Chapter 250 The sniper, she hits every shot (8)

The next night, when Shu Liang came on stage, he subconsciously raised his eyes to look around the auditorium, and found Huo Yu again.

Tsk, here we go again.

Shu Liang couldn't help but pouted.

Huo Yu reacted sharply, even in this hall with loud music and noisy people, he still noticed her gaze when she looked at him, and looked towards her.

The moment their eyes met, Shu Liang looked away, as if he had never met him before, his eyes were flat.

When Xu Yansheng came in, he happened to witness the undisguised gaze of the young warlord marshal towards the woman on stage, and his mood suddenly became complicated.

Although Huo Yu was dressed in a low-key manner, no matter where he was, he couldn't hide his ruthless and cold aura. What's more, he also had such a handsome and flawless face that people would never forget after just one glance.

It's not the first time he's been here, everyone present has already recognized him, and from time to time they cast curious and fearful looks in his direction, but no matter what mood they are in, their behavior is the same—— —

That is, the farther away from this evil god, the better.

Therefore, the seats around Huo Yu were all empty, which seemed a bit abrupt in this slightly crowded singing and dancing hall.

Xu Yansheng was delayed by the work of the newspaper office today, the editor-in-chief dragged him to talk for a long time, when he rushed over, there were no extra seats besides Huo Yu's.

Therefore, he stood there hesitating for a while, and finally hesitantly walked towards Huo Yu's direction.

Xu Yansheng walked over cautiously, before anyone came to him, a flattering smile was piled on his face ahead of time.

Huo Yuruo noticed something, slowly raised his eyes, glanced at him casually, raised his hand to pick up the teacup, and lowered his head to take a sip.

The other party's face was indistinguishable, Xu Yansheng's heart pounded, he struggled for a while, and secretly encouraged himself for a while before walking over with a stiff smile: "...Jiu Ye, what a coincidence, you Here we come."

Huo Yu was noncommittal, did not respond, and put down the teacup.

Xu Yansheng waited quietly for a while, but before the other party answered, his heart that had just let go suddenly lifted again, he blinked uneasily, then glanced at the empty seat next to him, and asked cautiously: "Master Jiu, can I Sit next to you?"

Just this little guts?
Huo Yu sneered inexplicably.

Xu Yansheng didn't understand why.

He neither heard Huo Yu say "yes", nor he said "no", but the other party didn't speak, and he absolutely didn't dare to turn around and leave.

The short moment of waiting for Huo Yu's answer seemed as long as centuries to him.

Xu Yansheng felt tormented in his heart, broke out in a cold sweat, and felt extremely regretful.

Just when his poor guts were about to lose his hold, he suddenly heard the young warlord marshal in front of him, "Sit down."


He suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, his legs went limp, and he almost missed the chair and fell directly.

The second after he took his seat, singing sounded from the stage.

Xu Yansheng raised his eyes and looked at the people on the stage. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that the person next to him was also staring intently at the person on the stage, and the strange feeling in his heart became stronger.

He inexplicably came up with an idea.

... The reason why Master Jiu mercifully allowed him to sit down was not because he felt sorry for him, but because standing in front of him would block him from seeing people.

Xu Yansheng silently recalled the position he was standing just now, and estimated the angle from Huo Yu's position towards the person in the middle of the stage...

The more I think about it, the more I think this is the reason.

The time for a song passes quickly.

Xu Yansheng didn't listen very much, he was immersed in his own thoughts and couldn't extricate himself, the more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he felt.

After a while, he didn't realize that Jasmine's performance today was over until there was warm applause from around.

But he seems to be...

did not listen.

The woman on the stage was wearing an ice-blue long, slim gauze skirt. Even though she was tall and slender, the tail of the skirt was very long, and a small part would drag on the ground, swaying when she walked.

She has slender arms and a slender figure. The veil half-hides this appearance, revealing a bit of mystery, and she seems to be shining white under the cold-colored light.

Seeing her figure walking backstage, Xu Yansheng sighed melancholy.

He turned his head hesitantly, and saw Huo Yu faintly looking back at her.

Seeing that he was about to get up, an inexplicable impulse made Xu Yansheng stop him: "Jiuye!"

