Chapter 166

Fu Jinglan thought that the more she did, the more she would let Mu Xuanyi see her loyalty, but she forgot that there is a word called——

The power is high.

Mu Xuanyi was originally suspicious and sensitive, but now that he finally sat on the coveted throne, he was even more afraid of losing everything, almost to the point of losing everything.

After proclaiming himself emperor, he not only changed the gentle and modest image he created in the eyes of everyone, but also used extremely ruthless methods to slaughter his dozens of half-brothers, not even a single male in their family. It is bound to cut the weeds and eradicate the roots to eliminate future troubles.

And what about women?Just throw it in a remote and desolate place, where it is hot and dry all year round, food is scarce, water is scarce, and it is on the edge of the transition between countries, people of any race may exist, and frictions and conflicts of all sizes often break out. Small-scale wars are hard to guard against.

In order to compete for the resources to survive, the people there will do everything they can, and the methods are dirtier than those in the slums.

Even if a strong and strong man goes there, survival is still a problem, let alone the lady who has always been in the mansion and never touches the spring water with her ten fingers?
In addition to being distributed to remote areas, they may also be sold into kilns.

Everyone knows this place in their hearts, so there is no need to go into details.

For a woman who is unlucky, if a soldier sees her beauty, she may be dragged into a woodshed to be tortured, and then sent to a remote place.

These were all tacitly approved by Mu Xuanyi.

How could such a narrow-minded person allow a slave he picked up, a dog he kept by his side, to ride on his head?

No matter how faithful you are.

The more outstanding Fu Jinglan was, the more disturbed Mu Xuanyi was.

Fu Jinglan, Fu Jinglan, he named her Fu Jinglan back then because he wanted to bind her tightly and be driven by him for the rest of his life.

But now this turbulent wave actually wants to break through the dam and get rid of his shackles?
She worked hard to accumulate the people's livelihood for him, and in the end, she made great achievements and advertised Fu Jinglan's name. It seems that the people only remember Fu Jinglan, the great general of Zhenguo, but not their emperor, their dominated.

Mu Xuanyi couldn't help but wonder, is there a pair of invisible hands behind this?

Is her loyalty still there?

Is her loyalty really loyal, or is it a cover-up to cover up other ulterior motives?

Otherwise, why didn't she hesitate every time she was sent to the battlefield, near the plague, or to the disaster relief area?
Isn't she afraid of death?
With so many doubts in his heart and the bedside wind, Mu Xuanyi completely lost his trust in Fu Jinglan.

He took advantage of her as a matter of course.

No more hesitation when sending her into the charge, she's the God of War anyway, she won't die, will she?
The foolish Fu Jinglan didn't know about Mu Xuanyi, the dog emperor's twists and turns, and had already treated her as a tool with peace of mind, and treated him as before, firmly believing that he would not break his promise that night.

In fact, she is not greedy for this post. She doesn't care about the wealth and status that the world is rushing to. The reason why she does not hesitate every time she accepts an order is because she believes that the people who are suffering from wars and disasters need her. We should do our best to get there as quickly as possible to fight side by side with them.

... Only Fu Jinglan really took Mu Xuanyi's bold words with the world in mind, and realized them one by one with actions.

Fu Jinglan's heart aches whenever she sees the naked and skinny people beside the street, or sees the displaced women, children and children crying.

She has experienced too many cruel wars, seen too much killing and blood, but she still can't become numb.

She yearns for peace and prosperity more than anyone else.

In Fu Jinglan's eyes, Mu Xuanyi has the ability to govern the world, so she firmly believes that Mu Xuanyi is the monarch who can bring peace and tranquility.

For the peace of the world, for the people of the world to live and work in peace and contentment, what is the injury she suffered alone?
Fu Jinglan doesn't care about the posthumous position. As a woman, she only hopes to be with the man she loves.

But everything she expected was doomed to fail.


Mu Xuanyi had nothing to say to Jiang Qingyu, Bai Yueguang, without any secrets, including his relationship with Fu Jinglan.

With the passage of time, Jiang Qingyu is no longer the innocent girl who saw a sick and weak boy lying under a tree without thinking about it, and took care of it and settled her down.

She has been married and is the concubine of the former prince.

Regardless of her wishes, it is an indisputable fact that she and the former prince are already husband and wife.

As a man, even if Mu Xuanyi loves her again, it is inevitable that there will be no grudges in his heart.

At this time, Jiang Qingyu was extremely grateful that he had saved such a person innocently back then, and was able to become the only survivor in his ruthless massacre.

At the beginning, his father did not agree with their marriage, but now he had to bow his head and bow his head to save his life.

Once, Jiang Qingyu, who returned to the Shangshu Mansion, asked her father proudly, did she ever regret the matter until now?

He regretted breaking up her and Mu Xuanyi, otherwise he would already be the head of the country, not the old party of the former prince. He needs to be cautious in his words and deeds at all times, and watch the faces of Mu Xuanyi's party members.

And she should have been able to become a queen.

In the final analysis, Jiang Qingyu blamed her father for this matter.

However, upon hearing her sarcasm question, Jiang Wusheng did not show regret or remorse as she expected.

Instead, he just poured himself a cup of tea slowly, took a sip from the teacup, then slowly put it down, staring at his gorgeously dressed daughter with a gold hairpin with deep and quiet eyes.

Jiang Wusheng asked without answering, "Will he make you queen?"

Jiang Qingyu subconsciously answered: "Of course!"

But when the words came to his lips, he suddenly couldn't speak them.

In her mind, a pair of deep and thick black eyes appeared unexpectedly, as calm and plain as the father in front of her, but with a chill and indifference like a wolf.

Such a pair of eyes was born on a woman.

In her mind, she recalled what Mu Xuanyi had confessed to her not long ago.

Mu Xuanyi promised her that he would make her his queen.

But when exactly?

Did he forget to tell her?

In addition, he seems to have said that the current situation is unstable, and the neighboring countries around are watching, and Fu Jinglan needs to sit in charge, so he can't act rashly for the time being?
What does it mean to act rashly?

As women, she could of course see Fu Jinglan's affection for Mu Xuanyi.

When Mu Xuanyi told her about the promise he made to Fu Jinglan when he was slightly drunk that night, he said that he was the one who got confused and recognized Fu Jinglan as her.

So after Mu Xuanyi made a promise to make her queen, Jiang Qingyu was very happy, and quickly put this matter behind her, not paying attention to this so-called "rival in love".

(End of this chapter)

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