Quick wear: The full-level boss has torn up the cannon fodder script again

Chapter 240 Big Sister She Doesn't Want to Ascend

Chapter 240 Big Sister She Doesn't Want to Ascend (30)

Shu Liang opened his eyes slightly, frowned immediately, and looked at him angrily: "Is this all right?"

Seeing her rarely swollen look, Pei Su's heart twitched slightly, and couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth, causing the other party to stare, "What are you laughing at?"

Pei Su slowly pulled down his sleeves to cover the hideous wound on his arm, and said unhurriedly: "Master."

Every time he calls her that, there must be nothing good, but now Shu Liang is angry, and her tone is not very good, "What are you doing?"

"You have a photographic memory, maybe you haven't forgotten what you did in the illusion?"


The topic changed too quickly, Shu Liang didn't react immediately, when she mentioned what she did in the illusion, what she subconsciously thought was that she killed "Mu Qingxi", but her strong sixth sense told her that Pei Su That's definitely not what it's referring to...

Facing the deep and dark pupils of the young man, Shu Liang's eyes shifted slightly, and caught a glimpse of the small red mole in the corner of his eye unexpectedly.


Immediately remembered everything.

Noticing the sudden change in her expression and the momentary stiff posture, Pei Su knew that she understood, blinked, and looked at her with a meaningful smile: "It seems that Master has not forgotten."

His shouting of "Master" made Shu Liang feel guilty and guilty for no reason.

Shu Liang's eyes flickered, and when he saw that he was about to speak, he quickly interrupted with a light cough: "Cough, your injury is very serious, and you need to be treated with medicine immediately. If you have anything to say, wait until the wound is treated."

Pei Su was not in a hurry to ask, and was obedient: "I only accept the medicine from Master."

Shu Liang twitched the corner of her mouth, "...I'm a sword cultivator, how can I compare to a medicine cultivator who has experience in healing injuries? And I'm very strong, if it hurts you when I apply the medicine, it won't be good."

"It's okay, I'm not afraid of pain."


"Master, don't you want to give me medicine?"

Looking at each other, Pei Su's eyes seemed to be filled with thousands of words.

Shu Liang had a vague premonition that he was about to start playing tricks.

Thinking about it carefully, Pei Su trains with her on weekdays to help her break through, washes her hands and makes soup for her to cook delicious food for her, and she doesn't even need to do the cleaning. She was injured, but she kept avoiding it and was unwilling to even take the medicine. No matter how you looked at it, she was quite indifferent and heartless.

If Pei Su wanted to play tricks, he would have too much to say.

The two looked at each other for a while, then Pei Su sighed silently, and the loss could not be concealed in her voice, but said: "Since you don't want to, I won't force it."

"..." Why is it different from what she expected?
The huge gap between reality and fantasy made Shu Liang's heart skip a beat.

The young man lowered his eyes, his slender eyelashes concealed the emotion in his eyes, his pale lips were slightly pursed, he stood in the wind, his clothes fluttered by the blowing, but his back was straight, like a lone pine that could not fall against the wind, Shows loneliness and stubbornness.

Alas, sin.

Shu Liang shook his head helplessly, grabbed his wrist, and pulled him away: "Let's go, let's stop standing here blowing the cold wind, go back and give you medicine."

Pei Su let her lead her away without making a sound, like a pissed off daughter-in-law, but when she was not paying attention, she tilted her head and a silent smile appeared on her lips.
The process of applying the medicine was very honest, Pei Su didn't say a word, if it wasn't for the subconscious frown on his brows, Shu Liang would have wondered if this guy had lost his sense of pain.

"Your injury..." Shu Liang thought for a moment and asked, "Was Jiuying injured?"

Pei Su admitted it frankly: "Well, I killed it."

Jiuying is narrow-minded and always seeks revenge. She cut off its head and was escaped by it. It holds a grudge in its heart and will find an opportunity to take revenge at some point.

Shu Liang felt strange: "I have already chopped off one of its heads, and it is at a time when its vitality is seriously injured, how could it hurt you?"

There was a trace of regret in Pei Su's expression: "I wanted to take his Yuan Pill, but unexpectedly it would rather explode itself than fall into my hands. I was injured a little when I couldn't dodge it."

"What do you do with the Yuan Dan?"

Could this be the unique collection habit of their dragon clan?

"Although Jiuying's strength is not good, it is an ancient fierce beast. Wearing its Yuandan on its body will help you improve your cultivation at ordinary times. At critical moments, it can save you from a catastrophe."

Is the co-author trying to take Yuan Dan and give it to her?

Shu Liang's hands paused, and he smiled, "Speaking of which, this injury is for me."

Pei Su heard the subtle changes in her emotions, and said solemnly: "It's what I want to do, you don't have to feel guilty."

