, finally moved.

I don’t know if it was due to the outburst of empathy among men, but a male colleague kindly handed him a pack of tissues and said: “Brother, you are really brave, even dare to take the job of Mr. Koike. bump."

After getting along with Yue, who doesn't know that touching Mr. Xiaochi's job and grabbing food from her is no less terrifying than touching a tiger's butt and taking food from its mouth?
Xiaochi always just fired him, he is simply a model of a benevolent boss in the contemporary era!

The male colleague recalled Shu Liang's terrifying smile and eyes just now, shivered uncontrollably, and said to him, "But if I were you, I would kneel down and kowtow to Mr. Xiaochi to apologize on the spot."

Liang Xiaowen: "..."

He silently wiped the stains on his body, pursed his lips tightly, his face was still ugly.

The male colleague looked at him with complicated eyes.

——Throughout the ages, this is probably the first person in the Fengchi Group to be fired for knocking over the boss's job.

The male colleague couldn't hold back his gossip, and was still chattering, trying to get some useful information: "But then again, how did Xiaochi offend you and make you look like a god...why did you overturn her meal? ?”

The male colleague who successfully changed his words with a quick kick at the door secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

So dangerous, so dangerous, I almost slipped my mouth.

Hearing this, Liang Xiaowen paused, looked at him sullenly, did not answer, stuffed the remaining tissue into his hand, and walked away quickly.

The male colleague who didn't get a single word of response and lost half a pack of tissues: "..."

You really have no quality and deserve to be fired!

Along the way, Liang Xiaowen replayed the scene just now in his mind like masochistic.

But no matter what he thought, he couldn't figure it out.

Well done, who is the one who is choking him?Who was the one who beat him?
At that time, there was no one else in front of him except Chi Yu.

But everyone, including himself, saw with their own eyes that she didn't make a move, and she didn't even stand up.

The injury on his body is real, that is to say, it is definitely not his hallucination.

Is it...

Can anyone really hide in this world?

Who would it be?Why did you choose the time and place just now to embarrass him on purpose?

Thinking of the possibility of a pair of eyes watching him without his knowledge, Liang Xiaowen felt shuddering, and his pace involuntarily quickened.

He is going to find Chi Yu. Now is the time when he needs money. If there is no money, those annoying guys will come to him again and force him to marry the stupid daughter of the village chief who is two hundred catties and has a bad temper. .

He can't just be fired.

The news about the cafeteria quickly spread, and many people on the road cast strange glances at him, and usually a few colleagues who had a good relationship would turn a blind eye to his presence.

Liang Xiaowen is not surprised by the nature of these people who adapt to the situation.

He walked to the door of Shu Liang's office, and was about to raise his hand to open the door to enter, when two tall bodyguards suddenly appeared behind him, with serious faces, they stood him up without any explanation.

With Liang Xiaowen's body, he couldn't break free at all.

He kicked his legs and turned back in horror: "What are you doing?!"

Shu Liang came out of the office with hot milk, seeing this funny scene, the corners of her lips curled up, but there was no smile in her eyes: "Throw you out."

 This article is not on the shelves and there is no charge~
  So I hope everyone will try their best not to memorize the text~

  To be honest, the money I earn from writing novels every day is not enough for me to buy a cup of milk tea (つд)
(End of this chapter)

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