Chapter 254 The sniper, she hits every shot (12)

In the early morning of the next day, Shu Liang was awakened by harsh knocks on the door.

She was not surprised that Lin Feilu would personally bring someone to the door.

After all, anyone who finds out that his daughter has been "dumb" by another abandoned daughter who should have died more than ten years ago will be furious and wants to seek justice for his precious daughter.

Shu Liang's eyes flickered with sarcasm, and he let them stand outside the door, while he changed his clothes slowly, washed up in an orderly manner, and then went downstairs to open the door.

When the people blocking the door heard the movement, they couldn't help but rush in.

The moment he saw Shu Liang's face clearly, the leading man was stunned, and blurted out: "Ru Shuang..."

Hearing him call out the original owner's mother's name, the irony in Shu Liang's eyes grew stronger, and she took a few steps back to distance herself from them.

Compared with Lin Feilu, Mrs. Lin beside him reacted more intensely after seeing Shu Liang's face.

She was in a daze for a moment, and when she realized that the person in front of her was not the original wife who was killed by them, but her daughter, there was a look of obvious disgust in her eyes, and she said sharply: "Lin Qingye, you are still alive?!"

Lin Qingnian was standing beside her mother. Seeing the jealousy and resentment in her eyes, she bit her lower lip, took her arm and shook it, and pointed to her throat to wink at her.

Ever since she was plotted against by Lin Qingye for some reason last night, her throat has not returned to normal until now, but she went to the hospital, but the doctor did not see any problem.


They were sure that Lin Qingye gave her some kind of rare poison, so the doctors in the hospital couldn't find out.

Mrs. Lin glanced at the daughter beside her, nodded knowingly, and took a step forward, "Lin Qingye, Qingnian is your biological sister after all, she has never offended you, you can take any resentment or hatred at me , why did you poison your sister?!"

Hearing this, Shu Liang raised the corners of her lips and raised her eyebrows: "Oh, come for you?"

She dragged out her tone meaningfully, and put her hands into her pockets as if she was going to take out something from it.

Seeing this, Mrs. Lin was afraid that she would really do something, her face changed instantly in fright, and she hurriedly backed away a few steps, hiding behind Lin Feilu.

Lin Feilu came back to his senses, and quickly raised his hand in front of Mrs. Lin, with a serious face, showing his father's majestic airs: "Qing Ye, don't be rude to your Aunt Ji!"


Shu Liang sneered, "You are also worthy to talk about quality with me when you break into a private house?"

Seeing her indifferent expression, Lin Feilu was stunned, and suddenly realized a very important thing——

She doesn't know them!

When the child was just born, he abandoned his original wife and infant daughter who were still dead. Now that the daughter is not dead, but stands tall and graceful in front of him, Lin Feilu feels very complicated.

Looking at this face similar to that of his ex-wife, Lin Feilu couldn't help but think back to the days when he and his ex-wife fought together and were gentle and soft.

After all, it was such a charming face that turned all sentient beings upside down, and she died at the prime of her life.

Once owned, it is impossible to completely forget.

Perhaps she was blessed by God to let her daughter grow up healthily.

Thinking of this, the anger in Lin Feilu's heart subsided unknowingly, and his attitude softened a lot, "Qing Ye, I am your father, you may not remember me anymore, but..."

Tsk, want to be a cheap dad?

Shu Liang's face was as cold as frost, and he interrupted him unceremoniously: "I don't have a father!"

When Mrs. Lin and Lin Qingnian saw Lin Feilu's softening attitude towards her, alarm bells rang in their hearts.

The strong sense of crisis made Mrs. Lin feel uneasy.

She quickly reminded: "Master, don't forget that Qing Nian is still speechless."


Lin Feilu came back to his senses, and said to Shu Liang: "Qing Ye, no matter what, your sister Qing Nian is innocent, she has never been sorry to you, you should hand over the antidote and apologize to her, sister If there is no overnight feud between the two, this matter will be over."

The tone of the superior giving orders.

Shu Liang said lightly: "I'm sorry, I don't have a younger sister."

What does it mean?
Don't you want to detoxify her innocence?
Mrs. Lin glared at her angrily: "What on earth do you want to do?! Your mother died of bleeding to give birth to you. It has nothing to do with other people. It can't be blamed on me and Master, let alone Qing Nian. Blame yourself! Why do you take revenge on my Qingnian?!"

Shu Liang snorted coldly.

