Quick wear: The full-level boss has torn up the cannon fodder script again

Chapter 218 Big Sister She Doesn't Want to Ascend

Chapter 218 Big Sister She Doesn't Want to Ascend (8)

Shu Liang looked at the boy in white in surprise.

...He wants to worship her as his teacher too?

I really can't see why Feng Changyue is so popular?
Even though he was some distance away from the ring, Shu Liang could feel the chill on Pei Su's body, while the young man in white smiled proudly, showing a hint of provocation, pretending not to feel it, looking at her expectantly.

Shu Liang's heart skipped a beat.

Could it be that he was angry at losing to Pei Su, so he deliberately confronted him?

The more I think about it, the more I think this is the reason.

Shu Liang sighed quietly.

Alas, he is still a child, so childish.

Wu Lingzi was still thinking about what reason Feng Changyue should use to reject Pei Su. After all, he was powerful and did not do anything out of the ordinary. If Changyue couldn't give a plausible reason, he refused He, I'm afraid he will offend this young man, and he will also make people from other sects criticize him. If it spreads out, it will damage the reputation of Tianjianzong.

Now that he was sleepy, someone gave him a pillow. He looked up at the boy in white, and his eyes became much brighter.

So Wu Lingzi pretended to be troubled, and after pondering for a while, said: "My apprentice just escaped from the devil's cave not long ago, and my body has not fully recovered. I really don't have the energy to teach two apprentices at once, so she You can only choose one of the two of you as a disciple at most."

After finishing speaking, everyone immediately showed expressions of watching the show.

Wu Lingzi turned to ask Shu Liang's opinion: "Changyue, what do you think?"

It's really interesting, it was obvious that Pei Su was the winner in the competition, but in the end the two got the same right to choose.

Although Wu Lingzi is Feng Changyue's master, but to make a decision for her without her consent, and to announce it for her, such behavior is really...

Not very pleasant.

Hearing this, Shu Liang twitched the corner of his mouth very quickly, smiled without emotion, and nodded lightly, then put his five fingers together like Pei Su pointed at people with his palm, and raised his hand to indicate Pei Su's direction, He said decisively, "I choose him."

Seeing this, Wu Lingzi felt bad all over.

He thought it was because he hadn't conveyed his meaning accurately just now, coughed a few times, kept winking at her, and asked again: "Ahem, Changyue, what did you say?"

Shu Liang's face was calm, and he asked him solemnly: "Master, can't I decide who to accept as an apprentice?"

For some reason, seeing her expression like this, Wu Lingzi felt inexplicably guilty.

He was silent for a moment, sighed helplessly, and nodded: "... yes."

After a pause, Wu Lingzi couldn't help but said again: "But Changyue, I think this young man in white clothes may be more suitable for you..."

His eyes were sincere, probably because he sincerely thought that the boy in white was more suitable to be her apprentice than Pei Su.

After all, in the eyes of everyone, Feng Changyue is not good at dealing with people, obsessed with cultivation, and has a cold personality, while Pei Su seems to be similar to her. If two cold guys get together, wouldn't they freeze to death?
And this boy in white looks like a sweet-mouthed kid who is good at observing words and expressions, and is more like a little sun that can melt icebergs.

But in Shu Liang's eyes, this little sun is more like an active volcano that can cause trouble at any time, and if he is not careful, he may go astray.

She has no interest in taking care of bear children.

Shu Liang's face remained unchanged, but his attitude was firm: "No need, I only want him."

The woman's voice sounded clear and cold, but it was clearly heard by everyone present.

They found that after hearing these words, the black-clothed boy on the stage calmed down his majestic aura in an instant, and calmly looked at the person on the high ground.

If someone looked more carefully, they would find that the young man's complexion was no longer cold and indifferent, like snow melting in spring, the brows were dyed with a touch of tenderness, and the thin lips curled up with an imperceptible curvature.

Some people are secretly happy, while others are resentful.

Hearing that Shu Liang chose Pei Su without hesitation, and didn't even give him an extra look, the boy in white looked very unwilling, and asked with his head held high: "Why? Senior Sister Feng, I have admired you for a long time, I came here specially for you to participate in this tournament."

Because he looks better than you.

Shu Liang thought to himself, if she said that, maybe not only this young man in white, but even her master Wu Lingzi would be so angry that everyone would be thrown off their feet.

The boy in white looked aggrieved.

First, he went up to the stage to compete with confidence, but failed with a small trick, and took the initiative to attack, but failed to get out of the opponent's three moves. Instead, he fell off the ring in embarrassment. Now he competed with him for apprenticeship, and was rejected without hesitation.