His tone was hurried, and Huo Yu looked over suspiciously.

Facing those long, narrow and dark pupils, Xu Yansheng felt regretful for a moment.

However, there is no turning back when the bow is opened.

Thinking of this, he secretly gritted his teeth.

Forget it, just die!
He summoned up his courage, forced himself to look directly into Huo Yu's eyes, and said, "Master Jiu, I have a question for you."


Huo Yu seemed a little surprised, probably because he was not in a bad mood, so he ignored his disrespectful attitude, nodded, and motioned for him to ask.

After getting the answer, Xu Yansheng didn't feel relaxed.

He asked with difficulty: "You... You came here for Miss Jasmine, to see her, right?"

Hearing this question, Huo Yu froze slightly, as if he was in a daze, but it was only for a very short moment.

Xu Yansheng, whose nerves were tense, didn't notice it.

He only saw the person in front of him nodding his head indifferently, admitting: "Yes."

...As expected, did you come here for Jasmine?
This was the answer he expected, so when he heard it, he was not surprised.

But there is still a big difference between what I expected and what I heard and confirmed by myself.

It was as if a sledgehammer hit his head hard, making him dizzy.

Xu Yansheng took a breath, then held his breath again, unwilling to give up, wanting to break the casserole and ask, "So, do you like her?" you like her?
Almost as soon as he heard this question, the memories of last night came one after another.

In the night, the girl looked at him meaningfully, with a subtle cunning in her smile, as if she was joking, or reminding him of something, and said to him: "Don't fall in love with me."

Don't fall in love with her.

In a short day of less than twelve hours, she reminded her twice in succession.

Huo Yu didn't know if she had said the same thing to every suitor, and he didn't intend to study and compare.

Such behavior is stupid, and it seems to be indirectly admitting one thing——

He likes her.

This cognition, like a sudden alarm bell, shocked him into a daze.

Huo Yu wanted to sneer coldly.

She reminded repeatedly, could it be that she thought she had seen through his heart and was sure that he liked her?
Hmph, I'm too confident.

In the more than 20 years of life of the cold-blooded young marshal, feelings have always been equated with burdens.

He never thought that he would be like most men and women in this world, who would be immersed in the red = dust = desire = sea of ​​men = joy = women = love and could not extricate himself.

Even though he had to admit in his heart, in his eyes, she was indeed a special existence.

But that's because of her identity, because she is most likely the "Night Shadow" who appears and disappears.

Huo Yu told himself this over and over again, this is why he was interested in her.

The person in front of him was silent for a long time, which made Xu Yansheng feel puzzled.

He waited patiently for quite a while, until he wondered if the old man in front of him had fallen asleep, and finally couldn't help it, raised his hand and waved in front of him, calling out in a low voice: "... Ninth Master?"

Hearing his voice, the eyelashes of the person in front of him trembled slightly, they lifted their eyelids, looked at him coldly, and said in a low voice, "I don't like it."

Xu Yansheng was taken aback by his sudden cold stare.

He swallowed, suspecting that he had just been frightened and had auditory hallucinations, and dared not answer: "Ah? What do you mean...?"

What Master Jiu said just now was...

do not like?
Did he hear it right?
Huo Yuding stared at him, feeling that his surprised expression was an eyesore for no reason.

He moved his throat slightly and repeated: "I don't like her."

But this time, Xu Yansheng heard it clearly.

His eyes were wide open, he completely forgot to hide his emotions, and repeated in shock: "You mean, you don't like Miss Jasmine?"


Although he admitted it himself, but retelling it from this kid's mouth always gave him the urge to make him shut up.

The kind that can't speak anymore, shut up.

However, Xu Yansheng, who was in ecstasy, didn't notice the danger. He nodded his head and said excitedly: "I understand, I understand, I understand, Master Jiu, thank you!!!"

Thank you for what?

Do you think that if I don't like her, she will like you?
Huo Yu pursed his lips in displeasure.

"Last night, when I saw you pick her up personally and allow her to sit in your co-pilot, I suddenly remembered that you had let her get into your car to pick her up a while ago, and thought you were treating her...I thought you There is no chance, I was so worried that I didn't sleep well all night, now it seems that I was thinking too much, huh...then I am relieved."

