Chapter 253 The sniper, she hits every shot (11)


Disturbed by a bag of roasted chestnuts peeled in advance, Shu Liang didn't realize what he was about to say until he got in the car.

"Why did you order no one to send me flowers?"

Although he knew that she was asking the question knowingly, Huo Yu was very patient and said, "You are allergic to pollen."

Shu Liang picked up the chestnuts and put them in his mouth to chew, raised his eyebrows: "How do you know?"

Hearing this, Huo Yu snorted lightly with unknown meaning.

"Anyone who cares will naturally know that unlike that reporter, who sent you flowers so many times without realizing it, he said he liked you, but he didn't really mean it at all."


After a short pause, he continued, "When you were held hostage by the spies, he was also at the scene, but he hid somewhere. He was greedy for life and afraid of death, and he didn't dare to show his face from the beginning to the end."

Shu Liang ate the chestnuts, the corners of her lips could not help but twitch.

I really didn't realize that this guy Huo Yu likes teasing so much.
the other side.

Early in the morning, my colleagues were taken aback by Xu Yansheng's pale face and thick dark circles.

He took a step back in fright, and the smile on his face froze. He hesitated and waved his hand in front of the dazed Xu Yansheng, "Yansheng, are you okay? Did you not rest last night?"

Xu Yansheng, who hadn't slept all night, only came to his senses a few seconds after he finished speaking, and blinked dully, "Huh?"

Xu Yansheng paused for a few more seconds, "Liuxi, what did you say just now? I didn't hear clearly, is there anything I can help you with?"

Chen Liuxi: "..."

He shook his head, saying that he didn't want to ask him for help. After thinking for a moment, he guessed, "Did something bad happen to you last night?"

He looked fine during the day yesterday, full of energy, full of energy and enthusiasm for work.

So the problem could only have been last night.

And as far as he knows, this kid has been going to Golden Years every night recently.

For that showgirl named Jasmine.

Thinking of this, Chen Liuxi asked again: "Is it related to Jasmine?"

Seeing him asking questions one after another, even though Xu Yansheng didn't want to say more, he couldn't hold back the other's concerned gaze, so he nodded slightly, his eyes darkened.

No one knew about the fact that he was pursuing Jasmine except himself.

So seeing his dejected and shocked appearance, Chen Liuxi only thought that he was interviewing Jasmine and was frustrated by rejection, sighed sympathetically, and patted him on the shoulder: "It's okay, in fact, even if you can't interview Jasmine, The editor-in-chief will not blame you, after all, she has never been interviewed by any newspaper."

Xu Yansheng still looked listless, and he didn't seem to be comforted at all.

Seeing this, Chen Liuxi scratched his head, and said again: "Hey, you've been following Jasmine for almost half a month, if you really can't do the interview, just let it go, don't waste time and energy, how about going in a different direction?"

give up?

Xu Yansheng felt even more uncomfortable in his heart. Seeing that his colleagues were still racking their brains to find a way to comfort him, he heaved a long sigh, "Actually, know? Huo Jiuye to Jasmine..."

He wanted to tell him, but he didn't know where to start.

Because he was not sure whether the uncertain warlord marshal would allow him to disclose the content of their conversation to a third person, he swallowed the words resentfully as they came to his lips several times.

Chen Liuxi looked suspiciously at his hesitating expression, waited for a while and still didn't see him speak clearly, so he was a little impatient, so he simply guessed: "Jiu Ye? Are you trying to say that Jiu Ye is pursuing Jasmine, so You want to start from Master Jiu and persuade Jasmine to accept your interview?"

Xu Yansheng:? ? ? ? ? ?
Hearing this, he widened his eyes and looked at his colleague in disbelief.

Master Jiu is pursuing Jasmine, when did this happen?Why doesn't he know?
Seeing his surprised face, Chen Liuxi just thought he had spoken his mind, waved his hands, and quickly persuaded him to dispel the idea: "Don't dream, Yan Sheng, who is Master Jiu? That's someone you can get acquainted with." People? If you want to persuade Jasmine through him, you might as well interview him directly, isn’t this news more valuable?”

Xu Yansheng interrupted him: "No, why did you say that Master Jiu is pursuing Jasmine?"

"Ah, you don't know about this? Some time ago, when I was looking for news on the street, I happened to see Jasmine being picked up by Master Jiu's car to listen to He Yuan. Master Jiu came to pick her up in person. I didn't hear what they said clearly. What, but it probably means that Master Jiu wants to invite Jasmine to his house for dinner..."

