Quick wear: The full-level boss has torn up the cannon fodder script again

Chapter 210 The Great General of Zhen Guo, She Rebelled

Chapter 210 The Great General of Zhen Guo, She Rebelled (End)
When they were arguing in full swing, the young man was sitting beside him silently, sharpening a short knife that he always carried with him. The sound of friction between the whetstone and the blade became louder and louder, and finally they couldn't stand it anymore. , stop discussing and focus on him.

Although they were asking for Li Yan's opinions, in fact, no one expected him to give any interesting opinions. After all, this person is really boring, as if he doesn't bother to waste time chatting with them, he only knows about reading and practicing martial arts , Arrangement, formation.

It is undeniable that he is indeed very powerful, he is the well-deserved number one among these recruits, even much better than those veterans, otherwise how could he become a colonel in just two years?

It's just boring.

Guess, Li Yan will just stop impatiently, then point to one of them, and then say with careless words: "He."

Then proceed to sharpen his knife.

In the next second, Li Yan's performance exceeded their expectations.

He put down the whetstone, put the knife back into the scabbard, stood up, pursed his thin lips into a line with a bit of sternness, and gave them a sideways look, his voice was a few degrees lower than usual: "Privately discussing your Majesty's Right or wrong, you don’t want your head anymore?”


The corner of Li Yan's mouth was pulled down, his eyes were slightly squinted, and the tone in his tone was full of warning: "One person tied ten catties of sandbags and went to the school field to run ten laps, and he was not allowed to eat tonight until he finished the run."

After speaking, he turned and left, striding towards Yuan Linzhi's residence.

Everyone had innocent faces: "?????" It wasn't him who was talking about it, so why was he so fierce?

It's only two quarters of an hour until dinner time, hey!If you don't want people to eat, just say so! ! ! -
In the middle of the night, Shu Liang suddenly felt a gust of cold wind blowing.

She was sleeping soundly, pulled the quilt around her body, turned over, and breathed evenly.

Until the slight sound of the door being pushed, and half asleep, Shu Liang realized that it was not her father-in-law's footsteps, and her consciousness was [-]% awake.

She closed her eyes and did not move, paying attention to the movement of the person coming.

The man's footsteps were light and steady, but his breath was a bit heavy, the frequency of his steps...

Hearing the familiar footsteps, Shu Liang was stunned for a moment, thinking that he was hallucinating, his heart beat a little faster unconsciously, and was about to listen carefully to confirm that it was correct, but the footsteps stopped.

stopped by her bed.

He stood motionless by the bed, his eyes fixed on her face.

With Shu Liang's eyes closed, he could clearly feel the burning temperature in his sight.

Gradually, she noticed that he was moving.

He bent down, lowered his head, and approached her.

The distance is getting closer and closer, Shu Liang can feel his breath gently brushing her cheeks, and there is a cold breath on her body, which is probably the cold air she caught when she was on the road.

...Do you want to kiss her?
Shu Liang was a little thankful for the darkness in the room at this time, otherwise, Li Yan might have noticed that she was pretending to sleep, after all, the breath can be imitated, but the red ears are out of control.

She is a little torn.

... Tsk, do you want to push it away?

If he opened his eyes to expose him at this time and pushed him away, it would be the second rejection for Li Yan.

The first cold treatment drove him to the northern border. If he just pushed him away, where would he go?
Forget it, let him kiss it, and it won't lose a piece of meat.

After all, in the past two years, she has already faced her heart calmly, hasn't she?

Over the years, it seemed that there was only one person who could cause her emotions to fluctuate.

The first time I saw him in the Eternal Night Prison, I felt that this person was a little different.

What is the difference?

In fact, she couldn't tell, she just subconsciously ignored everyone and walked towards him.

Even though he saw his small actions with small thoughts, there was no malicious speculation, as if the person facing him could make her feel infinitely tolerant and trusting.

At first, she thought it was a sympathy for a young man.

But after learning about his intentions, the Great Demon King sat quietly in the room and thought about it carefully. She didn't seem to be the kind of person whose love overflowed to such an extent—especially when facing a stranger who was neither relative nor relative.

After he went far to northern Xinjiang, she tried to face the boy who was similar to him, but she only felt strange and calm.

She also thought about it, thousands of miles away, if Li Yan really gave up this relationship and never came back, or in other words, fell in love with other girls, would she bless them?

If he really regards himself as his elder, maybe he will bless him.

But Shu Liang knew that she couldn't do it.

In the next second, Li Yan's breath got farther and farther away from her, and instead of kissing her, he straightened up, turned and left.

"When I arrived at my bedside, I left without even saying hello." Shu Liang opened his eyes, looking at the ceiling with a clear expression, "Li Yan, who taught you this?"

The boy's back stopped.

After hearing her words, Li Yan's back stiffened for a moment, then turned around, looked at the yawning woman half leaning against the bed with disheveled skirts, and said in a hoarse voice: "Your Majesty..."

