Quick wear: The full-level boss has torn up the cannon fodder script again

Chapter 219 Big Sister She Doesn't Want to Ascend

Chapter 219 Big Sister She Doesn't Want to Ascend (9)

However, in the next second, the seal disappeared, and immediately after, the flame on the talisman turned blue in an instant, turned around, and attacked the talisman himself with a chill.

His pupils shrank sharply, and he kept chanting incantations, but found that he couldn't control his talisman at all, so he couldn't help showing a frightened expression, then took a few steps back, took out a new talisman from his pocket, waved it out, and chanted the incantation The tactic collided with the faint blue flame.


The red and blue fireworks collided, and a huge airflow exploded on the ring, and a strong thrust came, forcing Fu Xiu to the edge of the ring.

Before he could react, someone grabbed his unconsciously stretched arm and yanked it abruptly. Without noticing it, he rushed forward defenselessly, almost lying on the ring.

... He clearly almost fell just now, but she held him back?

Looking at the pair of boots stopped in front of him, Fu Xiu was stunned, raised his head, and met the woman's half-smile eyes.

His heart skipped a beat, and a bad premonition gradually came to his mind.

The woman was dressed in the icy blue robe of an inner disciple of the Heavenly Sword Sect, with a sword behind her back. She was facing Fu Xiu, who was said to be the most talented among the disciples of the Shangxuanluo Sect, but she didn't even draw the Yuhan Sword from its sheath. His nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

The scene on the ring can only be described in four words: appalling.

Seeing the unstoppable face of the head of Xuanluo Sect, Wu Lingzi was also a little embarrassed.

Even though that kid was a bit arrogant, he never expected that Feng Changyue, who was always cold and arrogant, would use such a violent way to teach him a lesson.

...It's good to relieve anger, but it's still not good to slap someone in the face so blatantly.

Wu Lingzi coughed a few times, and quickly sent a voice transmission to let Shu Liang stop.

Shu Liang stopped.

But at this time, Fu Xiu, who was so proud just now, had bruises on his face, tears and snot streaming down his nose, and his voice became hoarse from crying.

——He had forgotten how many times he had shouted to his ancestors to beg for mercy, but this seemingly cold and polite swordsman seemed to be deaf, and he didn't stop at all!
Damn, the strike is really ruthless, and he only picks up the painful places to beat.

Fu Xiu even scrambled down the ring, completely humiliated, and walked with his head down the whole time.

The head of the Xuanluo Sect saw that the disciple he had given high hopes to be tortured into such a state, he couldn't help feeling angry.

In the past hundred years, no one has ever dared to disrespect their Xuanluo family like this!
His face was livid, and he stood up abruptly, first glared at Wu Lingzi, then looked at Shu Liang, who was on the ring with his usual expression, and said in a deep voice: "The competition should end, your Tianjianzong's move is clearly a deliberate humiliation , Bullying people with power!"

Feeling the coercion he exerted secretly, Shu Liang frowned slightly.

It was as if a thousand catties of black iron was pressing on her shoulders, intending to bend her back.

A layer of cold sweat burst out of Shu Liang's back instantly.

She gritted her teeth.

If her power had not been restricted, she would never have taken this coercion seriously.

In the next second, the coercion on his body disappeared.

She froze for a moment, keenly caught a familiar aura, raised her head subconsciously, and looked in Pei Su's direction.

Away from the sea of ​​people, the stern-faced black-clothed boy met her gaze and showed a shallow smile, as if to comfort her and reassure her.

It seems to be saying to her——

I am here.

Shu Liang raised her eyebrows and smiled.

Tsk, that's really rare.

Is she being protected by others?
...it's a wonderful feeling.

(End of this chapter)

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