...that being said, it is indeed quite distressing.

Everyone feels sympathy.

But the Great Demon King had no sympathy for his pitiful appearance.

She said bluntly, "Because he is stronger than you."


This Tianjianzong is really not tactful at all.


Everyone seemed to hear the heartbroken voice of the boy in white.

But this reason is really speechless, after all, his strength is obvious to all present.

Feng Changyue is a rare sword repair genius in Tianjianzong. Everyone has heard of her strong strength and indifferent temperament. The strong always cherish each other, so it is reasonable to hear what she said.

Now that things have developed to this point, Wu Lingzi has nothing to say and sighs in his heart, so he had to let Pei Su come over to pay homage to his teacher.

Of course, even though this white-clothed boy hadn't tried three tricks from Pei Su's men, they could tell that he had good aptitude.

Out of a heart of cherishing talents, but also out of pity, Wu Lingzi asked him: "Besides Changyue, would you like to worship other people as teachers?"

Hearing this, the boy in white's eyes lit up, and he asked expectantly, "Then can I worship you as my teacher?"

Wu Lingzi smiled silently, did not answer, pondered for a moment, and asked: "My eldest disciple Wei Yun has not yet accepted apprentices, I wonder if you would like to worship him as a teacher?"


The boy rolled his eyes, and after a while, he nodded and smiled: "Okay, this is my honor."

Shu Liang and Wei Yun took in their apprentices and led them back to stand in the team. The competition was coming to an end, and soon it was the martial arts competition between sects.

The young man in white stood behind Wei Yun, but he couldn't be idle, he couldn't help chatting with people around him, Pei Su ignored him, so he went to find Wei Yun, Wei Yun ignored him, he went to the back other disciples.

From their conversation, Shu Liang learned that his name is Qiao Shi, he was born in a merchant's family in Mushan Town, Yunzhou, and he is the youngest son of his family.

There are three kingdoms in this continent, and the Heavenly Sword Sect is located in Donglin Kingdom in the east. Yunzhou is not far from the Heavenly Sword Sect, and it is one of the most prosperous places in the East.

Regarding this, Shu Liang was not surprised. Qiao Shi looked thin and tender, and at a glance, he knew that he was a young master from a wealthy family who had never suffered.


Someone was puzzled and asked: "Then you can live a comfortable life with the young master at home, why did you come here to be a sword repairer?"

This is exactly where Shu Liang was also puzzled.

As we all know, sword cultivators are the poorest of all monks, and the most valuable thing in their bodies is the sword behind them.

Not only is it poor, but it is also very hard work, and the requirements for physical fitness are also high.

Unlike weapon repair and medicine repair, forged weapons and refined medicine pills can not only sell for a good price, but also make a lot of contacts, so that masters are willing to protect them.

Otherwise, it is also very good to be a talisman repairer. If you are proficient in these talisman spell formations, you will be able to destroy the enemy without any effort, and those with advanced cultivation bases will even be able to do so without leaving any traces.

Qiao Shi showed a mysterious smile: "Hey, do you want to know why?"

Everyone nodded: "I want to know."

"Of course it's because—"

The crowd pricked up their ears.

The smile on the corner of Qiao Shi's mouth widened, "Heavenly Sword Sect is the closest to me!"


The crowd fell silent.

Qiao Shi shrugged his shoulders, "Besides, I originally came here for Fairy Yuhan, who is strong in martial arts and beautiful as a fairy."

Seeing that Wei Yun's face became uneasy, someone quickly reminded him: "Ahem, keep your voice down, she is your uncle now..."

Unfortunately, it's a bit late.

Wei Yun turned around, the senior brother who was usually gentle and graceful, now his face was as heavy as water, and he looked very serious.

He called Qiao Shi's name, and said in a cold voice, "Quiet."

Before Qiao Shi could answer, he said again, "If I hear you making noise again, please leave here."

After being scolded, Qiao Shi suddenly calmed down a lot, like an eggplant beaten by frost, drooping his head: "Yes, Master."

Seeing that he was in a low mood, the people around him comforted him in a low voice, "Don't worry, senior brother is very good, but he is in a bad mood now, and he didn't mean to target you."

Qiao Shi blinked suspiciously, "Why is Master in a bad mood?"

Hearing this, everyone remained silent, and gestured to Shu Liang and Pei Su who were standing beside Wei Yun with their eyes.


Qiao Shi's eyes widened, "Could it be...?"

