Quick wear: The full-level boss has torn up the cannon fodder script again

Chapter 242 Big Sister, She Doesn't Want to Ascend

Chapter 242 Big Sister, She Doesn't Want to Ascend (End)

Her gaze wandered through the crowd, and finally landed on Yan Liuyu accurately.

Seeing the terrified look on the little rabbit demon's face, Shu Liang smiled, "What are you shaking?"

She walked over slowly with her sword in hand, and said with a half-smile: "You don't seem to be timid when you touch Cier's disgusting people over and over again."

Walking to her side, Shu Liang looked down at her condescendingly, raised her chin with the tip of his sword, and narrowed his eyes: "Hiss...this face is really an eyesore."

Yan Liuyu opened her out-of-focus eyes wide in fear, but was unable to struggle.

... She, this female devil, what does she want to do? !

Do you want to ruin her appearance? !
Shu Liang stroked the face of the little rabbit demon thoughtfully with the blade of his sword: "Could it be that you, like that peach blossom demon, saw the wind...my appearance when you were cultivating, so when you transformed, you changed according to my appearance?" of?"

Hearing this, Yan Liuyu blinked quickly, although there was darkness in front of her eyes, she subconsciously looked away, not daring to meet her gaze.

Shu Liang understood: "Looks like I guessed right."

There was a coldness on her lips, and she said slowly: "Since it's not your face, there's no need to keep it."

As soon as the words fell, Shu Liang's five fingers made a tactic, and a seemingly light palm landed on her, but immediately knocked her back to her original shape, just like when she was kicked off the breaking table just now, without giving anyone present a chance to react .

Yan Liuyu, who was weak on the ground, disappeared, and a gray rabbit appeared in front of everyone's eyes instead.

Everyone's eyes widened.

They all know that Junior Sister Yan Liuyu is a rabbit monster, but this is the first time they have seen her in real form...

It turned out to be a little gray rabbit.

The little gray rabbit shivered and followed the breath, and ran behind Wu Lingzi to hide.

Right now, Wu Lingzi's spiritual power is exhausted, and he can no longer protect her well. Besides, he is immersed in his own failure at this time. When he notices a gray rabbit running behind him, his mood suddenly becomes complicated.

He heard their conversation just now.

Not only him, everyone present heard it.

It turned out that it was not a coincidence that Xiaoyu was born with Qifen similar to Changyue, but she did it intentionally when she transformed into a human form.

And the timing of her appearance is also very intriguing. After all, she will not appear sooner or later, but she will appear when Feng Changyue has just fallen into the devil's lair and everyone is looking for it to no avail...

In this way, his motive for appearing in Tianjianzong is very suspicious.

Wu Lingzi suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment, followed by mixed feelings of guilt.

So what if we know?So what if you figure it out?

What they did to Feng Changyue for the sake of this rabbit demon is like a boat in the boat...it is irreversible.

Wei Yun felt even more uncomfortable, especially when he saw the young man in black clothes who was watching her quietly not far away, as if he couldn't accommodate anyone else in his eyes except her. Although they were not standing together at the moment, they had an invisible tacit understanding Haunting between the two, this tacit understanding automatically excludes others, including him—

He should have been the most qualified person to stand side by side with her, to be her tacit partner and Taoist companion, he should have been the one.

If it wasn't for...if it wasn't for that rabbit monster...how could he...how could they...how could they have come to such a situation?

Wei Yun's heart was filled with strong restlessness.

The magnified boots brought him back to his senses.

Wei Yun raised his eyes and met the eyes of Pei Su who walked up to him.

The young man's dark eyes seemed to understand his thoughts, and he looked at him speechlessly.

Wei Yun couldn't control the surging jealousy in his heart, stared at him, gritted his teeth and said: "Don't be complacent, Changyue asked wholeheartedly, sooner or later you will ascend, and there will be no result between you!"

Hearing this, Pei Su's face remained unchanged, and he glanced at the little gray rabbit behind Wu Lingzi with unknown meaning, "Are you thinking that if the rabbit monster hadn't appeared in Tianjianzong, it would be so late when Master came out of the devil's lair?" Everything will be different when you come back, so it’s all the rabbit monster’s fault?”


Pei Su's eyes were filled with coldness, "Actually, the biggest mistake is that you are not strong enough."

"If you are strong enough, the master will not fall into the devil's lair to protect you, and the rabbit demon will not take advantage of the opportunity to disturb your sight. If your will is strong enough, you will not give up looking for her easily, but will Emotionally poured into a double who has nothing to do with her."

"In the end, you are nothing but a group of incompetent cowards who can't even find anyone."

