Quick wear: The full-level boss has torn up the cannon fodder script again

Chapter 234 Big Sister She Doesn't Want to Ascend

Chapter 234 Big Sister She Doesn't Want to Ascend (24)

Shu Liang felt that this question was really ridiculous.

Isn't this the obvious thing?
Her eyes were cold: "I have already given you the answer to this question in the illusion."

As soon as the words fell, Yan Liuyu said, "Excuse me! You deliberately wanted to hurt brother Wei Yun!"

Shu Liang smiled, looking at her provocatively: "So what?"

Seeing her admit it so frankly, several people had different expressions.

Wei Yun's expression was complicated, Murong Feng couldn't believe it, Yan Liuyu showed a proud expression of "Look, I've known your true face for a long time, and now it's finally exposed", while Qiao Shi opened his eyes wide, his pupils trembling, in surprise It can't help showing a bit of admiration and admiration.

The next moment, Qiao Shi's eyes fell behind them, and he vaguely saw something moving. When he took a closer look, his eyes were so frightened that his eyes were straightened, and his mouth trembled: "Feng...Uncle Feng, behind you..."

Before he could finish speaking, a hoarse voice sounded from behind Shu Liang, from far and near.

"You...you are too much...too much..."

Shu Liang turned around, and saw a familiar face appearing in front of her eyes.

She was wearing a red wedding gown. If I remember correctly, it was the style of the wedding gown worn by Yaoqing and Mu Qingxi on their wedding day, and the peach blossom demon standing in front of her at this time was still top notch. Looking at the face that is exactly the same as that of Yaoqing.

Tsk, what a shock.

The Peach Blossom Demon slowly raised her eyes, those same eyes as Yao Qing's were full of viciousness and resentment, staring at Shu Liang.

"Why did you kill Qingxi, why did you kill him?! The damned person is Yaoqing, and the damned person is you!!"

Shu Liang squinted her eyes and smiled to see her hysterical appearance, then plucked her ears, "Have you finished?"

Hearing this, Peach Blossom Demon froze for a moment, as if she didn't understand what she meant.

Shu Liang explained kindly: "After saying the last words, it's time to go on the road."

The moment the words fell to the ground, the Yuhan Sword was unsheathed in their hands, and everyone saw only a faint blue sword light flashing, slashing at the Peach Blossom Demon.


With a brief roar, the peach blossom demon turned into ashes.

The whole process was so fast that no one could react.

Qiao Shi scratched his head, uncertain: "Is this... dead?"

Should it be said that this monster is too weak, or that Uncle Feng is too strong?

Did the Peach Blossom Demon die just like that?
of course not.

Shu Liang didn't answer, but put away the sword, stretched out two fingers together, and silently recited a few formulas——

Two fingers pointed in the direction of the black fog peach forest.

Everyone subconsciously looked in the direction of her finger, and saw a raging fire burning in the peach forest. The fire was redder than the two blood moons above their heads, like a huge blooming red lotus, full of evil spirit.

Murong Feng opened his eyes wide, stared blankly at the scene in front of him, and murmured: "... Honglian Yehuo."

The most top-notch fire spell, the red lotus karmic fire that can burn away all evil in the world...

It is said that from ancient times to the present, the number of monks who have realized this method and truly performed it can be counted on one hand.

He didn't know when did Senior Sister's cultivation become so high? !
As a Huolingen cultivator, Qiao Shi was naturally not unfamiliar with the name Honglian Yehuo.

Originally, he was only guessing in his heart, but he didn't dare to be sure until he heard Murong Feng blurt out, and he gasped suddenly.

Qiao Shi stared obsessively at Karma, which was more splendid than fireworks, even though the longer he looked at it, the more oppressive and overbearing he felt, he couldn't take his eyes off it.

 I'm crying, today's Internet is really bad
(End of this chapter)

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