Can chat with anyone

Chapter 1 Preface

Chapter 1 Preface
Dale Carnegie said: "The factors of a person's success can be summed up 15% due to his professional knowledge, and 85% due to his good social skills."

Goethe said: "Man cannot live alone, he needs society."

We all know that no one is an island, and that work and life are inseparable from interacting with others.Communication skills are a must-have skill for a successful person. Social communication is getting more and more attention now. Good communication skills can improve a person's work ability, make you feel like a fish in water in the workplace, and make you make more friends.

When former US President Clinton was still in college, he used to write down everyone he met one by one.He wrote the names of these people on data cards and called or wrote to them from time to time.Even the content of his conversations with these people, their replies, etc., he recorded and kept them in detail.When he later ran for governor of Arkansas, he already had a file of more than 10000 data cards, which were later collectively referred to as "Bill's friends."It was these friends who helped Clinton step by step to the pinnacle of his career.

In the process of communication, one cannot but speak.Zhu Ziqing said: "Speaking is not an easy task. If you talk every day, you may not be able to speak; many people have talked for a lifetime, but they have never spoken a few words well. The so-called 'dialectist's tongue' and 'a three-inch tongue' Such compliments are proof that rare things are valuable. We don’t want to be debaters, lobbyists, or literati, but life is nothing more than words and actions. Apart from actions, there is only words. The so-called sophistication of the world is half in words.”

Chatting seems to be a simple and ordinary thing. Chatting with three or five friends after get off work can relieve the pressure of a day's work; chatting with colleagues during work breaks can enhance understanding and improve work efficiency; Chatting is not only the lubricant of daily life, but also an essential part of emotional communication among family members.

Although chatting is a "little thing", it also requires energy to practice, not just opening your mouth casually.Just imagine if Clinton didn't pay attention to strategy when he spoke, how could he have so many supporters and how could he sit on the throne of president.The so-called "good words warm three winters, and bad words hurt people June cold." Especially when you want to solve problems through chatting, try to change your way of expression, so that you can not only communicate effectively, but also gain good popularity.

"Can Chat With Anyone" is a guide book for communication and eloquence.It tells us that people's chatting skills are not born with them, but can be acquired under the influence of the acquired environment and conscious cultivation.Through easy-to-understand examples and short stories, this book explains the location and tips of successful social networking in simple terms, and tells you how to deal with and make friends with different people on different occasions, so that you can easily become a person who can talk, chat, and meet. Be a human social expert.

Do you want to change your destiny?Then learn to change yourself!Do you want to change yourself?Then start by reading this book!

(End of this chapter)

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