His words successfully stimulated the pain in Wei Yun's heart that he didn't want to admit.

Wei Yun's eyes were red immediately, struggling to get up from the ground to teach him a lesson, "What qualifications do you have to say that?!"

Pei Su easily raised her foot to hold him down, her eyes were contemptuous, "I am better than you."


The dispute between the two successfully attracted Shu Liang's attention.

She walked over holding the rabbit's ears, her gaze fell on Pei Su's foot that was stepping on Wei Yun's chest.

Wei Yun's heart moved slightly, and he immediately suppressed the ferocious anger on his face, showing aggrieved expression, and called her name, "Changyue..."

Rabbit looked at him in disbelief.

Shu Liang turned a deaf ear to his voice, and only raised the hand holding the rabbit, looking at Pei Su: "What do you think... how to deal with this rabbit?"

Pei Su did not hesitate: "Kill, crush the soul."

Shu Liang shook his head and sighed, and said with emotion: "Tsk, so cruel."

Seeing this, a slight smile flashed across the young man's eyes. Following her words, he acted as if thinking, and murmured: "Then give them a chance."

Shu Liang became interested, "Oh? What chance?"

The young man's face was calm, "The chance to die for her."

Tsk, the little apprentice is really on the right track.

Seeing his serious appearance, Shu Liang also suppressed a smile, and raised her voice to ask: "I'll count by dozens, if someone sacrifices for it voluntarily, then I'll let it go."

Yan Liuyu originally thought that she was bound to die, but when she heard Pei Su say that she would not only kill her, but also crush her soul, she was already in despair. Suddenly, she knew that she still had a chance to live, and saw a glimmer of life.

Although it couldn't see it, it could feel Wei Yun's breath, so it looked expectantly in the direction of Wei Yun, showing hopeful eyes.

Aware of its sight, Wei Yun looked over, as if looking at a stranger, and sneered, "You think I will sacrifice for you?"

Seeing his 180-degree change in attitude, Yan Liuyu was stunned.

How much he loved that Yan Liuyu who had a similar appearance to Feng Changyue, now that his golden core has been shattered, and after knowing that everything is not a coincidence, he hates this gray rabbit so much.

Wei Yun gritted his teeth: "You rabbit monster with ulterior motives, I wish I could kill you with my own hands, and then crush your soul, so that you will never be reincarnated!"

Gee tut.

Ten numbers have been counted, and no one stood up.

The smile in Shu Liang's eyes didn't reach his eyes, "Little Rabbit Monster, have you seen the essence of a man?"

It's just something that can turn faces faster than flipping books.

Hearing this, Pei Su looked at her hesitantly.

Shu Liang saw it, raised her eyes to look at him, and chuckled inexplicably, "I didn't scold you."

Pei Su: "..."

Seeing Yan Liuyu's stunned appearance, Shu Liang said without sympathy: "I'm sorry, although you are very pitiful, but you asked for it."

She asked, "Any last words?"


The little gray rabbit didn't say anything, and Shu Liang didn't have much patience, announcing: "Okay, you have no last words."

She threw the rabbit in her hand to the ground, and when it wanted to run, a circle of fire suddenly appeared on the ground, burning with dark red flames, trapping it.

The red lotus karmic fire burns away all the evils in the world.

Seeing a wisp of faint white air emerging from the fire, Pei Su's face remained unchanged, and with a slight movement of his fingertips, he grabbed the soul that wanted to escape and crushed it.


Looking around, full of confusion.

Looking at the faces with complex expressions, Shu Liang also felt tired after excessive consumption of spiritual energy.

Stomach protested.

Shu Liang clapped his hands, and said to the boy as if no one else was there: "Little apprentice, I'm hungry for my teacher."

Wei Yun: "..."

Wulingzi: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Pei Su thought it was cute when she said seriously that she was hungry.

After regaining consciousness, he had already held her hand, gently tugged her towards him, and looked down at her: "Master, besides eating, don't you think of anything else?"

The temperature of the palm holding his hand was scorching.

something else?

Shu Liang rolled his eyes, as if thinking, shook his head, then tiptoed slightly, raised his head and pressed a kiss on the small red mole at the corner of his eye.

Seeing him in a daze, Shu Liang couldn't hold back, the corners of his lips curled up.

Shu Liang said nonchalantly: "When I'm hungry, I lose my ability to think, and I can't remember."

Everyone: "..."

Believe in you!

Pei Su's throat twitched, watching her fluttering lips when she spoke, resisting the urge to bow her head and kiss her, her eyes dimmed, and she unconsciously began to exert force while holding her hand.

When he spoke, his voice was hoarse.

"Go, disciple will definitely feed you."

