Chapter 162

The candle flame danced on the lamp stand, the lamp oil dripped, and a gust of breeze blew by, making the shadow of the lamp erratic.

The man in the high position was dressed in fine clothes, with a handsome appearance, and looked down at her indifferently with his usual condescending attitude, with a low voice: "Alan, do you have any objections to my confiscation of your military power?"

Before he asked this question, he had already brainwashed Shu Liang for half an hour. The method was used to the fullest, making people silent for a long time after listening, speechless.

Of course, Shu Liang was not among them.

The reason why she didn't say anything was just accepting news from this new plane, and she was too lazy to talk to him.

He blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah then was more boring than listening to a professor in a college class before.

After receiving the information, the man threw this nonsense question at her.

Labor and management have worked so hard to fight for you, and worked hard to get the official position of the so-called general of the country, but when you are firmly on the throne, you turn your face and deny anyone, and use a little trick to confiscate labor, capital and military power?
What is the difference between a general who has no military power and an empty shell puppet?
Shu Liang slandered wildly in her heart, suppressed the urge to roll her eyes, and calmly said, "It doesn't matter whether I accept or not, but whether His Majesty will regret it or not, the answer will be revealed soon."

As she spoke, she slowly raised her head, her lips curved into a smile that was not a smile, and her eyes shone with a sharp wolf-like light.

Mu Xuanyi's body trembled when he heard the words, he suddenly raised his eyes, met her undisguised provocative gaze, and paused.

Anyone who hears words that sound like a prophecy...or a curse in such a determined tone will subconsciously be surprised and uncertain.

There was a trace of displeasure in his heart, which was the subconscious displeasure of a person who had been in a high position for a long time and was disobeyed by a subordinate, but he concealed it very well, not only did not show the slightest bit from his eyes, but he smiled softly, "Alan, don't Play against me."

This pretentiously intimate tone made Shu Liang feel physically sick.

She looked at him expressionlessly, with straight eyes, as if she was looking at a stranger, but not as he expected, her cheeks were flushed, and she looked away shyly, not daring to look directly into his eyes.

Mu Xuanyi's heart skipped a beat.

What's up with her?
Why does something look wrong?

Could it be that he took advantage of the fact that she killed Qingyu's cousin without his consent to confiscate her military power this time, which really made her sad?
Thinking of this, Mu Xuanyi's indifferent expression eased a little, and the lines of his face relaxed a lot, making this handsome face look not so lofty, with a bit of gentleness, he walked up to Shu Liang, and stretched out his hand to her: "Alan , stop kneeling, get up."

As soon as the words fell, the person in front of him suddenly stood up spontaneously, without his support at all.

Even if he read it correctly, when she got up, she leaned back slightly, deliberately avoiding contact with him, as if he was some kind of poisonous evil thing that could not be contaminated.

Mu Xuanyi's heart suddenly sank.

He raised his eyes, and his eyes fell on her face, trying to find a trace of the anger he was familiar with from that expressionless, indifferent face like a stranger.

However, no.

In front of outsiders, she has always been a great general who can't show emotions, and this is all due to his teaching.

But in front of him, she was not like this, because he allowed her to take off the mask in front of him and be her true self.

Only he can see her joy, her anger, her sorrow, and her joy.

He is the person who understands her best in this world, only he can make her dull face show different emotions, even if most of the time, it is sad, but as long as he gives a little sweetness at the right time, she will soon be happy Forget those unpleasant things, serve him faithfully, and become the fastest and sharpest knife in his hand.

Mu Xuanyi thought, it seemed that she was really sad, even in front of him, she was unwilling to let go of her disguise.

At this moment, in her heart, she was afraid that it was like a sword piercing into the bone, the pain was piercing, and the blood was dripping, right?
He felt proud because he knew that only he could mobilize her emotions so easily.

But besides being proud, this is indeed a somewhat tricky matter.

Just because he seized her military power doesn't mean that he wants to give up this handy weapon that he created with his own hands.

Mu Xuanyi slowly withdrew his hand, his fiery gaze was firmly fixed on the girl's dark eyes, and his voice was low and hoarse: "Alan, I thought you would understand me."

There was a faint sigh in his words.

Shu Liang didn't make a sound, and even wanted to grab the candlestick next to him and stuff it into his mouth to make him shut up too.

...Why is this person so good at pretending? !

Does the long mouth make you play riddles and let others guess your mind all day long?Is it amazing to pretend to be deep and deceive an ignorant little girl?Riddler?
I don't even bother to know your thoughts!

Mu Xuanyi met her black and white eyes, and smiled slightly: "You and I know Qingyu's cousin well, even though he acted too recklessly by abducting Jia Yuanwai's daughter who was not out of the court, but this matter can be big or small , you just let him send people home, why let your own hands increase the killing?"

Shu Liang could hardly hold back, and laughed out loud.

Is kidnapping in the street really big or small?Can the dog's head that is kicked away by the solitary now be big or small?
It was an eye-opener for the king of a country to say such indiscriminate words.

"Miss Jia has lost her innocence," Shu Liang finally said, and added in a clear and lingling voice, "This is the No. 40 six girls he persecuted."

This kind of domineering bully, the original owner just killed him with a sword, which is really too cheap for him.

Not allowing him to experience the torture that would make life worse than death would be a pity to those girls who have nowhere to redress their grievances.

Mu Xuanyi didn't expect her to refute him so directly, so he choked for a moment, but after thinking about it, it was indeed her nature.

Justice, honesty, stubbornness.

Also very soft-hearted.

He gave a low laugh, without much blame in his words, as if he was just chatting, and said: "But he is Qingyu's cousin after all, you killed him in front of so many people, let me, let Qingyu How embarrassing, do you think?"

Shu Liang said without thinking: "I haven't thought about it."

Who cares whose relatives he is when he slaughters scum?Have you never heard the saying that a prince who breaks the law is as guilty as the common people?
She is a great general of the country, and if she kills a scum that arouses public outrage, can't she be killed first and then played?
Cut, really no status.

Since the generals who are under one person and over ten thousand people have to be restricted everywhere, then——

Shu Liang looked at the handsome emperor in front of him, his eyes fixed on the dragon pattern embroidery on his robe.

This pattern is very nice.

It will look better on her.

Mu Xuanyi: "..."

 so cold so cold so cold so cold so cold

(End of this chapter)

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