The Great Bandit in Kangxi Year

Chapter 104 Economic Crisis

Chapter 104 Economic Crisis
Jiang Tao was taken aback when he heard the sound, and asked the children to self-study. He came to Wang Tiebang and asked eagerly, "Could it be that the waterwheel machine tool has been completed?"

"It is the waterwheel drilling machine and gun machine. It is completely according to the general's idea. The drill bits used in the past are indeed not too hard. This time, the drill bits are all carefully crafted. Even with the previous manual drilling machine, it is not necessary to repair a gun gun. It's been a month." Wang Tiebang replied happily.

"Okay, I don't care about other things, the general only asks how many qualified barrels can be produced in a month?"

No matter how good the technology is, it must be practical. Jiang Tao stared at Wang Tiebang with wide eyes, afraid that he would say a number that would disappoint him.

"It takes up to seven days to manufacture a gun barrel from cutting to trimming. There are currently 80 waterwheel drilling machines, which means that at least [-] gun barrels are manufactured in a month." Wang Tiebang said without hesitation. confidence.

Although Jiang Tao was still not satisfied, he knew that a lot of progress had been made, and asked again: "Can we increase the number of drilling machines? Now the production of muskets should be given priority."

"Based on the current number of waterfalls, we can barely add another 20 waterfalls. If we add more, we can build a dam." Wang Tiebang frowned and thought for a while.

He took out three more barrels, handed them to Jiang Tao and said, "Using this drilling machine, all the barrels can have the same caliber, even the best craftsman can't do it, and it's smoother and rounder."

"Okay, let's increase it immediately. This is the general's black tiger order. Let the magistrate Cheng fully cooperate. This general will go to the Shenjiang camp." Jiang Tao was overjoyed, took the three gun barrels, and jumped onto the horse while speaking. With more than a dozen black tiger guards, he galloped away with all his strength.

In fact, Jiang Zhong and other craftsmen developed a musket half a month ago. With the Mitsubishi thorn protruding from the gun head one foot, the whole gun is 1.5 meters long and weighs ten catties. It is a flintlock musket.

However, the effective range is only [-] meters, and Jiang Tao is not satisfied, so the craftsmen continue to think of ways to improve it. I don't know if half a month has passed, has there been any breakthrough?

When Jiang Tao came to the Divine Craftsman's Camp, he heard the clanging and knocking sound from afar, and saw that most of the craftsmen were making three-edged thorns.

Jiang Tao walked through the smoky hall and came straight to the backyard, where Jiang Zhong, Bai Lao and Wang Tiechui were arguing fiercely.

Among them, Wang Lao advocated: "Enlarge the caliber of the barrel to increase the power of the firecracker."

Bai Lao advocated increasing the length of the barrel.

Jiang Zhong believes that both are feasible.

Jiang Tao came behind them, they were still insisting on their own opinions, Jiang Tao secretly admired him, laughed and said: "Okay, how will you know if you don't try?"

"The general is here!"

"The black tiger is here."

"I have seen my uncle, and I think both can be used. Now Xiaowei Wang has made a waterwheel type drilling machine. Now the drilling and scraping of the gun can be completed in less than seven days. The three masters each make a musket. Seven days later Just a comparison." Jiang Tao explained his purpose with a chuckle.

"Okay, let's do it like this." Jiang Zhong finally smiled. He was so engrossed just now that he forgot such a simple method.

"Can you drill and scrape the gun in seven days? General, don't be fooled by villains!" Bai Lao said with some disdain when he heard that Wang Tiebang's son had invented a good weapon.

Jiang Tao was very unhappy when he heard the words, but it was inconvenient to reprimand him, so he laughed and said, "This is the barrel of the gun that has been repaired by a waterwheel drilling machine, Mr. Bai can take a look."

Seeing this, Elder Wang squinted his eyes and closed his mouth in joy.

Bai Lao suddenly changed his face, and muttered in his mouth: "Impossible, there is almost no error, absolutely impossible."

"You are all strange people in our Black Tiger Army. You should learn from each other in order to create more advanced firearms. What is the status of those who fight against each other? How can you have the style of a master? If you are discovered by this general again, you will be dealt with according to military law." Seeing this, Jiang Tao couldn't help reprimanding him anymore.

"Your subordinate is guilty, please punish the general!" Bai Lao and Wang Lao were startled, and they knelt on the ground and said.

