Quick wear: The full-level boss has torn up the cannon fodder script again

Chapter 241 Big Sister She Doesn't Want to Ascend

Chapter 241 Big Sister She Doesn't Want to Ascend (31)

Unprepared, Yan Liuyu was kicked off the scaffold by her.

Of course, even if she was on guard, she couldn't resist Shu Liang's kick.

She didn't even have time to utter an exclamation before she fell into it, into a bottomless pit-like black vortex.

The next moment, everyone in the Heavenly Sword Sect's eyes were tearing apart, and their eyes were red. As the head of the sect, Wu Lingzi rushed in regardless of his own safety, and rescued the dying little rabbit demon in time.

Although his speed was already very fast, Yan Liuyu was still alive, but the Skeletal Table was always a place of punishment for the most vicious people, and her body was already weak, and now she could only see the breath coming in but not coming out.

Wu Lingzi didn't care about his injuries, and kept pouring his spiritual power onto her.

In fact, according to the original direction of the script, Yan Liuyu jumped off the scaffold by himself.

But now Shu Liang made a move... oh no, he kicked her down. Although the end result is the same, the nature is completely different.

The atmosphere in the crowd suddenly became serious.

At the same time, 021's worried voice sounded in Shu Liang's mind:
[According to the script, your master, senior senior brother, and junior junior brother were heartbroken and almost insane after jumping off the scaffold, and cut out your natal marrow to heal her injuries. 】

When it was speaking, Wei Yun and Murong Feng had already set up a formation, commanded many disciples, and surrounded her.

After it finished speaking, Shu Liang chuckled softly: "Oh? I don't believe it. As long as my sword is faster, they will be the ones whose souls are cut."

When they made a move, Shu Liang recognized what formation they were about to put up.

Coincidentally, she knows the way to break the formation, and there is more than one method.

As soon as the words fell, Yuhanjian broke through the shackles of hundreds of people in an instant, pierced the sky with lightning speed, and turned into a rain of arrows in the next moment.

Hundreds of disciples instantly lost the power to fight back and collapsed to the ground.

All this happened in the blink of an eye.

When Wei Yun came back to his senses, the Yuhan sword with a faint blue light was already lying across his neck artery, and the blade touched his fragile skin, leaving a clear bloodstain.

Outside the crowd, Qiao Shi, who did not go back to the Heavenly Sword Sect with them because he was worried about the health of his parents and fellow villagers, and who arrived late due to delays in news, just arrived at the scene, and when he saw this thrilling scene, he immediately showed amazement. He took a breath.


However, he quickly realized that the person who is now in danger with the sword on his neck is his master. Of course, this master did not accept him as a disciple voluntarily, and treated him severely, and often disliked him, always throwing himself to others for Yan Liuyu's sake. I know which master uncle, but generally speaking, he is still a serious and responsible master.

Qiao Shi thought he was a good apprentice with love and righteousness, and he couldn't let his master be smeared on the neck under his nose and still do nothing.

So he held his head high, clenched the long sword in his hand, and bravely rushed in front of Shu Liang.

Shu Liang glanced at him and raised her eyebrows slightly.

Qiao Shi suppressed his uncontrollably beating heart due to nervousness and fear, and took a deep breath.

next moment--


The sound of the long sword falling to the ground.


The sound of knees landing.

Qiao Shi threw down his weapon without hesitation, knelt down, hugged her thigh, and said with tears and nose: "Uncle Feng, everything is a misunderstanding, if you have something to say, please don't kill me!" Master! Uncle, calm down, listen to my advice, killing people can't solve the problem!"

"..." It's really useless.

Many people who collapsed on the ground showed expressions of indifference.

But Shu Liang really stopped what he was doing, shook his legs, and signaled Qiao Shi to let go.

Qiao Shi hurriedly let go of his hand obediently, and looked up at her with a smirk.

Shu Liang lowered her eyes slightly, and raised the corners of her lips towards him.

Seeing her weird smile, Qiao Shi inexplicably had a bad feeling.

The next moment, he saw her showing a thoughtful expression, and said, "You are right, but it's too boring to just kill someone."

Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, Shu Liang made a hand gesture very quickly, and landed a palm on Wei Yun's abdomen.


Wei Yun's mouth suddenly spurted out blood, his complexion turned gray at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if all the strength in his body had been sucked away by an invisible force, and he fell to the ground slumped. It was bleak and full of despair.

