Chapter 165

If Mu Xuanyi had never given Fu Jinglan any wrong hints, Fu Jinglan would not have gotten deeper and deeper.

If Mu Xuanyi hadn't made a promise to her after discovering and revealing her feelings for him, Fu Jinglan wouldn't have gone on the road of no return.

After a victory celebration banquet, Mu Xuanyi, who was in high spirits, drank a few more glasses. When he was slightly drunk, he inadvertently expressed the admiration that Fu Jinglan had hidden in his heart for many years, but he dared not express it.

At that moment, Fu Jinglan was startled and ashamed, afraid that he did this to draw a line with her from now on, and felt disgusted.

But Mu Xuanyi promised her: "Alan, I will become emperor in the future, and you will be the queen."

Fu Jinglan believed it.

The one I love actually likes me, there is simply no luckier thing in the world than this.

So day after day, year after year, Fu Jinglan only had Mu Xuanyi in his eyes.

Make plans for him.

Block the arrow in the dark for him.

Open up territory for him.

Fu Jinglan has no complaints or regrets.

It wasn't until Mu Xuanyi succeeded in ascension to the throne, and the person standing next to him was not herself, but another woman, that Fu Jinglan realized that something was wrong.

Who is Jiang Qingyu?
She is the prince... oh, no, she is the former prince's woman, the daughter of Shang Shu Jiang Wusheng.

And Jiang Wusheng is just a proper princeling. During the battle for the throne, he was the first to notice that something was wrong with Mu Xuanyi, and asked the prince to be wary of him, and even aimed artillery at him.

Fu Jinglan couldn't count how many times he had resolved the assassination sent by the prince for Mu Xuanyi. How could he know that Jiang Wusheng would not be credited for it?
How could he walk with Jiang Wusheng's daughter? !How could he walk with the former prince's woman? !

He clearly said... He clearly promised...

Fu Jinglan backed away in panic, tears blurring her eyes at some point.

Eyes are not deceiving.

The way Mu Xuanyi looked at Jiang Qingyu was so gentle, so affectionate, so strong that it overflowed. Such eyes had never appeared on her.

Although Mu Xuanyi called her "Alan", which sounded very intimate, but he never let her change her words, only let her call him "Master" or "Your Highness".

The way he looked at her was always calm, deep and deep, like a ball of insoluble ink, like a deep pool of cold water, like an endless whirlpool.

Mysterious, noble, unattainable.

Even the tenderness revealed at that time is like a film that can be broken at the touch of a touch, illusory, like a play on the spot.

Tears fell down, Fu Jinglan's eyes were full of sadness.

...It turned out that from the beginning to the end, it was all her wishful thinking, and he was just taking advantage of it along the way.

What is "mourning for the hardships of the people's lives", what is "Where is the Taoist voice of mourning? Are you a refugee builder?", what is "Where do the lonely disaster victims go, and tears are like rivers on the way to relocate", what is wishing for peace and joy in the world. subterfuge.Over the years, Fu Jinglan has never doubted that Mu Xuanyi's original intention of assuming the throne was to save the people from suffering.

After learning about the past between Mu Xuanyi and Jiang Qingyu, Fu Jinglan questioned her belief for the first time in her life.

Does he really have such a broad and compassionate mind?
Fu Jinglan didn't know, she didn't dare, and she didn't want to think deeply.

But Shu Liang can tell her very clearly: No, this hypocrite pretends to be Renjun who cares about the common people, but he is just a persona carefully created by him to win people's hearts.

Showing up in a plague-ravaged disaster area, he just ordered someone to deliver a few bowls of clear soup and water, and stood far away. After accepting the gratitude of the people, he turned and left without hesitation. Even his clothes were not stained.

What kind of disaster relief is this?Did he send money and supplies to the people, or did he heal the people?

Mu Xuanyi was frail and sick when he was young, and grew up in the cold palace. By chance, he met the young daughter of Shangshufu. Take care of him at the bedside, watch him, wait until he wakes up.

For Mu Xuanyi who has lived in darkness since birth, Jiang Qingyu is the only light.

Just like Fu Jinglan admired the proud son of heaven, Mu Xuanyi, when he was young, Mu Xuanyi also fell in love with the beautiful and delicate girl Jiang Qingyu.

The affection between young people always comes quickly and intensely, like wildfire blown by the wind, with the momentum of overwhelming the prairie fire.

The two fell in love secretly, and he vowed to marry her as his wife.

But after Jiang Qingyu's father learned about the two, he didn't agree at all. Not only did he humiliate and ridicule Mu Xuanyi, expelled him from the Shangshu Mansion, he also ordered Jiang Qingyu to face the wall and think about his mistakes at home, and asked the servants to take strict precautions against her. Do not let the two meet.

Not long after, the sage issued a decree to make Jiang Qingyu, the daughter of Shangshu, the crown prince and choose a date for her marriage.

This imperial decree became the last straw that broke the camel's back, completely cutting off the possibility of the two of them.

No matter how resentful Mu Xuanyi was, he could only knock out his teeth and swallow with blood.

Jiang Qingyu is his white moonlight, even if she becomes his brother's wife, he still loves her intensely and thinks deeply about her.

For the sake of Bai Yueguang, he fell down and got up again, telling lies against his will, and finally believed even himself, thinking that the reason why he wanted to fight for the throne was for the people of Liming, for the country, for the whole country.

But when he ascended to the throne of God, the lies were self-defeating.

He suddenly woke up.

What to fight for, what to grab, it's all for that person.

For Bai Yueguang, Mu Xuanyi worked hard to climb up, and finally stood at the top of power.

No one can stand between them anymore.

...No, there is one more obstacle right now.

Fu Jinglan.

The god of war to defend the country, the general who holds the military power in his hands.

Her love and loyalty are his biggest chips, but what if he throws them away with his own hands?
Will the people of this country still regard him as their master?

Mu Xuanyi, who had just ascended to the throne of God and whose foundation was unstable, began to think about a question: Is the person supported by the people Mu Xuanyi, or Fu Jinglan, the patron saint in their hearts?

Fu Jinglan fought on the battlefield for Weiguo, and fought countless victories. Not only did she take back the territory that belonged to Weiguo, but also nearly doubled the territory of Weiguo. With her guarding Weiguo, the enemy army heard about it If you are timid and dare not commit crimes, the people will live and work in peace and contentment, so you don't have to worry about it.

Not long ago, in his name, she personally went to a town where a large-scale plague broke out to provide relief, donating money, supplies, and manpower, and visited the genius doctor to find a solution.

In just one month, she wiped out the plague completely, preventing a disaster that would have spread across the country.

For a moment, the whole country cheered, and the common people chanted the words Fu Jinglan, full of gratitude to her.

She is like the magic needle of Dinghai, it seems that no matter how difficult the matter is, it will be easily solved when it comes to her.

 Different White Moonlight Literature ((°_°))

(End of this chapter)

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