"Get up, the general will select 200 people from the youth battalion. Bailao and Wanglao will each bring 100 people. Be sure to teach them all. If you dare to neglect, you will be punished. Just follow the second elder to learn techniques, is it clear?"

Jiang Tao said with a straight face, but in fact he was really reluctant to punish the two of them.

"Your subordinate understands." Only then did Bai Lao and Wang Lao feel relieved, and hurriedly replied sincerely.

"Okay, get up, Mr. Bai and Mr. Wang have meritorious service, and each will be rewarded with a hundred taels of silver. Wang Tiebang has made great contributions, and he will be rewarded with 500 taels of silver. As the deputy commander of the Divine Craftsman Battalion, you all work hard, and this general will not be stingy with rewards. "

After Jiang Tao beat them, he made the two of them retreat. Jiang Zhong smiled and said, "Hehe, okay, this is the bearing of a general. Heihu is becoming more and more refined."

"Uncle, take a break. There are only three cannons in the artillery battalion now. My nephew wants to build another thirty. I wonder if it's feasible?" Jiang Tao asked Jiang Zhong to sit down, and said with a smile.

"Tiger crouching cannon is easy to say, but no one knows how to build cannons." Jiang Zhong nodded and said solemnly.

"Okay, let's build the tiger squatting gun first. As for the cannon, we will talk about it later. A while ago, the navy bought a lot of sulfur and saltpetre, and the gunpowder has to be mass-produced. But as long as there are particles of black gunpowder, the matter of paper shell bullets also needs to be taken care of." Get an idea."

Jiang Tao finally felt relieved. Due to the terrain, he really didn't need cannons weighing hundreds to thousands of catties. The effective range of the tiger squatting cannons was less than [-] meters. Small sight, at least flesh and blood can't stop it.

"Haha, Hei Hu'er wants to exhaust his uncle and craftsmen to death, he can't handle so many things at all." Jiang Zhong shook his head again and again, but said with a smile.

"The Artisan Camp must be expanded. Uncle makes up his own mind. Anyway, my nephew doesn't care, and I don't understand. I leave it all to my uncle. My nephew will come to visit my uncle after a while, ha ha."

So many things are very important, Jiang Tao has no choice but to play tricks and run out with a smile.

"This kid!" Jiang Zhong shook his head, so he had to hand over the task of transforming firearms to other craftsmen. After sorting out his ideas, he first organized 500 craftsmen to make tiger squat cannons, and then recruited [-] people. Some experience, talk about others.


Listening to the earth-shattering sound of drills, and the passionate military songs from time to time, looking at the empty mountains and fields, and the charming scenery, Jiang Tao rode a military horse, criss-crossing them. Fan, I was shocked, and now the total strength of the Black Tiger Army exceeds 1.

Among them, there are 2000 people in the Navy, 2000 in the Revenge Battalion, 1000 in the Iron Spear Battalion, 1000 in the Logistics Battalion, 1500 in the Recruit Battalion, 300 each in the Black Tiger Guards, Blood Clothes Guards, and Iron Armor Guards, 500 each in the Sharp Gun Guards, and 200 in the Artillery Battalion. There are [-] people each in the army, sturdy guards, and Orion battalion, and [-] tiger and leopard riders, and [-] strong bow guards each.

That's 100300 people, not counting Ye Bu Shou, Detachment of Women, and Shen Jiang Camp.

If there is no war, nearly 10 taels of military pay will be paid a month, not including other expenses.

Jiang Tao made a preliminary estimate. Recently, Lin Linzong has rewarded his subordinates with more than [-] taels of silver, and there are still about [-] taels of silver left in the treasury, which means that the Black Tiger Army will not be able to pay the military salary in another four months. Maybe not to four months.

Although there are still some jewelry, jade and antiques, they cannot be sold in a hurry.

Jiang Tao suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. There are less than 3 people but there are [-] soldiers. Although it is a bit unreasonable, it has something to do with the situation in the mountains. Many, old and weak.


"Absolutely not!" Jiang Tao immediately denied that the army is the foundation of the Black Tiger Army.

In the final analysis, there is still a way to make money.

Jiang Tao sighed. It seems that he still needs to develop a naval force and really go out. Relying on robbery is not the way, and he still needs to do business.

(End of this chapter)

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