Seeing this, Qiao Shi was terrified and confused, his eyelids twitched wildly, and he asked tremblingly, "Master, Master Uncle, what did you do?"

There was no need for Shu Liang to answer him personally, Murong Feng, who was covering his wound on the other side, gritted his teeth and shouted: "She shattered the golden core of senior brother!!"

And Qiao Shi's first reaction when he heard these words was: Oh...it just shattered the golden core, that's okay, that's okay, the person didn't die, at least his life was saved.

As a monk, although he has just started, Qiao Shi knows what golden core means to a monk.

It's like the meridian of a martial artist... No, it's actually more serious.

Severing the meridian may be a catastrophe for mortals, but if it is cured by mysterious methods, there is still a chance of recovery, but if a monk's golden core is shattered, it is like the wind blows away the powder , I can't hold the sand with my fingertips, and I can't keep anything.

... Besides, Wei Yun is such a proud person.

Qiao Shi instantly understood what Shu Liang meant just now.

Shattering Wei Yun's golden core caused him more pain than killing him directly.

But he cherishes his life like Qiao Shi, and feels lucky for Wei Yun.

Murong Feng seemed to lose all reason, hysterically, looking at Yan Liuyu who seemed to be lifeless in Wu Lingzi's arms for a while, calling her name, looking at Wei Yun with a sad face, calling for big brother, and using hate for a while. Looking at Shu Liang, he muttered "Return my senior sister".

Shu Liang finds it funny.

After all, they lost Feng Changyue themselves.

What's the point of begging her now?
She is not Feng Changyue, and she will not feel pity for his crazy appearance.

Shu Liang slowly raised the long sword in his hand.


When Wu Lingzi finally managed to save Yan Liuyu's side and came back to his senses, his two proud disciples had already been shattered by Shu Liang's golden core, and they were reduced to cripples inferior to ordinary people.

With the lessons learned from the past, the other disciples around were trembling and did not dare to approach Shu Liang rashly, for fear that they would be the next to suffer.

Wu Lingzi couldn't believe that the disciple he had trained turned into such a cruel and merciless appearance.

"Changyue, what are you doing?!"

He was heartbroken, and slowly stood up, looking at her as if looking at a stranger, "They are brothers who grew up with you, how could you do anything to them?!"

Hearing this, Shu Liang's face remained unchanged, and he said calmly: "They were the ones who attacked me first, and their skills are not as good as others."

If her strength is not enough, the current situation is probably "Feng Changyue was defeated by everyone's joint efforts, and her soul was sacrificed to Yan Liuyu, and she was reduced to a useless person". For everyone except her, this would be a happy ending After all, Feng Changyue has become a useless person who has lost his Dao heart, and is no longer worthy of being the white moonlight in everyone's hearts.

Shu Liang was just stating the facts, but after hearing this, Wu Lingzi only felt that she did not repent, and immediately became angry and blood surged.

He sacrificed his own spirit sword, and half of the Heavenly Sword Sect felt a faint tremor. Accompanied by the buzzing sound, the spirit sword "Moqi", which Wu Lingzi seldom appeared in everyone's sight, was unsheathed.

A long sword like ink hangs in the air.

Rather than a sword, "Moqi" is more like a huge black shadow with no fixed shape.

It can be said that many people in the Tianjianzong have never seen the master make a move. They never dreamed that the first time they opened their eyes in their lives, what they witnessed was the only two geniuses in the Tianjianzong's century. The duel, and the relationship between the two is still the master and apprentice who used to be as close as father and daughter.

The cold wind blew through his clothes, Wu Lingzi's hair fluttered, and a cold light appeared in his eyes, and he said firmly, "Today, I will clear up the master's school and let you know your mistake!"

Shu Liang's eyes flashed with excited fighting intent, he was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, so he flew close to him with his sword.

Others may not know it, but as an apprentice who has lived with Wu Lingzi for more than ten years, Feng Changyue still has some understanding of Wu Lingzi's famous stunt.

It is a special kind of chess game swordsmanship, which integrates formations and sword tactics, and then penetrates one's own sword intent, which will have a superb effect.

Straight black lines criss-crossing quickly spread out under Shu Liang's feet, and a huge chess game centered on the two of them.

As a white piece standing alone on a huge chessboard, Shu Liang seemed to be surrounded by countless Wu Lingzi.

The disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect were also shocked by the scene in front of them, subconsciously thinking, judging, and discussing, among so many masters, which one is the real body?

