Quick wear: The full-level boss has torn up the cannon fodder script again

Chapter 211 Big Sister She Doesn't Want to Ascend

Chapter 211 Big Sister She Doesn't Want to Ascend (1)

in the void space of the system.


Main task: completed

Mana restored to 10%

Counter attack value +10000
Current counterattack value: 10003
Hidden task [Accept Wen Congli as a minister under the skirt]: Not completed
Since the hidden mission has not been completed, there is no special reward for this mission, please don't be discouraged and keep working hard. 】

When the system notification sounded in his head, Shu Liang couldn't believe his ears.

——Did she hear correctly?

With such a broken system, how could she be willing to restore so much mana and counterattack value to her this time? ? ?She was a little worried that if she didn't complete this hidden task, the garbage system would throw back the few remaining things.

But if this is the case, the Great Demon King will definitely not let it go.

For nothing?


021 A voice full of emotions sounded:
[What a pity, Mr. Shu Liang, in fact, this hidden mission is easy for you, and the rewards are very rich. It's a pity that you missed it! ! ! 】

Hearing this, Shu Liang twitched the corners of his mouth, and asked in a disinterested manner: "Oh, how rich is the reward, let me tell you about it?"

If you reward a dispensable [Fiery Eye] like last time, forget it.

021's tone is full of temptation:
[Gourmet kingdom, you can enter for an hour, there are all kinds of delicacies in the three thousand worlds from ancient times to the present. 】


Shu Liang's pupils trembled.

Varied! ! ! !what! ! ! !

This rubbish system! !Why didn't you say it earlier? ! ! !

Gu unexpectedly refused a large wave of delicious food delivered to his door, and even killed him? ? ? ! ! !
The Great Demon King took a deep breath to calm himself down, "...can I do it all over again?"

021 gave her a negative answer coldly and mercilessly:

【Can't. 】

Then, suddenly, it became agitated and filled with righteous indignation:

【Master Shu Liang, as a demon king, how can he easily shake his heart, how can he let down Li Xiaoyan because of delicious food, how can... 】

"Didn't you keep nagging me in my ear at the beginning, asking me to attack Wen Congli?" Shu Liang interrupted its constant accusation, raising eyebrows, "When did you become so concerned about Li Yan?"

When Wen Congli was in Weiguo, whenever Wen Congli approached her and expressed kindness to her, 021 would rush out and whisper in her ear: Host host host host, this is a good opportunity!good chance!Raid him quickly, and the hidden mission can be completed!


After a moment of silence, 021 explained:
[Master Shu Liang, our system is professionally trained, we know how to judge the situation and be flexible. 】

"Oh—" Shu Liang prolonged his tone meaningfully, and asked coldly: "So when you released this task, did you really hope that I would complete it?"

Hearing this, 021 replied without hesitation:
[Of course, Master Shu Liang, how can you doubt my loyalty to you. 】

Shu Liang curled her lips and snorted coldly: "Then why didn't you tell me directly that the reward is the Kingdom of Food?"

If she had known that the reward was so generous, then she...

Well, the result seems to be no different from now.

However, there is a big difference between making a choice knowingly and making a choice while the system deliberately conceals it.

021 wailed:
[Master Shu Liang, you really wronged me. I didn't know what the reward was until after the mission was over. I definitely didn't deliberately hide it! ! ! 】


Shu Liang narrowed her eyes, "Okay, Gu will trust you for now."

(End of this chapter)

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