Chapter 161 Top stream is a vixen (end)
Although the fans are not willing to accept the fact that Gu Xingheng is in love, this does not prevent them from wondering who is this woman who in their opinion can be said to have saved the entire universe in her previous life, and what charm she has. Circle of Kaolin flowers.

At first, Shu Liang didn't know that her Weibo had been compromised since the day she announced her love affair. After all, she specially applied for this Weibo to cooperate with Gu Xingheng and facilitate him @, so her Weibo not only didn't post any news, but Even the head portrait is the original gray color, which disappoints the visitors.

Since the frequent vibrations and flashbacks that day, she stopped thinking about opening it again, until one day when she was finally free, she accidentally saw the red dot of 999+ on the software, and suddenly fell into obsessive-compulsive disorder. Get rid of those unsightly reds.

So I received private messages from thousands of unfollowed users.

Just when she opened the [Message] column, an id whose name was a string of garbled characters just sent her a private message.

This person actually sent her thirty messages in total.

Out of curiosity, Shu Liang clicked in.

【? 】

【Are you really Gu Xingheng's girlfriend? 】

[Why?You deserve it too? 】

【I got it, Chi Yu, you are a fat man who weighs almost two hundred catties!How could Gu Xingheng like you? ! 】

[Is the Fengchi Group amazing?Did you use capital to force Gu Xingheng to agree to associate with you? 】

【Stop pestering him, please!Can you please! 】

[Have you broken up? 】

[Why don't you break up? 】

【I threw all the products of Fengchi Group at home into the garbage dump, and I will never buy them again in the future. I want everyone around me to boycott Fengchi products, so you just wait for bankruptcy! 】

[When you go bankrupt, you can no longer hurt him. 】


The insults and threats day after day were like sinking into the sea, but she knew that Shu Liang hadn't seen it, but she worked tirelessly and insisted on sending it out.

Shu Liang knew that if she was like this, there would even be remarks with more intense emotions.

To be honest, she doesn't care. These fluffy remarks on the Internet are not even light rain in her eyes.

Shu Liang found it interesting, thinking that since she clicked on it and read her words, out of politeness, why should she reply?


What should I do?
Rubbing her chin and thinking for a moment, Shu Liang replied with a smile:

【Don't worry, I won't go bankrupt when the next eight generations of you go bankrupt [smile]]


On the same day, this casual reply from her was posted, and was immediately searched by many netizens.

Obviously, speaking such arrogant words on the cusp of this storm is a very hate-inducing behavior.

Shu Liang's Weibo was once again flooded with all kinds of ridicule. Everyone regretted that Gu Xingheng was good at everything, but his vision was not very good. He found a 170-jin fat man who knew nothing and had the cheek to brag.

When Gu Xingheng saw these remarks on the Internet, he was almost pissed off. He picked up his phone and put on the posture that he would start an [-]-round scolding battle with them in a minute.

Even the people in the company couldn't help standing up and explaining for her when they saw these ugly words on the Internet.

——Although it will soon be attacked by netizens, drowning in the scolding, it is of no use.

Shu Liangxin accepted their kindness, and also stopped Gu Xingheng's impulsive behavior.

She felt that there was absolutely no need to bother with these boring remarks on the Internet. Anyway, these people could only hop around on the Internet. Face to face in reality, would anyone dare to touch her?Can someone touch her?
As for their boycott of Fengchi Group's products because of this, it is even less of a threat.

Will someone not buy something with high quality and low price, and choose more expensive and lower quality out of anger?
Like this once, every time?
One person is like this, everyone is like this?
Shu Liang is not worried at all, she should start her career, should start a career, should fall in love.

The public's attention was soon attracted by other news, and gradually forgot about this incident. Except for a small group of extreme fans of Gu Xingheng, they still think that Gu Xingheng was kidnapped by capital.

Until one day, a short 1-minute interview video released by the country's most authoritative financial news promotion account caused an uproar on the entire Internet.

One of the reasons is that the interviewee was the only woman on the global rich list last year with a net worth of over [-] million.

The second reason is that this woman is very young, no more than 30 years old.

The third reason is that this woman is not only young, but also very beautiful, with a good figure and temperament. When she sat on the seat, she showed the oppressive aura of the superior in her gestures, which made people dare not Look her in the eye.

The fourth reason is that she is Chi Yu.

Soon, the screenshot of Shu Liang replying to the "arrogant and provocative" remarks that had been dusty at the beginning was dug up by the almighty netizen.

Compared with the woman who made headlines in the financial news and was worth over [-] million, those who mocked her for being overconfident were as if they had been slapped in the face, with burning pain on their faces.

Slapped in the face, it really hurts.

From then on, no one went to Shu Liang's Weibo to express their sense of superiority. Instead, a large group of cp fans who called themselves [Star Pool] sprang up, ushering in the era of carnival, and those who really liked Gu Xingheng While the fans were relieved, they were happy for their idols.

... even a little jealous.

Woooooo, they also want to be favored by the beautiful and sassy rich woman and sister! ! !
When Shu Liang came to the empty space of the system again, Shu Liang had lost the daze and strangeness he had seen for the first time.

021 obviously knew what she was most concerned about, and happily told her the result——


Main task: completed

Mana restored to 2%

Counter attack value +2
Current counterattack value: 3
Hidden task [Help Qi Yumeng get rid of Fang Zheng]: completed

Reward special skill [Golden Eyes]: It takes effect immediately, and the effect can last until the end of the next mission. Those who have this skill can easily distinguish truth from lies. 】

Shu Liang was full of doubts: "Such a weak skill is considered a reward? Is it time-sensitive?"

It's really a big joke in the world.

To distinguish whether a person is lying or not, do you need special skills?Isn't it all about having a brain?

Shu Liang scoffed at this so-called reward, and said, "Can I change it?"

[Oh no. 】

Shu Liang sneered, "Is it okay to refuse?"

【Master Shu Liang, I'm sorry, this is also not allowed. 】

No sincere apology.

Shu Liang: "Oh."

Garbage system, sooner or later it will fall apart.

Before the start of the next mission, 021 routinely asks:

[Master Shu Liang, do you need to delete the memory of this plane for you? 】

Shu Liang narrowed his eyes, and said impatiently: "No, if you ask again, you won't be able to open your mouth."


Hey, why is Master Shu Liang still so violent.

 Well, this chapter is officially over~

(End of this chapter)

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