Chapter 186

The driver respectfully made a "please" gesture to her, signaling her to get on the car.

Shu Liang glanced at him, didn't move, raised his eyebrows and asked, "I don't know what Wen Xiang does?"

Wen Congli smiled, and asked without answering, "The general is afraid of me?"


Shu Liang tilted his head with a half-smile, met his unfathomable pupils, raised his lips and said, "The aggressive method doesn't work for me."

The smile in Wen Congli's eyes deepened, and he was kind-hearted: "The general is not afraid of me, so Wen can rest assured."

"Get in the car, General, and Wen will drop by to see you off."

After a pause, Wen Congli raised his eyes to look at the sky, and said softly: "It takes at least an hour to walk to the General Zhen Guo's mansion from here. The general is not afraid of me, so why refuse people thousands of miles away, and add fatigue to yourself? ?”

While he was talking, Shu Liang was also silently making calculations in her heart. At her speed, it was indeed late when she returned to the General's Mansion, and the food was cold.

Shu Liang was curious about what he was trying to trick.

"Then thank you Wen Xiang."

Wen Congli nodded with a smile, "You are welcome, General."
In the car, Shu Liang looked at the only teapot on the table boredly, and yawned.

Wen Congli didn't know how to enjoy it too much. There was nothing to eat in such a spacious and luxurious carriage.

The carriage shook slightly, Shu Liang propped his chin with one hand, and couldn't help yawning again.

Under the candlelight, Wen Congli observed the woman's lazy expression calmly, pinched the teacup with his knuckle fingers, took a sip, and said with a light smile: "The general looks relaxed, it seems that His Majesty has let go."

Shu Liang raised his eyelids and glanced at him, "Why did Prime Minister Wen say that?"

Wen Congli looked at her with a smile in his eyes, and asked without answering: "General, do you know why His Majesty agreed to your conditions so quickly?"


Shu Liang hates dealing with such a person who always makes riddles.

"You can speak directly, Prime Minister Wen, and you don't have to go round and round like a woman."

It was probably the first time in Wen Congli's life that he was scolded like a woman. He couldn't help being startled, but he didn't look annoyed. Instead, he looked at her with interest, as if he saw something interesting, "The general has become much more lively."

"Really?" Shu Liang didn't bother to talk to him, and simply replied nonsense.

Wen Congli nodded solemnly, and said, "Well, it's become much cuter."

Hearing the word "cute" from his mouth, but still using it on her, the degree of lethality was comparable to that of Mu Xuanyi asking her if she was jealous.

Shu Liang twitched the corner of her mouth: "...Thank you for the compliment."

Probably seeing her impatience and perfunctory, Wen Congli did not continue to probe, "Since the general asked me to speak directly, then Wen would be more respectful than obedient."

The smile in Wen Congli's eyes slowly subsided, "Your Majesty summoned me to discuss the matter because he sent me to thoroughly investigate the case of the annihilation of seventeen members of Luo's family in Yongle County."

Yongle County?Luo family?Kill the door?
Shu Liang raised her eyebrows, trying to search for relevant information from Fu Jinglan's memory, but found nothing.

All she knew was that Yongle County was the closest county to Yandu, and its business was prosperous.

Seeing her doubts, Wen Congli said slowly: "The Luo family is the largest merchant family in Yongle County. It started with spices, and now stores are all over Weiguo. It is said that the Luo family's property is equivalent to half the national treasury. And Na Luo The people in Yongle County all recognize that the members are charitable and compassionate."

……so what?

He continued: "But one month ago, seventeen members of the Luo family were killed overnight. The only child was missing. If there are any clues, people will panic for a while."

Shu Liang listened silently.

From this point of view, probably the Luo family provoked revenge from the enemy family.

Wen Congli looked at her face that had nothing to do with her, and smiled inexplicably, "After receiving the memorial, His Majesty ordered people to block the news and investigate secretly."

Hearing this, Shu Liang was finally a little curious and raised his eyebrows: "Why?"

Wen Congli said: "Your Majesty guesses that this matter is related to Qingying Villa."


Qingying Mountain Villa is the number one sect in Jianghu today. It rose suddenly ten years ago. Qi Song, its leader, defeated the Qingying swordsmanship in the three-year martial arts conference. All opponents are famous all over the world.

Hearing "Qingying Villa", Shu Liang's eyes moved slightly.

... Interesting.

If Fu Jinglan still has any secrets from Mu Xuanyi, it is probably that she once worshiped a master by accident.

In fact, the man didn't ask her to be a teacher, but happened to meet her in the bamboo forest when she was practicing swords, and he gave her a few casual instructions, which made her suddenly enlightened and broke through the bottleneck that had troubled her for a long time, so Fu Jinglan spontaneously asked him to be his teacher , ask him for guidance.