Seeing her agitated, Lin Feilu raised his hand to signal her to silence, pondered for a moment, and said, "You poisoned Qing Nian, didn't you just want her to tell me that you were still alive? Now that I'm here, I already know You are still alive, what you want is to recognize your ancestors and return to your ancestors, and want to be the eldest lady of my Lin family, no problem, I can promise you all these, after all, you are my daughter Lin Feilu..."

Shu Liang shook his head, but he didn't feel the slightest disturbance in his heart because of his words, he just felt it was ridiculous.

"Master Lin, you are really self-righteous."

"I never intended to recognize my ancestors, and I didn't want to be the eldest lady of the Lin family."

Hearing this, Lin Feilu frowned, the perennial superiors couldn't stand her repeated disobedience.

When he spoke, Lin Feilu's tone was filled with obvious disgust and impatience: "Then what do you want? Stay here and be a cheap singer? Do you know that this is embarrassing our entire Lin family?"

When Huo Yu came over after receiving the news, he heard such words.

His complexion immediately darkened, he walked up to Shu Liang, stood in front of her, looked at Lin Feilu with his cold eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Singer girls are not inferior = cheap, the man who abandons his wife and daughter, and is not ashamed is the best." Down = cheap."

As soon as the words fell, the guards outside the door rushed in, surrounded everyone in the Lin family, and countless cold and dark guns were pointed at them.

Seeing the person coming, Lin Feilu turned pale with fright, "Master Jiu... how could you..."

The rest of the Lin family who were pointed at by guns were even more frightened and did not dare to breathe.

Huo Yu ignored Lin Feilu, turned around and lowered his eyes, looked at the girl behind him, met a pair of black and white eyes, and saw his own image reflected in her eyes, his heart moved slightly, his tense brows instantly relaxed, his voice Gentle: "Aren't you scared?"

Lin Qingnian looked at the handsome man in front of her in disbelief.

He...he is the young marshal of the Huo family, the uncrowned king of the entire concession, how could he show such a gentle expression to Lin Qingye, a humble song girl? !

Isn't the young commander not close to women? !
Shu Liang shook her head, "Do I seem to be such a timid person?"

On the contrary, he brought so many people here with great fanfare, probably because he thought she would be bullied?
Huo Yu raised the corners of his lips, "No, our Qingye is the bravest girl in the world."

Although she knew that she was not an ordinary weak woman and would not let herself suffer, she still couldn't control her worry and rushed to support her.

Shu Liang: "..."

This guy took the wrong medicine again?

The guards: "..."

Master Jiu, they are really refreshing their cognition every day.

Everyone in the Lin family looked at the scene in front of them as if they had seen a ghost.

Especially Mrs. Lin.

She never dreamed that Lin Qingye would be so capable to hook up with this ruthless and cold-blooded warlord young marshal.

...It seems that I can't afford it.

Lin Feilu was so shocked that his jaw almost dropped to the ground.

But after being surprised, Lin Feilu recalled what he said just now, and broke out in a cold sweat.

"Jiu, Master Jiu, what I said just now is thoughtless, don't take it seriously!"

Lin Feilu hurriedly made amends, and smiled flatteringly at Chao Shuliang: "Qing Ye is my daughter, and it's too late for me to love her. Just now, I really love and blame her, and I was a little outspoken, but I did it all for the sake of her. She is good, I hope she can recognize her ancestors and return to her ancestors, and don't live a life of showing her face outside to ask for a living."

Hearing this, Huo Yu glanced at him coldly, and said sharply: "She can do whatever she likes, when will it be your turn to dictate?"

"Yes, yes, Master Jiu, you taught me the right thing." The man who was nearly fifty years old nodded and bowed like a grandson in front of the young handsome man, "If Qing Ye likes to work here, she will continue to work here. I have no opinion!"

Lin Qingnian was extremely unfamiliar with his father's groveling appearance.

She couldn't help opening her mouth, and found that she could make a sound: "Dad!"

Tsk, the silence technique has worked, huh?

Shu Liang raised her eyebrows.

Lin Feilu didn't expect her to recover suddenly in this situation, his complexion changed, and he turned around and scolded: "Shut up!"

But Lin Qingnian didn't listen, she couldn't see her father nodding and bowing in front of Lin Qingye.

Why is Lin Qingye so arrogant?
Do you think that if you are lucky enough to be favored by the young marshal, you will be able to fly to the branch and become a phoenix?

Hmph, it's not that she failed to enter the Huo family and become a singer in her golden years.