"Pei Su..."

"Wind and long moon!"

Shu Liang only had time to call his name, but was interrupted by Murong Feng who suddenly broke into the room.

The two of them raised their eyes at the same time, looking at Murong Feng who broke into the door uninvited, with anger written all over his face, and looked extraordinarily calm.

Isn't this the posture of Lai Xingshi asking for guilt?
Pei Su slowly pulled down her sleeves to cover the freshly bandaged wound, and returned to her indifferent appearance, her eyes seemed to be frosted, looking at him impatiently.

Normally, seeing his eyes like this, Murong Feng would probably feel trembling in his heart.

But right now the anger is occupying his heart, Murong Feng can't wait to jump over and beat him up.

"Pei Su, it's you, it's you who caused Liuyu to be in danger and blind, I'll kill you!"

Saying that, Murong Feng sacrificed the long sword in his hand and rushed over.

The next moment, a tyrannical force with ice-like coldness suddenly pushed him out of the room.

Murong Feng had no power to resist, and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

"People who trespassed on my door and wanted to touch me," Shu Liang said with a cold face, pointing the jade cold sword point at his throat, less than a finger away, "You really don't care about me?"

Murong Feng was stunned by the beating. He never dreamed that he would be pointed at the gate of life with a sword by her. After recovering, seeing her frosty expression, his heart suddenly felt sore and unbearable, and tears filled his heart. His heart was filled with tears, his eyes were instantly red, and when he spoke, his voice was choked with sobs: "Senior Sister, you...you actually...for him..."

"Why, are you called Senior Sister now?" Shu Liang interrupted him with a half-smile, and tilted her head, "Didn't you call Feng Changyue just now?"

Murong Feng's expression froze, and the tears rolling in his eyes disappeared.

...Senior sister, she has really changed.

His expression gradually became cold, and he looked at her fearlessly: "Are you really going to kill me?"

Before Shu Liang could speak, Murong Feng's eyes burst into anger again, and he complained hoarsely: "If you hadn't asked Pei Su to throw Liuyu over, and it happened to hit the poisonous mist from Jiuying's mouth, she would not have been seriously injured. , Master will not risk his life to get medicine from Quxian Peak, after all, you are the culprit!"

Shu Liang was amused by his nonsensical logic.

"What are you yelling about?" Shu Liang raised her eyebrows, "Since Qu Xianfeng is dangerous, why don't you go get the medicine?"

Murong Feng's eyes widened in anger, "You!"

"Oh, you care about the little rabbit demon very much, and you are reluctant to let her be blind," Shu Liang said in his heart, and then changed the subject, "Since you are so worried about Master, why don't you go get the medicine with him? "


Shu Liang smiled, "I understand, because Qu Xianfeng is dangerous, you dare not go, so you have no choice but to turn your incompetence into rage, and transfer your anger to me."

Murong Feng was stunned, he subconsciously wanted to refute, but he opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say, after a while, his expression became tangled and complicated.

Shu Liang put away the Yuhan Sword, "Let's go."

Hearing this, Murong Feng was stunned, hesitantly said: "...you won't kill me?"

To be honest, she really wants to do something, after all, this kind of behavior of running over to disturb you from time to time makes people feel very irritated.

It's a pity that the plot is not over yet, she has to wait.

Shu Liang said lightly: "Killing you will dirty my sword."

Murong Feng left with mixed feelings.


When Shu Liang woke up one day, he was suddenly driven by a force, got up and walked out of the room, and finally appeared in the pharmacy where Wu Lingzi used to refine.

In the quiet alchemy room, there was a mixed smell of bitter medicine.

On the table, a weaker white flower was planted in a palm-sized potted plant, which looked bleak.

Shu Liang's hand hanging by his side moved slightly, narrowing his eyes.

At this moment, 021's voice appeared in his mind:

[Master Shu Liang, this must be the medicine that Wu Lingzi went to Quxian Peak to gather for the little rabbit monster. If you destroy it, the little rabbit monster's eyes will never heal! 】

The corner of Shu Liang's mouth twitched, "You are not a villain system, can you stop speaking in such an evil tone?"

Needless to say, she also guessed it.

If it wasn't for something crucial, how could the script push her to come here and "discover" this precious medicinal herb?
Shu Liang held luck in his palm, and his spiritual power flowed through his fingertips.

Wu Lingzi's startled and hasty voice suddenly came from behind him: "Changyue, no!"

Shu Liang was startled, turned around, and looked at Wu Lingzi who was full of exhaustion and anxiety.

He stood a foot away from her, making a gesture to come over.

Shu Liang frowned, and said coldly, "Don't come here."

Hearing this, Wu Lingzi stopped moving, "Okay, I won't go, Changyue, don't get excited."