The corners of Xu Yansheng's eyes and brows were filled with unconcealable joy, and he solemnly thanked him again, as if the fact that he admitted that he didn't like her gave him a dose of reassurance.

Xu Yansheng's joy could not infect Huo Yu.

He frowned, as if he couldn't understand, "You like her so much?"


Very irritable.

Xu Yansheng nodded and admitted without hesitation: "Yes! I really like Miss Jasmine! She is the muse in my heart! As long as I think of seeing her at night, I can't work all day. I've got some energy!"


Huo Yu snorted coldly as if he heard a joke.


Do you really like it?
Not necessarily.

Really like it so much, for such a long time, but you don't even know her true preference?Can't even see the obvious fact that she's allergic to pollen?


Huo Yu's eyelids drooped slightly to cover the coldness in his eyes, he ignored Xu Yansheng who was still in joy, and turned to leave.
When Shu Liang saw Huo Yu's figure on the stage, he thought that he would encounter obstacles again when he came out of the back door today.

Unexpectedly, it went smoothly unexpectedly.

Not only did he not meet Huo Yu, even that annoying reporter did not appear.

Perhaps he retreated in spite of the difficulties, and finally decided to stay and fly together with Lin Qingnian.

There was no noisy chatter in my ears, and Shu Liang was rarely at ease. On the way home, her steps became lighter. When passing by the small stall selling sugar-fried chestnuts on the street, she stopped to buy a bag and ate it. while walking.

When approaching home, Shu Liang's footsteps suddenly slowed down.

Looking at the familiar black car, Shu Liang raised her eyebrows, casually threw the leftover garbage including the paper bag into the trash can after eating the chestnuts, and then walked slowly towards the person leaning on the car door.

Shu Liang clapped his hands, wiped off the debris on his hands, and said with a half-smile: "Master Jiu, you are not a driver today, but a door god instead?"

It's creepy to guard the door of her house so late at night.

Hearing her subtext, Huo Yu raised his eyes, glanced at her, and then slowly withdrew, "After I sent you home last night, where did you go and what did you do?"

Hearing this, Shu Liang blinked, looking a little surprised, "Sleep at home."

"is it?"

Huo Yu narrowed his eyes and asked again: "Do you smoke?"

Tsk, it's really direct.

Shu Liang pursed her lips and smiled, but didn't answer his question honestly, she said thoughtfully: "So you went to Golden Age tonight not to listen to my singing, but to monitor me and observe me."

Her tone was determined, not in a questioning tone.

Huo Yu's expression froze, his thin lips moved slightly, but he didn't explain.

It's like default.

The smile on the girl's lips remained the same, but her eyes were cold, "So you waited here for me to go home, not to make sure I got home safely, but to wait on the sidelines and find new evidence. Come question me."

She nodded as she spoke.

There is no need for him to give an answer, she has already given the answer.

Huo Yu's irritability became even worse.

Following her guesses and self-affirmations one after another, her heart seemed to be slowly hollowed out by an invisible hand, and then suddenly blocked by something, stagnant, a little out of breath.

Is that what she said?

But does that matter?That's really what he meant, isn't it?

So under the gaze of her bright and clear pupils, under her aggressive gaze, Huo Yu did not deny it.

Compared to her guess about his intentions just now, Huo Yu seems to be more concerned about his unanswered questions.

Huo Yu rolled his throat and repeated: "Cigarette butt, did you leave it on purpose?"

Although the cigarette butt is not big, it is not difficult to find.

When the people from the police department found out, the cigarette butt still had residual heat, as if it had been dropped "accidentally".

But how could Yeying, who is so cautious, let himself leave such obvious mistakes?
What is the purpose of leaving cigarette butts?
The biggest possibility is to guide them to divert their attention, let them form a wrong perception, confuse the real gender of "Night Shadow", and simply target men with suspicion.

After all, in the stereotype of many people, the behavior of smoking generally occurs in men.

Hearing this, Shu Liang's face remained the same, with a faint smile, "I don't know what you're talking about."

(End of this chapter)

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