Everyone nodded in unison.

Qiao Shi showed a suddenly realized expression.
The murmuring voices of the group behind him naturally did not escape Shu Liang's ears.

Although she wanted to ask Pei Su something, she knew that now was not a good time, there were eyes everywhere, and there was Wei Yun staring at her beside her.

Not hearing anything interesting from their conversation, Shu Liang became more and more bored, and yawned several times in succession.

When he came back to his senses, the martial arts competition between the sects had already started.

I have to say that the competition among the monks who have practiced in the sect is quite exciting.

The people on the arena fought fiercely, and the talisman and magic weapon collided together, bursting out with brilliant colors.

Shu Liang watched with gusto, after Fu Xiu and Qi Xiu fought for a while in the arena, Fu Xiu gradually gained the upper hand, Qi Xiu felt powerless, knowing that he was invincible, he took the initiative to admit defeat and walked off the ring.

That Fuxiu is said to be a good seedling that the head of the Xuanluo Sect met when he went out to practice not long ago. He has excellent roots and bones. As far as Xiu is concerned, spiritual roots with these two attributes can get twice the result with half the effort when cultivated.

After easily winning the victory, that Fuxiu showed arrogance on his face, and walked past the crowd with a disdainful attitude.

In the end, it was fixed on the disciples of Tianjianzong.

To be precise, it was fixed on Shu Liang's body.

Sensing his gaze, Shu Liang raised his eyes slowly.

Looking at each other, Fu Xiu pulled the corners of his lips and revealed a provocative smile.

Pei Su and Wei Yun's complexions immediately sank.

Wei Yun turned his head and asked, "Changyue, aren't you going up?"

Hearing this, Pei Su glanced at him indifferently, and took a step forward, "If you don't want to go, I..."

The corners of Shu Liang's lips hooked slightly, and he grabbed the boy's sleeve, pulling him back.

"Don't worry." She smiled lazily in her eyes, as if the person being provoked was not her, she blinked very slowly, but the next second, she changed the topic, "You just watch the teacher beat him up." I have to cry my father and my mother."

Wei Yun looked at her in surprise, as if he couldn't believe that such sharp words came from her mouth.

Shu Liang didn't look at him, but turned his eyes slightly sideways, looking at the stern-faced black-clothed boy beside him.

Seeing her casually speaking arrogant words, the tense and stern face of the young man eased, and a soft expression that he hadn't noticed appeared on his face, like a sharp blade withdrew its edge, leaving only a silent bluntness.

Looking at the two people who were no one else around, Wei Yun's heart was full of alarm bells.

"Well," Pei Su's brows and eyes were gentle, and she unconsciously said in a familiar tone, "Master is the most powerful."

Although he knew that he was agreeing with her, it didn't prevent Shu Liang from being elated.

She carried Jianfei onto the ring.

"You are Feng Changyue, the strongest person among the disciples of Tianjianzong?" Fu Xiu looked at her with a touch of contempt in his eyes, "I heard that you were the leader in previous years, so I want to ask for advice today, but listen Said that you just came back from the devil's lair, if you lose later, you won't deny it, and blame me for not winning by force?"

Shu Liang looked at him as if he was looking at a clown, and was too lazy to argue with him, and said calmly, "Don't worry, this won't happen."

Shu Liang saw through his cultivation level long before he started the fight with the Qi Xiu who had given up.

He has just been promoted to the middle stage of Foundation Establishment, his control over spells is unstable, his breath in his body is disordered, and his emotions are easily agitated. It seems that he has taken a lot of pills that help improve his cultivation, and they are inferior pills of poor quality. Did he eat it secretly without his master's knowledge, or behind his master's back.

In the early stage of cultivation, the most taboo thing is to act too hastily, take medicine and take shortcuts.

If it is mild, the cultivation base will be sluggish, and if it is serious, it will damage the foundation.

After all, it is not worth the candle.

Fu Xiu didn't know that he had been seen through by Shu Liang, and there was a smile in his eyes: "That's good."

The voice just fell.

Dozens of flaming talismans appeared out of thin air, surrounded by them, jumping towards Shu Liang.

Shu Liang raised his eyebrows, and suddenly retracted the Yuhan Sword into its scabbard.

Seeing her actions, everyone frowned in unison.

As a sword cultivator, she actually withdrew her sword during the competition, is she crazy?

Only Fu Xiu in the middle of the ring saw her calm face and quickly formed a seal. Her movements were extremely fast. Cheng, didn't recognize what it was.

(End of this chapter)

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