Quick wear: The full-level boss has torn up the cannon fodder script again

Chapter 236 Big Sister She Doesn't Want to Ascend

Chapter 236 Big Sister She Doesn't Want to Ascend (26)

Shu Liang was silent for a moment, then looked at the boy next to him with complicated eyes: "...why didn't you stop them earlier?"

Pei Su looked at her innocently: "I thought..."

As soon as he said three words, Shu Liang guessed what he would say next, and raised his hand to stop him: "Okay, don't say it."

The scene of the two of them next to each other muttering and biting their ears made Wei Yun feel extremely intrusive.

The people in the arms were still trembling in the panic of the rest of their lives, but they whispered in front of so many people like they were okay.

Wei Yun was furious, and said seriously: "Changyue, you clearly saw that something was wrong with that person just now, why did you stand by and watch?"

Murong Feng also had sullen anger on his face, "Senior Sister, I saw it too, why did you refuse to save Liuyu?"

Yan Liuyu wept sobbingly: "Sister Changyue, no matter how much you hate me, I am now your fellow apprentice. I really didn't expect you to be such a person."

Qiao Shi, who was busy with his father, was the only one in the audience who didn't know what happened just now. He smelled the gunpowder smoke spreading in the air, raised his head and looked to the left, then to the right, and asked hesitantly: " ...Why did they suddenly stop moving?"

As soon as the words fell, the river suddenly surged.

The shrill cry of the baby resounded in the air again.

Immediately afterwards, one after another strange-looking monsters emerged from the muddy river, some with tentacles on their heads, some with countless legs, and some with a long black snake tail on their lower body.

They have a strong demonic aura, hideous faces, and their expressions are no different from those of the controlled townspeople. Their eyes are cloudy, and they attack them without saying a word.

Qiao Shi couldn't help shouting and cursing, "You hide-and-seek turtle, don't you have any other means besides controlling others to kill with a knife?!"

Probably hearing his scolding, the baby's crying sound became more and more piercing.

These monsters were different from those unarmed mortal townspeople, and everyone had to concentrate on dealing with them. However, the muddy river was like a bottomless pit. After one monster was finally wiped out, a steady stream of monsters came out again.

Gradually, everyone found that there were fewer monsters attacking them.

"Ah!!! Help!!!"

Yan Liuyu's self-cultivation is not high, somehow, these monsters gave up attacking other people as if they had made an agreement, and instead concentrated their firepower on her alone.

Because of the sneak attack by the weird figure just now, Wei Yun paid a little bit of attention to her and protected her. When he got close to her, seeing the monsters coming in a steady stream, his face was awe-inspiring, and he repelled a lot for her.

The two were instantly surrounded by monsters.

"Liuyu! Senior brother!"

Murong Feng's eyes turned red in an instant, before rushing over to help the two get out of trouble, he suddenly turned his head and gave Shu Liang a glare.

Although Qiao Shi didn't know why Murong Feng stared at her all of a sudden, Wei Yun was his master after all, and the group of them came to exorcise the demons in Mushan, so he couldn't just stand by and watch.

Seeing that Shu Liang and Pei Suchu were standing still, as if they had no intention of helping each other, he scratched his head and said puzzledly: "Uncle Feng, Pei Su, hurry up and help, we are grasshoppers on the same rope now. , not the time for infighting."

Shu Liang really wants to say, even if you don't need to take action, he can solve it alone.

Besides, if these few people can't even get rid of these monsters, what role can they be expected to play in the next battle?
Thank goodness for not holding back.

Shu Liang had already guessed what the evil creature was hiding here.

The monster of water and fire can spit water and fire, and its cry is like a baby crying——

Nine infants.

Even though she was unwilling in every possible way, according to the script, now is not the best time for her to tear her face apart.

She pinched the tactics with ten fingers, and Yuhanjian felt the drive. After the vibration, it volleyed out of its sheath with a "buzz", and quickly drew an ancient and complicated pattern in midair, and the majestic sword intent immediately enveloped everyone's heart.

The next moment, the Yuhan Sword emitting a faint blue light in the air turned into countless sword shadows, making it hard to tell which one was the real Yuhan Sword.

Or maybe, every handle is.

In the blink of an eye, the sword rained like a waterfall.

Yuhan Jianying accurately pierced the monster's vitals and killed him with one blow.

Wei Yun stood at the same spot, holding the sword in one hand, and supporting Yan Liuyu's trembling shoulders with the other hand, staring at the rain of swords that was more gorgeous than fireworks, with a complex expression on his face, and murmured in a low voice: "...it is Wan Jian Jue .”

Yan Liuyu felt that Wei Yun's hand tightened slightly, and she looked up, only to find that he was looking up at the Yuhan Sword in the air.

She moved slightly in her heart and asked, "Brother Wei Yun, is Wan Jian Jue very powerful?"

Wei Yun withdrew his gaze and glanced at her, as if he didn't want to explain too much, he replied: "Yes."

Yan Liuyu noticed that his mood had become less happy.

On the other side, Qiao Shi raised his face and asked Murong Feng curiously, "Uncle Murong, what kind of sword technique is this? It's so cool and dazzling. It looks so powerful. Can I become so powerful after I learn it?"


Murong Feng looked at him with a complicated face, saw that his face was full of anticipation and longing, originally he didn't want to hit him, so he moved his lips, then closed his mouth silently.

However, Qiao Shi didn't notice his hesitation and asked again.

He couldn't hold back, "With your aptitude, I'm afraid you won't be able to learn it in 300 years."

Hearing this, Qiao Shi's eyes widened, his jaw almost fell to the ground.

...This, so exaggerated?
Qiao Shi didn't quite believe it, he hesitated and said, "But Master Feng's age...hasn't passed thirty yet?"

Murong Feng silently looked at the cold-faced woman not far away, the faint light of the Jade Cold Sword surrounded her body, as if casting a layer of cold light on her.

He sighed silently: "So you are a genius."

On the road of cultivation, starting from the beginning, the first step is to practice Qi. This process, most people need to go through ten years before they can advance to the next stage, which is foundation building, and after foundation building, it will take at least ten years to advance To Jindan.

Generally speaking, most of the monks with mediocre aptitude can cultivate to the golden core in their lifetime, which is already very impressive.

From Jindan to Yuanying is a long and endless border, without a fixed deadline.

If the aptitude is not enough, even if it takes dozens of years, it will not be able to touch the threshold of the Nascent Soul.

But if it was a genius like Feng Changyue, it might only take ten years, or even less, to realize the right way.

After Nascent Soul, there are also things like getting out of body, being distracted, joining together, crossing the catastrophe...

The ultimate goal of the monk is to ascend.

Cultivation can only prolong the lifespan of monks, but ascension can obtain eternal life and enter their unknown, higher upper realm.

(End of this chapter)

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