Quick wear: The full-level boss has torn up the cannon fodder script again

Chapter 237 Big Sister She Doesn't Want to Ascend

Chapter 237 Big Sister She Doesn't Want to Ascend (27)

Wanjian Jue is a swordsmanship that can only be performed by monks at the level of distraction. Even their master, Wu Lingzi, has not practiced it yet...

Murong Feng's expression became as complicated as Wei Yun's.

He suddenly turned his head, walked to Yan Liuyu's side, raised his hand and tore off the yellow talisman paper stuck on her back.

Wei Yun exchanged glances with him, took the talisman paper from Murong Feng's hand, and his complexion sank after just one glance.

He raised his eyes to look at Shu Liang, and called out: "Changyue," and then showed the talisman in his hand, with a voice that was about to come: "What is this?"

Qiao Shi blinked: "Hey, this spell looks familiar..."

Shu Liang raised her eyebrows, seeing that he looked like an active student in the school who couldn't wait to answer the questions raised by the master, and said loudly: "I see!"

Qiao Shi said to himself, "This is a magic charm!"

The voice fell to the ground, and there was no sound.

Only then did Qiao Shi realize that the atmosphere was not right, his heart skipped a beat, thinking that I must be smart enough to admit my mistake?Taking a closer look at the talisman paper in Wei Yun's hand, he muttered a few words in bewilderment: "That's right...that's right..."

In order to prove that he had really studied his studies seriously during these days in Tianjianzong, Qiao Shi turned to look at Shu Liang and asked, "Uncle Feng, am I right?"

Shu Liang glanced at him, "Yes."

Seeing her nonchalant appearance from the beginning to the end, Murong Feng felt furious, and after seeing her admit it, he finally couldn't help it, and a sneer appeared on his lips: "You admitted it."

Murong Feng never dreamed that the glamorous senior sister in his mind would become like this, his eyes were full of disappointment, and he said angrily: "You took advantage of the chaos to stick the magic talisman on Liuyu's back, I saw it with my own eyes!"

Shu Liang raised her eyebrows, "Oh, since you saw it, why didn't you tear it off for her and let the monsters attack her?"

Murong Feng didn't expect that after the method of pickling was exposed, the other party not only didn't feel ashamed, but instead questioned him, very angry: "At first I didn't see clearly that it was a magic charm, and I was busy dealing with monsters, how could I draw it out?" mind?!"

Wei Yun's eyes darkened, "Changyue, I didn't expect that you still don't know how to repent until now."

Seeing this, Yan Liuyu gently pushed Wei Yun, lowered her eyes, her eyelashes were trembling, and she looked timid, crying and trembling: "Brother Wei Yun, Ah Feng, don't blame Sister Changyue, she hates you. I deserve it, I..."

Murong Feng frowned, couldn't listen anymore, interrupted her: "Liu Yu, don't always belittle yourself."

Yan Liuyu stopped talking.

Shu Liang's indifferent and indifferent appearance formed a sharp contrast with Yan Liuyu who was full of guilt and trembling. Murong Feng was furious when he saw that, even though he was speaking to Yan Liuyu, his fiery eyes stared straight at Shu Liang: "What did you do wrong? You never hurt anyone, why are you apologizing?"

His attitude of pointing at Sang and scolding Huai was too obvious, he was pointing at Shu Liang's nose and cursing, Pei Su's unattractive face became even more stinky, his deep black eyes seemed to be frozen, and the hand hanging by his side was clenched into a fist.

The next moment, if Shu Liang felt something, she didn't turn her head to look at him, but silently raised her hand and grabbed his wrist.

The boy's tense hands loosened slightly, his eyes filled with puzzlement.

He moved his fingertips slightly.

The fine needle-like pain suddenly attacked Murong Feng's sword-holding hand, forcing the sword in his hand to fall off with a crisp sound.

Murong Feng cried out in pain, his face was full of fear, he turned his head and looked around: "Who?!"

Tsk, the little apprentice is really disobedient.

Shu Liang gave him a meaningful look.

Seeing Murong Feng being ambushed, Qiao Shi also panicked, looked around uneasily, raised his head and inadvertently scanned the two blood moons above his head, and suddenly saw that there seemed to be something extra in one of the blood moons.

"Hey, look, there is a black spot on the moon!"

"No...why is this black spot getting bigger and bigger?"

"What is that?"

"With wings...it's flying over!"

"A lot more heads... one, two, three, four... nine heads!"

As Qiao Shi yelled one sentence after another, the strange beast that flew towards them from the blood moon had already reached the top of their heads, looking down at them from a high position.

The whole body of these nine giant beasts is covered with black scales, and the huge black wings are flapping to create wind movement. The nine heads have different expressions and are staring at them maliciously.

To be precise, he was staring at Shu Liang and Pei Su beside her.

One of the heads let out a strange laugh.

The other head salivated and said, "It's actually a Nascent Soul cultivator. No wonder he's so strong. He must have taken a lot of supplements. The one next to him..."

It paused, and seemed a little surprised: "Huh, you can't see it?"

The other head stared straight at Yan Liuyu who was hiding behind Wei Yun, trembling, "Rabbit...rabbit meat, so tender, I really want to eat it..."

Shu Liang: "..."

If this guy doesn't want to swallow her up, she will probably say that the hero thinks the same.

Yan Liuyu was too scared to speak, and kept hiding behind Wei Yun.

Pei Su's eyes were cold, and she wanted to do it directly, but suddenly remembered something, and asked her in a low voice: "Do you need me to kill it?"

Shu Liang stroked the hilt of the sword, slowly shook his head: "No need."

Qiao Shi recognized its voice and yelled angrily, "You are that turtle who dare not show up!"

After speaking, he raised his sword and rushed forward.

"Qiao Shi!!"

Murong Fengla, who was closest to him, didn't stop him, but tore off a corner of his clothes, and watched him rush forward without hesitation, his eyes turned red instantly.

Shu Liang shook his head helplessly.

Alas, young people are so impulsive.

When she came to her senses, both Wei Yun and Murong Feng stepped forward to support Qiao Shi.

Seeing Yan Liuyu who was standing still with the pestle, Shu Liang walked over nonchalantly, with a half-smile: "Your good brothers are charging forward, why don't you go to help?"

Yan Liuyu looked at the two men fearfully, glanced at the cold-faced Pei Su, thought for a while, and finally concluded that he could not defeat this person, so he simply stopped pretending, and said in a bad mood: "My cultivation base is low, Going up can't help much, you and Pei Su are so powerful, they are the ones who should help."

Facing her attitude of "I'm weak and I'm justified, you should go if you are strong", Shu Liang raised her eyebrows, "Oh, but I don't want to help."

Hearing this, Yan Liuyu looked at her in disbelief, as if she didn't expect that she would be so straightforward that she would really put the lives of her fellow disciples at risk.

"They all grew up with you, how could you..."

Listening to the script request constantly echoing in his mind, Shu Liang frowned impatiently, not wanting to continue talking nonsense with her, "Pei Su, throw her over."

As soon as he finished speaking, the young man quickly lifted Yan Liuyu's back collar, and easily threw it towards the fierce battle scene, and threw her over.

(End of this chapter)

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