But in fact, in the chess game, any sunspot is the incarnation of Wu Lingzi.

After fighting against several of the "Wu Lingzi", Shu Liang noticed this.

Each one is a "Wu Lingzi", but none of them are Wu Lingzi at their full strength.

"Wu Lingzi" moves very fast, and every move is often taken by surprise, attacking it by surprise.

However, Shu Liang's sword is faster, and every flaw that seems to be caught by him is a trap set by her.

The quickest and most effective way to crack this kind of trick formed by the fusion of formation and sword intent is——

Come one, kill one.

See who can spend who.


Everyone stared dumbfounded as Shu Liang raised the Yuhan Sword again and again without hesitation, swung it at Wu Lingzi, then dodged his killing move, and stabbed the tip of the sword at another Wu Lingzi with his backhand, A series of actions flowed smoothly, without any hesitation.

In the past, the master and apprentice fought each other like red-eyed enemies, and no one was merciless.

The color of the sky and the earth changed. I don't know how long it took. When everyone onlookers felt tired, the situation in the chess game had a clear change visible to the naked eye.

At the beginning, Shu Liang and Wu Lingzi seemed to be evenly matched, and Wu Lingzi, who was a sunspot, had the upper hand as the first mover.

However, the initial advantage was not successfully developed, but was overtaken by Bai Zi.

Wu Lingzi was showing signs of fatigue, and had already started to switch from offense to defense, retreating steadily.

Shu Liang, on the other hand, became more and more courageous as she fought, her eyes were burning with fierce fighting intent, and the jade cold sword in her hand was lingering with dual spiritual powers of flame and ice. Under the ice and karmic fire, all the sunspots surrounding her turned into ashes and disappeared. without a trace.

On the huge black chessboard, dark red blood lotuses bloomed.

When the white pieces devoured the last black piece, the chessboard lost all its support, burst into pieces, and disappeared in mid-air.

It is extremely energy-consuming to perform such a huge sword technique.

What's more, Wu Lingzi did not win in the chess game he dominated, which is a huge loss.

In order to collect Chi Ranghua, he went to Quxian Peak by himself, and he was already injured. Just now, he jumped off the broken bone platform to rescue Yan Liuyu, which also caused a lot of damage to him, but he didn't take care of himself, and he had little spiritual power left. It was all used to hold Yan Liuyu's breath.

After experiencing such a huge loss, he can still fight her for so long, in Shu Liang's opinion, he is already very powerful.

Today's Wulingzi is just at the end of its strength.

His complexion was paler than everyone present, and under such a pale complexion, the bright red blood overflowing from his lips looked extremely scary.

Wu Lingzi supported his crumbling body with the long sword in his hand, and raised his eyes to look at the calm and calm Shu Liang.

Shu Liang took the handkerchief from Pei Su, wiped the stains on Yuhan's sword casually, noticed his gaze, without even raising his eyelids, and said flatly: "Master, you lost."

...he lost?

Wu Lingzi couldn't remember the last time he heard this word.


Not when.

From the moment he stepped into the path of cultivation, Tianjianzong regarded him as a rare genius in a hundred years.

So far, he has never had a failure in his practice.

Losing this word is the first time it is used to describe himself.

The light in Wu Lingzi's eyes faded away, as if this first defeat in his life had already crushed a certain belief that was originally firm in his heart.

Even though he has always known that she is a gifted genius, as a master, he has always been conceited.

Wu Lingzi originally thought that her foundation building speed was faster than his, but this did not mean that her talent was higher than his. After all, the two of them had different masters, maybe...

Is it because he teaches well?

Besides, they are both cultivating, she is making progress, and he is also moving forward.

How could she surpass him?
He, Wu Lingzi, was so proud all his life that he lost to the apprentice he taught himself!

Seeing that he didn't say anything, Shu Liang raised her lips, "Master, you can't accept the reality and think you're dreaming, right?"

Her words ruthlessly shattered the last bit of luck in Wu Lingzi's heart.

"I lost."

Wu Lingzi's voice was as soft as a cloud floating in the sky.

The black long sword in his hand disappeared immediately.

Having lost his support point, he could no longer control his body and fell to the ground.

Seeing his lack of fighting spirit, Shu Liang pouted.

"Tsk, they also said they wanted to dissect the orphan's soul, but there wasn't a single one that could do it."

(End of this chapter)

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