The man was not very old, he was a young man dressed in white, with two swords on his back, one of which was a wooden sword. Fu Jinglan had always used a wooden sword when he was instructing Fu Jinglan to fight her, but the other sword had never Unsheathed, Fu Jinglan didn't know what the sword looked like.

The young man agreed to guide her for a few days, the only requirement was that he could not tell anyone, including close relatives, about their meeting and acquaintance.

Fu Jinglan agreed, and did not tell anyone until her death. She only inquired about his identity quietly later. Based on her impression, she guessed that the person's identity was probably the head of Qingying Villa——

Qi Song.

A member of the No. [-] sect in the martial arts has wiped out the wealthiest family of merchants in Weiguo?
Such astonishing news, once spread, may cause a great sensation.

It will even arouse people's fear and hatred of people in the Jianghu.

If someone intends to interfere with it, it will not be difficult to provoke a confrontation between the martial arts and the court.

Shu Liang gloated and thought: Just as Mu Xuanyi came to the throne, two explosive incidents happened at the same time.

In the spark of calcium carbide, Shu Liang understood that the long foreshadowing in front of him was to tell her something.

She narrowed her eyes, showing a thoughtful expression, as if suddenly enlightened, waiting for him to reveal the final answer: "So...?"

Wen Congli smiled gently: "Now the general knows why His Majesty wants you to lead troops to support Qibei so urgently, right?"

He was afraid that the paper would not be able to contain the fire, and that the matter would be leaked before it was properly resolved. At the same time, Lan Luo called in. When the time came, there would be a wave of unrest and another wave, which would really be enough to make people burnt out.

Shu Liang smiled, and suddenly asked: "But Wen Xiang told me this, does Your Majesty know?"

Fu Jinglan didn't know about this matter from the beginning to the end, that is to say, in his previous life, Mu Xuanyi secretly sent Wen Congli to investigate, and Wen Congli did a good job of solving the problem for him. The matter calmed down and did not spread.

Mu Xuanyi had no intention of telling Fu Jinglan about this at all. Wen Congli should have kept his mouth shut, but now he told her about it.

What's the meaning?Express sincerity to her?

"Your Majesty naturally doesn't know," Wen Congli didn't hide it deliberately, and even told her the fact intentionally, and looked at her with a meaningful smile: "Wen believes that the general will not complain to His Majesty, right?"

Shu Liang stretched her waist, "That might be."

How can she easily let go of such a good thing that can provoke the relationship between their monarchs and ministers?
Wen Congli blinked, "General, you are really making Wen feel sad."

Shu Liang glanced at him, but didn't see any sadness from his smiling face.

Cut, open your eyes and talk nonsense.

"If you want me not to report on you, it's not impossible—"

Before he could finish speaking, the carriage stopped suddenly.

Wen Congli raised his hand and opened the curtain to take a look, then turned to her and said, "General, we're here."

Hearing this, Shu Liang got up and came out of the carriage, and saw a young man squatting at the door not far away, making a gesture to jump off the carriage.

Looking down at the height of the carriage from the ground, Wen Congli's eyebrows twitched, and he stretched out his hand subconsciously, trying to grab her arm and stop her dangerous movements.

But her movements were nimble and fast, she leaped lightly, and landed on the ground like a leopard, safe and sound.

His raised hand froze in mid-air, and he slowly retracted, with a smile on his lips, he sincerely praised: "The general is very skillful."

... It's just a carriage, what's all the fuss about?

Shu Liang thought he was bragging, but when he turned around, he saw him getting off the carriage slowly with the support of the coachman.

"..." Well, she overestimated him.

Seeing her turn around to leave, Wen Congli opened his mouth and hurriedly called to her: "Fu Jinglan."

When these three words were blurted out, my heart beat faster for no reason.

Wen Congli was slightly startled, seeing her stop, turned around and looked at him suspiciously: "Why?"

He collected himself, and said in a gentle voice, "You haven't finished what you just said."

After he reminded, Shu Liang recalled what he had just said and was interrupted in the middle.

"...Oh, I want to say, there is a condition."

Wen Congli looked at her intently: "What conditions?"

Shu Liang said: "After going to Yongle County, tell me the details of the investigation."

Hearing this, Wen Congli frowned, as if unwilling: "This... After all, this is an order secretly issued by His Majesty, and the general's request is really embarrassing for Wen."

Shu Liang had no intention of forcing him, and casually said, "It's fine if you don't agree..."

Unexpectedly, he changed the subject and said to her with a smile: "However, Wen agreed."

"?????" Good one suppressed first and then raised.

Meeting her astonished eyes, Wen Congli smiled meaningfully.

"Who made the general the one who holds the military power?"

Shu Liang: "..."

What annoyance, how does this guy know everything?


Li Yan waited at the door for a full two hours, no matter how Yinhuan and the old housekeeper tried to persuade him, he never left.

His gaze was always looking around vigilantly, making sure that no matter where Shu Liang's figure appeared from, he could see her immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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