Quick wear: The full-level boss has torn up the cannon fodder script again

Chapter 232 Big Sister She Doesn't Want to Ascend

Chapter 232 Big Sister She Doesn't Want to Ascend (22)

Through Yao Qing's eyes, Shu Liang looked at the blazing flames in front of her eyes, at the peach forest that was gradually turning into ashes and disappearing with the wind, but she couldn't feel the pleasure in her heart.

Especially when she saw Mu Qingxi rushing over panting, but finally stopped by her side, eyes full of despair, Princess Yaoqing's heart was full of absurdity and sadness.

Shu Liang shook his head and sighed: "Look, Gu's guess is right."

In this illusion, the role played by Yaoqing is not a good person in the eyes of everyone, but a vicious female partner who abruptly breaks up a pair of lovers.

Before waiting for 021's response, a fluctuating electrical sound suddenly sounded in Shu Liang's mind.


? ? ? ? ?

what's the situation?
Shu Liang raised her eyebrows.

The next moment, 021's voice reappeared in his mind——

Its voice is a little excited:
[Master Shu Liang, with my unremitting efforts, I finally let me capture the plot of this fantasy world! 】

Shu Liang raised her eyebrows, "What do you mean?"

[According to the direction of the plot of this fantasy, next, Mu Qingxi, who learned that Princess Yaoqing had killed Peach Blossom Essence, was filled with resentment, blackened on the spot, and impulsively pulled out the sword from her waist and stabbed Princess Yaoqing to death , and then brought her body back to the mansion, faked the symptoms of Princess Yaoqing's sudden outbreak of disease, and let her slowly die in the eyes of everyone...]

[The only person who knows the real cause of Princess Yaoqing's death is Mu Qingxi. When Princess Yaoqing died of natural causes in the eyes of everyone, Mu Qingxi announced that she would never marry a wife and take concubines again. The monarch was moved by his deep feelings and used him very much, and finally...]

Shu Liang was filled with emotion.

Tsk, really vicious.

This Mu Qingxi seemed harmless, but in reality he was deep in thought. Shu Liang had already realized that he was not a good person.

……and many more.

Shu Liang suddenly realized something was wrong.

"You just said, what is Mu Qingxi going to do now?"

021 answers
[Kill Princess Yaoqing. 】

The moment the voice in his head disappeared, a strong killing intent came along with the sharp tip of the sword.

Even if Shu Liang reacted, it was futile.

Because she couldn't control Princess Yaoqing's body.

And Princess Yaoqing never dreamed that Mu Qingxi would want to kill her because of a peach branch transformed into a ghost.

She doesn't know martial arts, and her reaction speed is much slower than Mu Qingxi's. When she realized the danger, her life was already at stake.

Princess Yaoqing's face was full of astonishment, and her pupils shrank suddenly.

The Great Demon King didn't expect that after living for ten thousand years, he actually tasted the taste of death in a small illusion, and his mood became complicated. At the moment when the long sword stabbed her, her heartbeat seemed to resonate with Princess Yaoqing , beating wildly and restlessly, almost suffocating.


The expected heart-piercing pain did not strike, what sounded in my ears was the sound of the long sword falling to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Shu Liang heard Mu Qingxi's loud cry of pain.

"Who are you? What are you doing...uh-ah-!"

Shu Liang's eyelashes trembled, and he opened his eyes.

In front of her eyes, the young man in black had a stern expression on his face, his dark pupils seemed to have been icy, filled with a strong killing intent.

The boots stepped on Mu Qingxi's shoulder and crushed hard, Shu Liang heard a crisp sound of "click".

Without a second thought, he knew his arm was broken.

It was the sound of bones breaking.

Just listening to it sent chills down my spine and made me want to shiver.

Shu Liang was startled, looking at Pei Su's figure, his restless heartbeat suddenly calmed down.

Mu Qingxi's face was pale, and he was trampled under his feet in embarrassment, without the power to resist.

Looking at this god-like young man who came out of nowhere, he only felt a strong sense of oppression. The strong killing intent and coercion made him breathless, subconsciously terrified.

He asked with difficulty: "Who are you?"

Pei Su's eyes were stained with a little scarlet, and the scene of this person stabbing Shu Liang with a sword just now kept reappearing in his mind.

so close……

If he is one step late...

The consequences could be disastrous.

The images in his mind tormented his heart and aroused his killing intent repeatedly.

Pei Su's five fingers instantly turned into sharp dragon claws, looking at him as if looking at a dead person, "Your murderer."

Even though he knew that killing him in the illusion would hurt Wei Yun, who was attached to him with divine consciousness, but seeing the similar faces of the two, Pei Su couldn't control his hostility.

Seeing the young man's flickering face, Shu Liang couldn't help but frowned, moved his lips, and called his name: "...Pei Su."

After the words came out, she froze for a moment.

She can actually control this body?
Xu was startled, the woman's voice trembled slightly, revealing a bit of weakness, falling into the young man's ears, like a soft knife, gouging out his heart one after another.

Pei Su took a deep breath, clenched his hands into fists suddenly, withdrew the palm that was about to hit Mu Qingxi, turned around and walked in front of her.

Putting Mu Qingxi on the other side, the young man full of murderous aura appeared in front of her in a blink of an eye. The tall figure blocked her eyes and blocked her from looking at Mu Qingxi, and stared at her with downcast eyes. , breathing heavily, as if trying to restrain himself and suppress his emotions.

By coincidence, Shu Liang seemed to be able to read his mood at the moment from those scarlet black pupils.

She raised her hand hesitantly, made a gesture of hugging, raised her head and asked, "Want... a hug?"

As soon as the words fell, the boy couldn't restrain himself anymore, and hugged her full of strength, as if he wanted to press her into his body.

Pei Su leaned over to hug her, buried her head in the hollow of her shoulder, clasped her waist with one hand, stroked the back of her head with the other, and fondled her hair with her fingertips.

Shu Liang stood on tiptoe slightly, put his hand on his shoulder lightly, and felt that the young man's body was trembling faintly, and the tip of his heart trembled for some reason, and blinked: "You are trembling."

Hearing this, the boy's back stiffened obviously.

After a while, Shu Liang heard his hoarse voice, "I've been looking for you for a long time."

Just this understatement took away dozens of illusions he had broken in order to find this place.

Take the initiative to break in, and then break.

Repeat the cycle, never hesitate, until you find her.

Shu Liang's heart is a little hot, but also a little soft.

She frowned, and chuckled lightly, "Are you so worried about me, afraid that I'll get hurt?"


He is afraid.

Afraid that he would be late and that she would be hurt.

If she really died in the illusion, Pei Su didn't know what she would do.

He closed his eyes and said hoarsely, "No one can hurt you."

Shu Liang nodded, "Well, you came in time."

She tilted her head, her gaze fell on his face.

The two were very close, and Shu Liang suddenly noticed that there was a small red mole under the corner of his left eye.

very beautiful.

Shu Liang couldn't describe how he felt at this moment, as if he had been bewitched, he couldn't help standing on tiptoe, raised his head, and kissed the boy at the corner of his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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