In Feng Changyue's memory, she has almost never seen Master in such a flustered state.

Shu Liang twitched the corners of his mouth, wanting to laugh, but the corners of his mouth seemed to be stuck with glue, unable to smile.

She blinked, and suddenly asked: "Master, if you could only choose one, Yan Liuyu and I, who would you choose?"

While speaking, she had already raised her hand and approached the weak little flower.

Seeing this, Wu Lingzi lowered his face: "Changyue, stop messing around."

"I've heard from Wei Yun and Murong Feng what happened to you in Muayshan Town." Although Wu Lingzi was talking to her, he was always paying attention to her movements, and his eyes could not help but drift to the medicinal plant next to her. "I know that you have resentment towards Xiaoyu in your heart, and hate that she has a face similar to yours, and she has been loved by everyone. I understand your feelings, so you hurt Wei Yun and Xiaoyu. I am a teacher. let bygones be bygones."

"But this Chi Ranghua is the only one I found after rummaging through the entire Quxian Peak for my teacher. Don't make mistakes again and again, and be blinded by jealousy."

... Tsk.

It's really funny that the front foot said that she knew that she understood that past pasts should not be blamed, but the back foot told her not to "make mistakes again and again" and "be blinded by jealousy".

After all, I was still worried about the rabbit.

Although Wu Lingzi didn't answer her question, Shu Liang already got the answer.

The gratitude and tenderness in Feng Changyue's heart to Master was also annihilated in this answer.

How ironic that years of nurturing can't compare to a rabbit.

Shu Liang raised his hand suddenly, pulled Chi Ranghua out of the potted plant, and crushed it into fine powder.

When the wind blows, it disappears without a trace.

She moved quickly, Wu Lingzi had no idea that she would destroy the medicinal materials without warning, and when he wanted to stop it, it was already too late.

Shu Liang, who was freed from the restraints, easily dodged the spell that was hitting her.

Facing Shangwu Lingzi's unbelievable eyes, Shu Liang raised her lips and blinked innocently, "I'm sorry, my hand slipped."

Wu Lingzi was so angry that he couldn't speak well: "You... how can you... that medicine was picked for her to temper the marrow and force out the toxin, and there is only this one..."

Oh so what?
A cool smile floated on Shu Liang's lips: "I ruined the medicine, so are you going to kill me?"

Wu Lingzi showed pain on his face, opened his mouth tremblingly, before he could speak, his complexion changed drastically, he left her, disappeared in place, turned into a stream of light and ran towards the breaking table.

Shu Liang silently watched the direction in which he disappeared.

She had already discovered Murong Feng who ran to inform him, but she just didn't care.

Murong Feng saw that the only medicinal material that could cure the little rabbit demon was destroyed, so he told the news non-stop.

Knowing that she had no medicine to treat her injuries, and that she might never get well again, the little rabbit demon came to the Broken Bone Table with her heart ashamed.

This kind of climax plot point created by myself, how can I be worthy of her hard work if I don't watch a wave of onlookers?


When Shu Liang arrived at the scene, there were already many people bustling around the scaffold.

And the little rabbit demon in thin clothes was standing on the edge of the scaffold, ready to jump off at any time.

The bitter wind raged with no scruples.

Many people tried to persuade her not to be overwhelmed, like a modern scene of jumping from a building.

"Xiaoyu, your injury is not completely incurable, we are all trying to find a way!"

"Liuyu, don't be impulsive, the Skeletal Table is no fun, you can't see it now, it's very dangerous, don't move around!"

"Xiaoyu, don't listen to your senior brother's nonsense, there will be more Chi Ranghua, and I will definitely cure you as a teacher!"

The little rabbit demon's eyes were covered with a few laps of white gauze, his face lacked a trace of blood, and his body was frail, as if he would be blown down by the wind at any moment.

Her lips trembled and she opened her mouth. She wanted to speak, but coughed out first, "cough cough cough."

Blood stained the colorless lips red.

Everyone showed pity and pain.

Yan Liuyu's voice was hoarse and fluffy, and she was crying: "Master, Brother Wei Yun, Ah Feng, everyone... you are all very well, but I am really suffering, Xiaoyu can't bear it anymore, I..."

Shu Liang frowned, showing a speechless expression.

Do you want to dance or not?Grinding.

Yan Liuyu didn't jump for so long, because he was sawing through everyone's psychological defense.

With a sneer on Shu Liang's lips, he suddenly dodged from behind the crowd and appeared behind Yan Liuyu.

"Since you don't dare to jump, I'll be a good man to the end and help you."

After finishing speaking, she kicked the little rabbit demon down.

 Four more in one! !
  Finally I!The exam is over!Super Plus enjoy! !
  Today is my birthday~ I can go home tomorrow~

  o((*^▽^*))o ~

(End of this chapter)

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