Seeing Xu Yansheng's sluggish appearance, Chen Liuxi smiled, "Hehe, are you shocked too? I was more surprised than you at the time, people are so stupid, anyway, I never dreamed that Master Jiu looked so cold and so superior The one who can move the heart, and even take the initiative to pursue girls."

Chen Liuxi suddenly opened up the chatterbox, rolled his eyes, and remembered something, hooked his hands at him, and said in a low voice: "I heard that the night before yesterday, Jiu Ye was guarding Jasmine's door, and he was there all night. They didn't leave, and the two of them went to have lunch together at noon yesterday, I guess, Master Jiu probably caught up with him, and even if he didn't catch up, it's probably close."

It's a pity that that person is Lord Jiu. He has the heart and guts to secretly take pictures, and he doesn't have the guts to write about it without the consent of the other party, otherwise his life will be in jeopardy.

Otherwise, with the explosiveness of this news, if it is released, he will definitely make a lot of money!
Chen Liuxi, who was in a fantasy, didn't hear the heartbroken voice of his colleague at all.

Xu Yansheng stood up in despair. He couldn't stay any longer, and he didn't want to work anymore. He just wanted to find a place that no one knew to digest and calm down.

So he stood up abruptly, and confessed: "I'm not feeling well today, and I want to ask for leave. Please tell the editor-in-chief for me."

When Chen Liuxi came back to his senses, Xu Yansheng had already walked out of the gate of the newspaper office quickly, and he only had time to respond: "Ah? Hey, good."


After leaving the newspaper office, Xu Yansheng walked aimlessly on the street with his camera in his arms.

A girl walked towards him, and then he heard someone calling his name: "Xu Yansheng, it's you!"

He was stunned for a moment, raised his head, met a handsome face, recovered, and said hello feebly: "Hi, Miss Lin."

Lin Qingnian frowned, "You don't look well."

He and Lin Qingnian didn't have a deep friendship, but for some reason, after hearing these words, Xu Yansheng couldn't hold back any longer.

Xu Yansheng took a deep breath, swallowed the words that came to his lips, only shook his head, pulled the corners of his mouth reluctantly, and said with a smile, "It's okay, thank you for your concern."

He wanted to turn his head and leave, but Lin Qingnian saw that he had a problem and kept following him to ask questions.

In desperation, Xu Yansheng had no choice but to stop, and said lightly: "Actually, it's nothing. It's just that I haven't been able to interview someone I really want to interview. I can't complete the task assigned by the editor-in-chief. I'm just a little distressed."

Lin Qingnian didn't take it seriously: "What's so difficult about it?"

Xu Yansheng didn't say anything, and silently prayed in his heart that she would leave quickly after satisfying her curiosity and stop pestering him.

But Lin Qingnian did not leave, but continued to ask: "Tell me, who is the person you want to interview?"


Xu Yansheng didn't answer, so she continued to ask, tugging at the hem of his clothes to prevent him from slipping away, "Say it!"


Xu Yansheng sighed silently, "Jasmine."


Lin Qingnian frowned and thought for a while, "Who is Jasmine?"

" the singer of the golden age."

Although she didn't know about Jasmine, she had heard of the place called Golden Age.

But this answer obviously disappointed her, Lin Qingnian curled her lips, "Cut, you are so sad, so it's because of a singer who sells singing? I thought it was some kind of big shot who was difficult to deal with. Generally, people who work in this kind of place don't Is it all for money? As long as you give her enough money, let alone interviews, she will do whatever you ask her to do."

When she spoke, the unconscious superiority in her tone and her contempt for "Jasmine" made Xu Yansheng feel uncomfortable.

"Don't talk nonsense, Jasmine is not such a person, you don't understand her at all, she is different from those vain and vulgar women!"

"What's the difference?"

Lin Qingnian looked at the unconvinced Xu Yansheng with eyes like a fool, "You think she doesn't care about money, it's just because you don't give enough money, she just doesn't like you, this kind of woman has a higher rank, they will Pretend to be noble!"


She is not such a person.

Xu Yansheng shook his head, but he couldn't help recalling what Chen Liuxi said to him in his mind, and he faintly agreed with Lin Qingnian's rhetoric. For a while, he felt even more depressed.

