Quick wear: The full-level boss has torn up the cannon fodder script again

Chapter 233 Big Sister She Doesn't Want to Ascend

Chapter 233 Big Sister She Doesn't Want to Ascend (23)

A kiss like a dragonfly on water, but it made the young man freeze in place like a holding spell, his pupils trembled, and he forgot to move.

It's rare for him to look so dazed.

Shu Liang couldn't help but smile, changed the subject, and said to Pei Su: "Don't kill him."

Hearing this, Pei Su came back to her senses, subconsciously frowned, with a little confusion in her eyes.

"Are you reluctant?"


Whether this person is Mu Qingxi or Wei Yun, there is nothing to be reluctant about.

However, this fate should always be settled in her hands.

Looking into his dark eyes, Shu Liang silently shook his head.

She didn't explain, but walked up to Mu Qingxi with a complex expression, bent down and picked up the long sword next to her.

Mu Qingxi seemed to have expected something, immediately pursed her lips, shook her head slightly at her, her brows were furrowed tightly, and there seemed to be two consciousnesses fighting in her body.

Shu Liang turned a deaf ear, pointing the tip of the long sword at his gate of life.

no no……

Nagatsuki, it's me.

"Mu Qingxi" had struggling pain in his eyes, and moved his lips tremblingly, trying to talk to her, but in the end he failed to make a sound.

The oppressive force of the illusion on him has not disappeared.

Shu Liang tilted her head, and called him directly: "Eldest brother?"

Behind him, Pei Su was not surprised to hear these three words.

His eyes fell on him coldly, and he didn't relax because Shu Liang revealed his identity. On the contrary, the murderous intent in his eyes became stronger.

However, upon hearing the sound of "big brother", "Mu Qingxi" immediately became excited, and kept nodding to her.

Wei Yun thought that after knowing her identity, she should put down her sword, right?
Even though her consciousness is on Yaoqing at this time, all the enmity and resentment are between Yaoqing and Mu Qingxi, and have nothing to do with Feng Changyue and Wei Yun.

With the face of Princess Yaoqing, but with a cold look on his face, he apologized to him, but his voice could not hear the slightest ups and downs, and he said without sincerity: "I'm sorry, big brother, although this will hurt you. , but I blame you for your bad luck, and your spiritual consciousness has to be attached to Mu Qingxi's body."

……What does it mean?
Shu Liang bent her lips, and the upward arc of her lips was very similar to Princess Yaoqing's usual smile.

She held the sword, instead of putting it away, she put the tip of the sword against his heart, and she only needed a little force to push it in, and it could stab into his chest and kill him.

Shu Liang narrowed his eyes, and the bloodthirsty factor in his body began to beat excitedly, "I want to do it, and I have endured it for a long time."

At that moment, Wei Yun's mind went blank and he almost stopped thinking.

Changyue... actually wanted to kill him? !

Mu Qingxi showed a look of fear, ignoring the broken shoulder and the sharp knife in the heart, struggling on the ground like crazy, trying to get up and run for his life.

But Shu Liang would not give him this chance.

According to the plot of the illusion, the long sword that was supposed to be pierced into Princess Yaoqing's body was stained with Mu Qingxi's blood, causing him to die in an instant, without even giving him an extra chance to shout.

After the death of "Mu Qingxi" in the illusion, the ground under the two of them suddenly trembled violently, and the invisible air wave came along with the hysterical roar, causing the blood in the body to surge, and the eyes to go black.

The earth is like a piece of bread torn in half by a giant, with a big gap opened, and in the huge crack is a bottomless abyss.

The crack appeared at Shu Liang's feet.

She was about to move, but suddenly she was hugged tightly by the person behind her, and she jumped into the air.

When the vibration under their feet disappeared, the cracks in the ground closed instantly, and calm was restored, the scene in front of them disappeared in the blink of an eye, replaced by a large peach forest formed by black mist when they first came here.

The unpleasant smell reappeared, Shu Liang frowned, and when she opened her eyes, the two identical blood moons in the night sky came into her sight first.

Yan Liuyu's exclamation sounded next to his ears: "Brother Wei Yun!"

Shu Liang followed the sound and saw Wei Yun who was vomiting blood and fell to the ground not far away.

Qiao Shi and Murong Feng surrounded him nervously, checking on his injuries, while Yan Liuyu was crying like pears and rain.

"I'm fine," Wei Yun, who was lying in Yan Liuyu's arms, raised his hand to wipe the tears off Yan Liuyu's cheeks, his voice was a little weak.

Murong Feng's expression was solemn: "Eldest senior brother was injured in the illusion, and suffered a backlash."

Hearing this, Yan Liuyu's tears flowed more violently, she raised her eyes unexpectedly, and faced the two indifferent faces that had nothing to do with her.

In the illusion, although Yan Liuyu, whose consciousness was attached to the peach blossom essence, was killed by Yao Qing, although the peach forest was destroyed, the embers were still there. She saw Pei Su appear through the sky with her own eyes and rescued Yao Qing who should have died under the sword of Mu Qingxi. Qing, completely changed the direction of this illusion.

And Feng Changyue, a cold-hearted and vicious woman, knew that killing Mu Qingxi in the illusion would hurt Wei Yun's brother, but she still didn't even blink her eyes!
Her eyes were red with anger, she stared at them, pointed at the two with trembling fingers, and complained: "They are the ones who hurt Brother Wei Yun!"

Following her line of sight, Murong Feng and Qiao Shi turned their heads, and when they realized it was them, they were both stunned for a moment.

The two said in unison:
"Elder Sister?"

"Uncle Feng?"

At the next moment, they spoke in unison again:

"How can you do that?"

"No way?"

Qiao Shi scratched his head, and looked at Murong Feng beside him strangely, "Uncle Murong, why did you believe it so easily?"

Could it be that in his mind, the image of Uncle Feng is so cruel and ruthless?
Just now that sentence was completely blurted out, upon hearing Yan Liuyu's words, Murong Feng's heart was filled with anger immediately, he just wanted to ask the elder sister why she wanted to hurt someone.

However, he was caught off guard by Qiao Shi's question, but he choked, not knowing how to explain his subconscious reaction.

But no one cared about his answer.

Shu Liang glanced lightly at Wei Yun who was lying on the ground, and at a glance he saw that he had only suffered some minor internal injuries. He shook his head regretfully in his heart, but his face was cold, and he admitted: "It's me."

"Ah? It's really you?" Qiao Shi widened his eyes in disbelief, scratched his head, and spontaneously found a reason for her: "It must not be Uncle Feng's original wish, right? I can't help myself in the illusion , I can't control my body at all."


Murong Feng glanced at him speechlessly, then his eyes fell on Shu Liang again, hesitant to speak.

"No! She did it on purpose!" Yan Liuyu interrupted their conversation, "If you don't believe me, why don't you ask brother Wei Yun?!"

A word to wake up the dreamer.

All eyes fell on Wei Yun.

In the illusion, the two embraced each other intimately, and the image of the woman tiptoe kissing the corner of his eyes was lingering in Wei Yun's mind.

The heart was overwhelmed by the heavy boulder.

His throat moved slightly, his throat seemed to be rubbing a handful of sand, and it became dry and hoarse, "Changyue, can you tell me why?"

(End of this chapter)

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