Chapter 187

When he finally saw her figure, but she got off from a strange and gorgeous carriage, and a man got out of the carriage after him, Li Yan narrowed his eyes and slowly got up.

After squatting for too long, his hands and feet felt numb when he got up suddenly, but he didn't care about it at all, and walked towards the direction of the two of them.

When he approached Shu Liang's side, he heard the man's smiling and gentle voice: "It's getting late. For the sake of the general, Wen waited for an hour outside the palace gate. I wonder if I can ask the general for a meal?"

The hand hanging by his side tightened instantly.

Wen Congli suddenly noticed an imposing gaze, he was a little puzzled, his eyes turned slightly, and found that it was a young man dressed in coarse clothes who was dressed like a servant, staring at him closely, his dark pupils seemed to be gleaming with murderous intent.

A strange face with an exotic visage.

He was startled, and was about to ask a question, but he heard Shu Liang's cold rejection: "You are not welcome."

At the same time, the boy withdrew his gaze instantly, lowered his eyebrows and looked at his toes pleasingly, as if the murderous person just now did not exist.

Shu Liang turned to look at Li Yan, seeing him drooping his head, he raised his hand and patted his shoulder, "Why is he lowering his head again? A man should hold his head up!"

The young man shrank his shoulders, raised his head hesitantly, and opened his mouth, "General, dinner is ready."

When speaking, he seemed a little embarrassed, blinked quickly, pursed his lips, and then added: "I did it."

"Oh?" Shu Liang instantly recalled the bowl of noodles that he hadn't eaten, his eyes lit up, and he looked at the young man's shy appearance, and praised with a smile: "Xiaoyan is really capable!"

As soon as the words fell, a faint voice came from beside him: "General Fu..."

Shu Liang frowned displeasedly, raised his eyes to look at Wen Congli, "Thank you for seeing me off today, it's getting late, please go back."

Wen Congli was a little unwilling: "The general is really so ruthless? Wen still has a lot to say..."


Shu Liang interrupted him mercilessly: "If you have anything to say, let's talk about it another day."

After finishing speaking, she tugged at Li Yan's sleeve, turned around and left.

Before the young man had time to secretly rejoice, he heard the young man behind him say in a resentful and aggrieved tone: "But Wen has helped you at the risk of offending His Majesty, but you don't even want to invite him for a meal. It's too embarrassing." It's chilling."

Shu Liang's footsteps stopped.

Li Yan: "..."

I want to send him to the west, right now.

If Wen Congli used this as a threat and forced her with a strong tone, Shu Liang might turn around and leave without hesitation.

But he chose to retreat to advance, only talking about favors, not deals.

Shu Liang thought of Qi Song's unrequited kindness to Fu Jinglan back then, so he couldn't stand by and watch no matter what, sighed, and said: "Please, please, please, another day in Xianxian Tower, Wen Xiang wants to Eat whatever you want, eat as much as you want."

Today Li Yan cooks in person, so we can't let Wen Congli, a hypocrite, spoil her mood of tasting delicious food.

Besides, inviting him into the house is no different from leading a wolf into the house?
Wen Congli was silent for a while, probably guessing that this was the biggest concession she could make, so he stopped pushing further and nodded with a smile: "Okay, then Wen will leave."

Li Yan watched the handsome young man board the carriage with the support of the coachman, feeling a little disdainful in his heart, but in the next second, he suddenly remembered something, and his eyes moved slightly.


Li Yan's craftsmanship was really nothing to say, and he was full of praise for the comfort of the meal.

However, Shu Liang looked at Li Yan's old clothes that didn't fit well, and found it not pleasing to the eye no matter what he looked at, and wondered: "Why is Xiao Yan still wearing this clothes? Didn't Yinhuan give me the new clothes that I ordered someone to tailor?" You send it?"

Hearing this, Yinhuan was not happy, and quickly jumped out to explain: "General, don't wrong me, I sent him the clothes early on, and I saw him try them on with my own eyes, and they fit perfectly!"

Shu Liang raised her eyebrows: "Oh? Then Xiaoyan didn't like the clothes I gave, so he didn't wear them?"

Li Yan immediately said, "No."

He lowered his eyes and said softly: "The clothes the general gave are too expensive. I'm afraid of getting dirty, so I don't want to wear them."

What's the point of this?
"Clothes are made for people to wear. If they get dirty, they can be washed, and if they are broken, they can be made again. How can there be any reason not to wear them because they are afraid of getting dirty?"

Shu Liang raised her eyebrows: "Could it be that when you go to the battlefield, you are afraid of being injured or dying, so you don't go?"

Li Yan fell into silence.

Of course he understands this reason, but the clothes are given by her, and the value is far from being measurable by money.

For some reason, he suddenly recalled the praise that Yinhuan blurted out when he saw him put on new clothes.

...more handsome than Prime Minister Wen?
The young man in front of Fangcai’s mansion called himself Wen, dressed luxuriously, and the general also called him "Xiang Wen". He must be the legendary right-hand man of the current Majesty, the handsome and resourceful young prime minister Wen Congli, right?
When he was walking on the road, he would sometimes hear people talking about this prime minister, saying that he was the descendant of the Ziwei star in the sky, and he was a perfect human god.

The young man was dressed in a brick-red official uniform, looking upright and straight, with a tall figure, skin like white jade, and warm eyebrows and eyes.

It seemed that any normal woman could not refuse.

The general she...

Li Yan shook his head abruptly, no, generals are not those ordinary women.

A cool voice suddenly sounded in front of him: "What does shaking your head mean?"

The young man was startled, he raised his eyes in panic, met her searching gaze, and his heart beat like a beating, "General, general."

The old housekeeper and Yinhuan had already left at some point, leaving only the two of them and a table of meals that had been swept away.

Shu Liang looked at him in a daze, and squinted his eyes: "Huh? Are you distracted?"

"General forgive me!"

Shu Liang raised her eyebrows: "I didn't mean to blame you."


After saying a word, the young man suddenly stopped talking, his ears were burning hot, the hand hanging by his side curled up with five fingers, he paused, and then continued: "I'm going to change my clothes now."


Under Shu Liang's smiling gaze, Li Yan walked back to his room in a messy pace.

The house was dark and very quiet.

Leaning against the door, Li Yan closed his eyes, panting heavily.


How could this be?
Being alone with the general made him feel so nervous.

That kind of nervousness didn't seem like fear or fear, just letting him look directly into her smiling eyes made him inexplicably timid, as if he was afraid that she would see through some secrets from his own eyes.


Even so, in his heart, he still longed for her attention.

In this world, how can there be such contradictory feelings?

 demon king:? ?Why is he blushing so well?
(End of this chapter)

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