It turned out that it was Jasmine who looked down on him, that's why she refused repeatedly, was she not pretending to him?
Then her attitude towards Lord Jiu must be different from that towards him, right?

Xu Yansheng's shoulders slumped, he had no intention of arguing with Lin Qingnian.

But Lin Qingnian saw him shaking his head, his face changed again and again, thinking that he didn't believe what he said, so he grabbed his clothes corner suddenly and refused to let him go, "Hey, don't go!"

Xu Yansheng felt a little annoyed, and couldn't help but glared at her, "What else do you want to do?"

Seeing that he was staring at her, Lin Qingnian was also angry, and stared back: "Xu Yansheng, what is your attitude?! I kindly remind you!"

"Do you not believe me?"

Xu Yansheng shook his head, and was about to speak when he heard Lin Qingnian say, "Okay, if you don't believe me, I'll prove it to you!"

He was startled, raised his eyes, and asked in confusion: "What are you going to do?"

Lin Qingnian's eyes shone with the chance of winning, "Don't worry about it, anyway, after tonight, that Jasmine you mentioned will definitely agree to your interview, so you can wait for this lady!"

Xu Yansheng pursed his lips slightly, and said hesitantly, "Miss Lin, thank you for your kindness, but I..."

He originally wanted to decline her kindness, but Lin Qingnian didn't give him a chance to finish speaking, waved to him, said goodbye in a hurry, turned around and trotted away.


That night.

Golden Age Backstage.

Shu Liang took tonight's performance costume and went into the dressing room.

Since there are only female singers in the Golden Years, in order to save trouble, when the dressing room was built, it was simply designed as a large public dressing room instead of a separate small dressing room.

Fortunately, no one came to change clothes now, so Shu Liang didn't have to worry about being watched.

After turning on the light, she neatly undid the buttons on her body and pulled open the skirt, exposing her fair skin and smooth back to Lin Qingnian who was quietly hiding not far behind her.

Lin Qingnian saw the faint flower-like birthmark on her back near her right shoulder at a glance, and she couldn't move her eyes away.

... The appearance of this birthmark is exactly the same as the birthmark on the child born to the woman that her mother described to her!
Either shape or location.

Lin Qingnian's eyes widened in shock, and the next moment, the person in front of her put on her clothes to cover the birthmark on her back.

She was stunned.

Immediately afterwards, the person who turned his back to her turned around, and those beautiful eyes looked at her with a half-smile, and met her eyes accurately, with a cold voice: "Have you seen enough?"

The moment Lin Qingnian saw her face clearly, she was shocked.

If the birthmark can be explained as a coincidence, then this face...

This face, which is about six or seven points similar to the one in the photo, especially the eyes, has completely confirmed the terrible guess in her heart!
Lin Qingnian came out from her hiding place and stared straight at her half-sister, her excited voice became sharp: "Lin Qingye, you're still alive?!"

Between the sparks of calcium carbide, Lin Qingnian suddenly realized, "You... so you are Jasmine!"

Shu Liang raised her eyebrows slightly, watching her talking to herself.

Realizing that this person whom she and her mother regard as a thorn in the side is not living a good life at the moment, Lin Qingnian's jealousy and embarrassment suddenly became more balanced after seeing this face that was much prettier than hers, and her sense of crisis was no longer there. That's so strong, he taunted: "Hmph, you really embarrass your father, you actually sell and sing in this kind of place, what's the difference with the prostitutes in Ziyan Tower? You..."

The Ziyan Tower she was talking about was equivalent to the brothel in ancient times.

The corners of Shu Liang's lips curled up slightly, looking at her as if indifferent.

But Lin Qingnian found herself speechless.

She opened her mouth, but could only utter meaningless syllables similar to "ho".

How is this going?Why are you suddenly speechless?

Lin Qingnian kept kneading her neck and swallowing, but to no avail, she finally panicked.

When she looked up, she saw Shu Liang looking at her with a smile in her eyes, like looking at a clown.

It's you!

With a strong intuition, Lin Qingnian realized that the person in front of her had manipulated her.

She raised her finger to Shu Liang and made random gestures, as if ordering her to detoxify her.

Shu Liang smiled coldly, turning a blind eye to her domineering gesture, "The little girl is not very old, but her mouth is so dirty, it's better not to speak."

After finishing speaking, she mercilessly kicked him out of the dressing room and closed the door.

The next moment, screams came one after another from outside the locker room.

(End of this chapter)

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