She was sure that Lin Qingye had confused Huo Yu because of that face, determined to expose her true face in front of the young commander, and pointed at Shu Liang, "Young commander, this woman has a vicious heart, don't be fooled by her!" This face is confusing! Her poisoning method is superb, you have to be careful..."

Before she could finish speaking, Huo Yu frowned impatiently, walked up to Lin Qingnian with a cold face, took the gun from the guard, and shot her in the right shoulder.

He moved very quickly, and he didn't hesitate at all when he fired. Many people present did not react.

They didn't realize what had happened until the gunshot rang out and blood seeped from Lin Qingnian's shoulders into his clothes.

When the severe pain hit, Lin Qingnian was stunned.

She didn't know why she got shot.

... She clearly meant to remind the young commander.

Everyone in the Lin family trembled.

Huo Yu's eyes flicked past their faces, no one dared to look at this moody warlord young marshal wherever his eyes went.

He retracted his gaze coldly, opened his thin lips slightly, and uttered a word:


The guards drove them away from Shu Liang's house.

Everyone in the Lin family fled in desperation.


Shu Liang looked at Huo Yu's cold eyes, inexplicably wanted to laugh, "Are you so angry?"

Huo Yu glanced at her and nodded silently.

He almost aimed his gun at the man's Tianling Gai and killed him directly.

Shu Liang didn't understand his merciless behavior, and asked, "If you're so angry, why don't you just kill her?"

At that time, she clearly felt his killing intent.

But in the end, Lin Qingnian only hurt one shoulder.

This is so weird.

Hearing this, Huo Yu raised his eyes, pursed his lower lip, and said hesitantly, "I thought you wanted to do it yourself."

Shu Liang was startled, and after a while, chuckled.
That night.

The roof of a building near the Lin Mansion.

Shu Liang, who was dressed in night clothes, was carrying a sniper rifle that had not yet been set up, and turned to look at the young man who slowly appeared, meeting a pair of long, narrow and deep black eyes.

She sighed silently, "I actually don't want to meet you in this capacity."

That's why he asked his subordinates to pretend to be her and make a lot of noise.

But he found her anyway.

Huo Yu didn't seem surprised by her identity, and said calmly: "I said before, it doesn't matter whether you are Yeying or not."

The night wind was a little cold, blowing the sleeves of his clothes.

Shu Liang raised her eyebrows, and looked at him with a half-smile: "Since it's not important, what are you doing here?"

While talking, she squatted down and set the gun neatly to find an angle.

The next moment, Night Breeze entered her ears with his gentle voice.

"I want to see you, so I came to find you."

Shu Liang's heart skipped a beat, and the movements of his hands paused for a moment, his expression unchanged. He quickly raised his head and glanced at him: "...When did you learn to be glib?"

Slippery tongue?

Huo Yu was startled: "What?"

"It's nothing." Shu Liang motioned him to move away with his eyes, "Don't block my sight."

Huo Yu walked a few steps to the side according to his words, and looked at her quietly.

Are you so obedient?
Shu Liang frowned: "If I shoot, you won't secretly plot against me, will you?"

"will not."

Shu Liang didn't believe it, "Really?"

Seeing this, Huo Yu's eyelids drooped slightly, his hand hanging by his side tightened slightly, looking a little lost: "You don't believe me."

Shu Liang nodded without hiding anything: "I really don't believe it."

Huo Yu's eyelashes trembled, he thought for a while, looked up at her, and discussed with her seriously: "Why don't I order someone to tie them here?"

Shu Liang was silent for a moment, "...No need."

Huo Yu's guess was right, she hoped to take revenge with her own hands rather than borrowing others' hands.

In Lin Qingye's plan, she originally planned to kill the people around Lin Feilu one by one, every once in a while, in order to torture him and make him suffer.

But now, Shu Liang has changed her mind.

They are so annoying that it would be better to kill them all at once.

The girl knelt on one knee and held a sniper rifle in her hand. She sniped in a standard kneeling position and loaded it neatly. It took only ten seconds to aim at the target and shoot quickly.

After a bullet was fired, Huo Yu subconsciously looked in the direction of Lin Fu.

He heard a shrill cry.

Shu Liang quickly reloaded and fired again, firing bullets one after another.

From loading, aiming, to shooting, it takes less than 30 seconds.

Huo Yu watched her calm and decisive shooting action intently, and his heartbeat accelerated unconsciously.

A total of three bullets.

Since then, the Lin family has lost three lives.

(End of this chapter)

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