After finishing speaking, Pei Su ignored the astonished expressions of everyone in the Heavenly Sword Sect, and led her away.
After eating and drinking, Shu Liang stretched.

Unexpectedly, Pei Su, who was supposed to get up to clean up the mess, appeared beside her and asked softly, "Are you full?"

Shu Liang paused when she stretched, turned her head to look at him, and nodded hesitantly: "...um."

He said with a smile in his voice, "The ability to think has recovered?"

Shu Liang rolled his eyes and nodded again: "I recovered, so I suddenly thought of something."

Pei Su's eyes paused slightly, "What's the matter?"

"Do you like me?"

Pei Su's pupils trembled slightly. Unexpectedly, she would ask such a question suddenly. She was caught off guard and blinked, "...Yes."

Shu Liang's eyes fell on his instantly reddened ears.

Tsk, why are you so easily shy?
Seeing his composure, Shu Liang took the time to ask: "When did it happen?"

The boy's throat rolled, his eyelashes trembled, and his voice was deep: "From the first time I saw you."

The first time I saw you, I thought you were the cutest person in the world.

I want to stay by your side and make you only mine.

Shu Liang suddenly realized: "Oh, so you agreed to form a bond with me, you are just tricking me."


Pei Su's complexion changed slightly, she pursed her lips, and stared at her with lowered eyes: "Don't be angry with me."

"I am not angry."

Shu Liang raised her hand, stroking the boy's fair face with her fingertips, seeing her reflection in his eyes, couldn't help laughing, "Why are you so cute?"


Pei Su was a little confused, so she blinked quickly, looking very innocent.

Shu Liang "tsk" again, "Close your eyes."

The boy obediently closed his eyes.

The next moment, a warm and familiar breath approached.

Feeling the soft touch on his lips, his body froze suddenly. When he came back to his senses, his hand landed on the woman's slender waist before his brain reacted.


There is no impenetrable wall in the world, and the story of Tianjianzong quickly spread throughout the cultivation world. In just a few days, countless people from various sects came to investigate the news in the name of visiting.

Shu Liang was not in the mood to play Tai Chi to socialize with these people, so he turned everyone down immediately.

Even though some people guarded the foot of the mountain unwillingly, the barrier of Tianjianzong has not been opened yet.

Now, among Wu Lingzi's proud disciples, Wei Yun and Murong Feng's golden alchemy were broken, and he himself was also hit hard by the defeat, so he stayed behind closed doors.

Everyone thought that they would soon hear the news of Shu Liang's succession announcement, but they waited and waited, but they never heard the news.

So Qiao Shi stood up and asked her for everyone: "Uncle Feng, what are your plans for the future?"

At that time, Shu Liang was holding Pei Su's washed and cut melons and fruits, and said without thinking, "Go down the mountain."

Oh, downhill.

Qiao Shi nodded.

In the next second, I reacted belatedly, and opened my eyes wide in shock: "...ah? Going down the mountain?!"

Shu Liang raised his eyebrows when he saw his reaction, "What's your opinion?"

Hearing this, Qiao Shi quickly waved his hands and shook his head, "No, no, no...my nephew dare not have any objections, it's just you...won't you stay to succeed the head?"

What is the meaning of the headship?
Shu Liang shook his head.

Qiao Shi's jaw almost fell to the ground, and he asked hesitantly, "But... what will Jianzong do that day?"

Shu Liang understood what he meant, and smiled faintly, "The Heavenly Sword Sect is still the Heavenly Sword Sect."

If one or two people were missing, the entire sect would not be able to operate, and it would be a matter of time before Jianzong was wiped out that day.

...The Heavenly Sword Sect is still the Heavenly Sword Sect?

Looking at her meaningful smile, Qiao Shi vaguely understood what she meant, but at the same time he didn't seem to understand. Just seeing her calm appearance, the anxiety he felt under the influence of other people in the past few days also calmed down.

He thought for a moment, then asked again: "Then...you don't want to ascend to Taoism?"

Got Tao and ascended?

Is that even more boring?

The so-called upper realm is just a change of living environment.

Moreover, everyone does not eat grains, only knows how to practice, and there is no living environment with delicious food everywhere.

Shu Liang still shook her head, "I don't want to, there are more delicacies waiting for me in the world."

Hearing her words, Qiao Shi, who had already accepted the foodie attribute hidden by Senior Sister Qing Leng, was not surprised at all, but the scene he saw on the Broken Bone Table suddenly popped up in his mind, so he asked, "Are you with Pei Su? "

With a smile on the corner of Shu Liang's mouth, he nodded: "Yes, with him."

 Thank you [Yimeng] for your reward, okay~~

(End of this chapter)

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