Shu Liang wiped away the physiological tears overflowing from the corner of his eyes, "Huh?"

Li Yan stared at her fixedly, with a hoarse voice: "Your Majesty is clearly awake and knows what I want to do, why don't you push me away?"

His eyes were a little dark.

"What about you, why don't you try to kiss me?" Shu Liang chuckled, "Have no guts?"

Hearing this, the boy's eyelashes trembled suddenly, and he took a deep breath, "I...I can't."

Shu Liang raised her eyebrows: "Can't what?"

Li Yan said hoarsely: "I can't offend you."


Shu Liang couldn't help snorting, and said angrily, "Since you know you can't, then why are you coming back?"


She said again: "Come and see me, see if I'm doing well? That's fine, you've finished reading, I'm doing well, you can go."

Li Yan couldn't take a step forward, the fingers of the hand hanging by his side curled up stiffly.

"Oh, why don't you talk? Don't tell me you didn't come back to see if I'm doing well, but to watch my draft and recruit beautiful men into the harem?" Of course Shu Liang knew how outrageous the rumors spread by her father-in-law were. Looking at the motionless young man, he narrowed his eyes and curled his lips: "Or, you also want to recommend someone to me as my adviser?"

In the darkness, Li Yan closed his eyes, as if he heard the sound of something shattering.

Then, he heard his own voice.

"Do not."

"I don't want to."

When he came back to his senses, Li Yan had already walked in front of her again, looked down at her, then bent down until he was at eye level with her.

He restrained his ups and downs, and asked calmly: "Your Majesty, who do you like?"

Before Shu Liang could open his mouth, he threw out a choice: "Is it the third son of the Yushi doctor's family, General Shenwu, or the cousin of the Taiwei?"

From the boy's usually stern and indifferent face, Shu Liang actually saw a faint smile.

... Tsk, so weird.

Following the options he gave, Shu Liang recalled the appearance of these three people, but he had a vague impression of them all, but he really couldn't remember the specifics at the moment.

Her heart moved, she simply chose an answer casually, and said: "Then... the third son of the Yushi doctor's family?"

After all, he is the one who is farthest from him.

Hearing her answer, the smile on Li Yan's face dissipated instantly, his whole person looked gloomy and gloomy, his deep eyes were pitch black.

He looked a little fierce, as if he would strangle her to death at any moment.

But Shu Liang didn't fear him, just tilted his head and smiled, with a casual tone: "Why do you ask this suddenly?"

As soon as she opened her mouth, Li Yan couldn't hold back anymore.

On the way back to Yandu from Beijiang without stopping, many bad emotions kept gathering in his heart like rain from the sky. At that time, he imagined countless scenes of taking her as his own.

But when the person really appeared in front of his eyes, Li Yan found that everything he thought was in vain.

...It is impossible to hurt her.

The young man seemed to be discouraged, and the emotions that had been brewing were completely dissipated in her light and fluffy sentence.

"Alan," he plucked up his courage, called her name for the first time, then squatted down, looked up at her, his fierce eyes faded away, leaving only a bit of grievance and pity, and raised his hand cautiously , gently tidying up the loose skirts for her, his eyes fixed on her face.

"No one else, just me, okay?"

Shu Liang didn't reject his action. Hearing this, she curled up the corners of her lips, raised the end of her eyes, and hooked his chin with her hand, like a frivolous playboy teasing a good woman, and jokingly asked: "Want to monopolize the lonely harem?" ?”

Her actions made the young man blush instantly, and the crimson cloud burned to his neck at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the scorching temperature was about to ignite him.

My heart was pounding like it was going to jump out of my chest.

Even the fingertips became hot.

Li Yan began to tremble uncontrollably, his fingertips accidentally touched her jaw, and he froze for a moment.

After a brief touch, Shu Liang noticed his abnormal body temperature.

The smile in her eyes grew stronger, and the hand that was originally on his chin casually went around his cheek, caressed it lightly, went around the earlobe, and squeezed it lightly.

It's so hot.

Still very soft.

Seeing him so nervous that he was at a loss, drooping his eyelashes, not daring to look directly into her eyes, only keeping his eyes closed, his eyelashes trembling rapidly, but he didn't seem to resist her at all, Shu Liang couldn't help teasing him for a while longer.

How can it be so cute?

Shu Liang smiled, and lifted his chin with irresistible force.

Then she looked straight into his eyes, and said softly: "For the sake of this young man's handsome appearance, I can consider giving you a chance."

Facing his dark and deep eyes, it was like falling into a clear lake after breaking away from the mountains and mountains. The silver light of the moon poured on the lake, gradually sparkling water.

Her words swallowed his reason in an instant.

Li Yan couldn't hold back anymore, he grabbed her wrist suddenly, pulled her into his arms, bowed his head and kissed her.

"I will do my best to meet your request."

 Flowers are over~
(End of this chapter)

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