Chapter 251 The sniper, she hits every shot (9)

Huo Yu took a deep look at her, although he didn't say anything clearly, his eyes were full of disbelief.

"Is it that important to you to catch Ye Ying?"

Shu Liang yawned, and raised his hand to wipe the physical tears from the corners of his eyes, as if he just asked this question casually.

But Huo Yu didn't answer.

He lowered his eyes, looked at the girl's sleepy face, moved his lips, and said softly, "Go back to sleep."

Shu Liang yawned again, and entered the house without looking back.

After she entered the room, the lights came on.

Huo Yu returned to the car and sat on the driver's seat, but he did not drive away by accident, but quietly looked at the window of the bedroom on the second floor.

Even with the curtains closed, you can still tell if the lights are off.

After an unknown amount of time, the lights in the house went out.

Huo Yu still did not leave.

After a while, the lights came on again.

His eyes were dazed, and there was a look of surprise in his deep, dark eyes.

The next moment, the curtains were drawn from the house, the window opened, and the girl was standing by the window looking down.

She put on a comfortable nightgown, her long hair was scattered casually, draped over her shoulders, the thick black hair made her skin whiter, her eyebrows and eyes were like the works carefully drawn by a skilled painter, especially the beautiful pair of apricots. His eyes, when he was not smiling at the moment, looked extraordinarily indifferent, like the icy moon high in the sky.

Huo Yu recalled in a daze, in fact, she didn't smile most of the time, just like now, it seemed like a lake that would never make waves.

But he clearly remembered the way she laughed.

But when she smiled at him, how many times did it come from the heart?

Huo Yu's heart stabbed slightly, his eyes met hers, and her inadvertent question suddenly sounded in his ears:

Is it important to catch Ye Ying?
Actually, it's not that important.

He commanded the army, and as a young marshal, he was charged with protecting Xi City from outside wars and eradicating the moths that grew inside.

And Ye Ying, and even the "Long Night" she leads, are killer organizations, but they have been collecting money to do things for so many years, but they are not without bottom line and principle.

What they killed were all morally bankrupt.

... deserved to die.

Because of this, over the years, Huo Yu has never intervened in the police investigation, and turned a blind eye to what Ye Ying and "Long Night" did.

After all, in a sense, they are on the same front.

When he came back to his senses, the lights in the house had been turned off again at some point.

The windows were closed and the curtains were drawn again.

And the person standing by the window looking towards her naturally disappeared.

Huo Yu closed his eyes.


She slept late last night, and it was almost noon when Shu Liang woke up.

After lying on the soft bed with eyes open for a while, Shu Liang suddenly remembered something, got up and walked towards the window.

Opening the curtains, I looked down and saw the familiar black car, still parked in the same position as last night, as if it hadn't moved since she left.

Huh, still there?

No way?
Shu Liang's eyebrows twitched.

A strong intuition told her that Huo Yu didn't leave.

She put on a coat, and unconsciously walked faster when she went downstairs. As soon as she opened the door, she saw the slender figure at the door.


Facing his dark pupils, seeing the red blood in his eyes, Shu Liang was a little speechless.

Huo Yu lowered his eyes, looked at her in a daze, and raised the corners of his lips, "It seems that you slept well last night."


To be honest, I slept soundly.

Shu Liang didn't know what to say, so he nodded.

After a pause, Shu Liang asked, "You, you won't be here all night, right?"

Huo Yu nodded without thinking.

After receiving an affirmative answer, Shu Liang was shocked: "You actually did such a stupid thing?"


After a moment of silence, Shu Liang asked, "Have you had breakfast?"

Hearing this, Huo Yu froze for a moment, his expression was stunned for a moment, and after he realized it, a clear smile appeared in his eyes, "No."

Shu Liang nodded, "It's just right, we settled it together with breakfast and lunch."

Five minutes later, the two appeared in the box of a nearby private kitchen.

After the food was served, Shu Liang picked up the bowl and chopsticks and started to eat. Seeing that he was just looking at her quietly, and hadn't eaten a few mouthfuls of the rice in the bowl, she couldn't help but stop, wondering: "Aren't you hungry? ?”


Huo Yu seemed to have just come back to his senses, he didn't hear what she was saying, and his expression was full of confusion.

Shu Liang shook his head, pointed to the delicious food on the table with his eyes, and said, "Don't stare at me when you eat, you will be charged for it."

"it is good."

The young warlord marshal seemed to have no temper, nodded lightly, with a soft expression between his brows and eyes, he picked up the chopsticks and picked up something, but he didn't take a few bites, then stopped his movements and looked at the girl opposite him intently .

Feeling the coolness in his eyes: "..."

What's the matter with this guy? !

Why did he seem to be a different person overnight? -
After filling his stomach, Shu Liang was going to the front desk to pay the bill, but was told with a smile: "Girl, Master Jiu has already settled the bill."

? ? ? ? ?

When did he check out?Why doesn't she know?
Shu Liang looked back at him suspiciously, but after thinking about it carefully, it was probably on the trip he was going out halfway, when she was engrossed in eating and didn't pay attention to his movements.

When he walked out of the restaurant, Shu Liang thanked him: "Today's meal was supposed to be my treat, but I didn't expect you to pay the bill first, thank you Jiu Ye."

The unfamiliar and polite tone made Huo Yu subconsciously frowned.

"You don't have to be so polite."

Shu Liang chuckled softly, "Where can I go? You are you, and I am me. Why don't you be polite?"

Before the words fell, the people beside him suddenly stopped.

She also stopped, puzzled: "What's wrong?"

After a long silence, he suddenly said, "...I'm sorry."


Shu Liang blinked and looked at him inexplicably.

"When we met for the first time, I caused you to get wet and fall down. I'm sorry."

"During the golden years, you were coerced and injured, I'm sorry."

"I go to Golden Age every day, not to spy on you, but simply to see you."

"I was waiting for you at your door last night, not to question you, but just to make sure you got home safely, but I didn't know what to say."

"Actually, it doesn't matter to me whether you are Ye Ying or not."

"I apologize for testing you many times in the past, and I won't do it again."

Huo Yu lowered his eyes and raised his hand, as if he wanted to land on her shoulder, but in the end he dropped it.

Shu Liang felt a hand gently catch the corner of her clothes, and tugged in a small arc.

A young man's low voice sounded next to his ears: "Can you...can you not be angry with me?"

Don't talk to him in such an unfamiliar tone.

 To be honest, I have been on this plane for a while and ended up jumping back and forth between he and be, very entangled

(End of this chapter)

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