Chapter 105
When Jiang Tao returned to the youth camp with a dark face, he saw Zhang Qian'er teaching the children.

"Hey, why is she here?"

Jiang Tao muttered, and when he went up to meet him, his face turned into a smile: "Commander Zhang, I'm sorry."

Seeing Jiang Tao coming, Zhang Qian'er could no longer maintain a cheerful state of chatting and laughing, and said with a cold face: "See general, this commander brought three literate doctors to come uninvited, please don't blame me."

"Hehe, well, the commander's talent and learning are obvious to all. Since this is the case, this general will leave."

Jiang Tao laughed along with him, glanced at the powerful big characters on the blackboard, and retreated, thinking to himself, "This little girl's psychological quality is really strong, but the big characters are really good."

When he thought of his crooked handwriting, he felt so guilty that he couldn't bear it. He was afraid that the woman would test him, so he hurriedly retreated.

In the midst of wild thoughts, Niu Mang rushed over: "My dear brother, the county magistrate Cheng is looking for you in a hurry."

"Okay, go back to the Black Tiger Hall!" Jiang Tao said with a big smile, sweeping away his anger.

Before Jiang Tao entered the gate of the Black Tiger Hall, Cheng Zhang panicked and said, "The general is in trouble."

"Third uncle, don't worry, speak slowly." Jiang Tao was startled, knowing that something big had happened, and he couldn't panic, so he hurriedly comforted him.

"How can you not be in a hurry? Look, this is a letter from the Zhenwu Escort Bureau. They traveled over mountains and mountains to escape the secret sentinels of the Tartars, and then sent the letter to Suishi Ridge. According to reports, Sushi There are also a lot of Tazi scouts around the ridge." Cheng Zhang hastily explained the situation of Suishi Ridge.

Jiang Tao read the letter in one breath, took a deep breath, handed the letter to Cheng Zhang, and said depressedly: "Kangxi is making too much of a fuss, and now Lu'an Prefecture has gathered [-] green battalion soldiers."

Then he shouted to the Black Tiger Guard outside the door: "Go and call the commanders of all the armies, the sooner the better."

Niu Mang barged in with a smile and said, "Your brother is going to fight, isn't it?"

Jiang Tao was about to answer, but Cheng Zhang interjected, "I'm afraid it's not that simple. There are secret whistles of Tartars widely spread outside Sushi Ridge, and the wind and rain are about to come."

"The general this time is not easy. He has already monitored and blocked us. Hey, why didn't the hidden guard Liu Yuxing hear from him? Could it be that he has betrayed?" Jiang Tao nodded, muttering in his mouth, feeling a little disappointed in his heart.

In fact, Jiang Tao wrongly blamed Liu Yuxing.

Liu Yuxing is also an ambitious person, and he has no choice but to fall into the hands of Heihu, a master who buys and sells by force.

He wanted to abandon his wife and children, but he couldn't bear it.

On that day, under Jiang Tao's special arrangement, he escaped from the county seat and had to temporarily stay at his father-in-law's house in the countryside.

After the Black Tiger Army left, Liu Yuxing thought about it secretly, and dragged his brother-in-law Wang Hu into the secret guard's organization so that he could report the news. After all, the less people know about this kind of thing, the safer it is.

His brother-in-law, Wang Hu, is just a teenager at heart, and he likes to talk about guns and dance sticks. Hearing this, he was pleasantly surprised. Brother-in-law taught.

Liu Yuxing pondered for a while, then swaggered back to the county seat, waiting for the arrival of the next magistrate.

Zhou Peigong, who didn't want to wait for the magistrate, but waited for Zhou Peigong, who came to the county to investigate privately, saw Liu Yuxing and Wang Hu's extraordinary martial arts skills, familiarity with the geography of the mountainous area, and a sworn feud with the black tiger bandits, so he took them as relatives soldier.

Knowing Zhou Peigong's identity, Liu Yuxing hesitated, and then agreed. After all, it was better to follow the general who suppressed bandits than to stay in a small county town.

At least he could know the movements of the Qing army at any time. Liu Yuxing followed his wife and brother to Gwangju with satisfaction. He didn't want Zhou Peigong to run the army rigorously. Not only did he have to train every day, but he couldn't find a chance to go out.

Seeing with his own eyes that Zhou Peigong issued a series of orders to kill the Black Tiger Army, Liu Yuxing admired him, but at the same time he was secretly frightened. In a dilemma, he thought hard every day, and finally thought of a bitter plan.

His brother-in-law Wang Hu deliberately broke his leg during training, so he escaped with the token Hei Hu gave him, but he was slow because of his inconvenient legs.

But Liu Yuxing himself continued to lurk beside Zhou Peigong, sighing secretly in his heart: "If you send another letter, you will go to Heihuzhai to pick up your wife and children, and then you will live in seclusion in the mountains and forests, and you will never think about wealth or honor."

..................... ..
In the Black Tiger Hall, all the generals gathered together and learned of the movements of the Qing army. Some were elated, and some were frowning.

"Haha." Jiang Tao stood up, waved his hands, and laughed loudly: "Brothers, since the Kangxi children think highly of us, we can't be ambiguous. Come on, give Jiang Wuhui, Jiang Bao, and Qian Zong the three commanders immediately. Give the order, I will defend the Broken Stone Ridge for this general, and the reinforcements will arrive in a few days."

"This subordinate understands." A captain of the Black Tiger Guard replied loudly.

"Okay, since the Tartars don't let us have a good year, we can't make them happy, where is Vice-General Wang?"

"The subordinate is here!" Wang Junyi replied loudly.

"Take the first battalion of Vengeance Battalion to Suishi Ridge for reinforcements. Remember to defend, not to attack." Jiang Tao took out a black tiger arrow and handed it to Wang Junyi, and comforted him: "Brothers just got together, just Heihu really can't bear to be separated again, my brother is sorry for my brother."

"The general is overwhelmed, and the last general will follow his orders." Wang Junyi took the command arrow and said solemnly.

After speaking, he strode out of the Black Tiger Hall.

Jiang Tao watched Wang Junyi leave, and then he said domineeringly: "We will send troops to Jinzhai County today. Not only must we conquer it within two days, but we must also defend it. Who dares to issue a military order?"

"Use me to win!" Niu Mang shouted first.

All the generals laughed out loud.

Niu Mang was annoyed at the time: "You son of a bitch, if you have the skills, let's go out and practice."

"Shut up!" Jiang Tao snorted softly, and asked again, "Who else is there?"

All the flags and drums were silenced immediately, only Wei Donglai stood up and said calmly: "Your subordinate dare to issue a military order."

"Tell me!"

Jiang Tao felt relieved, took a sip of tea, and said softly.

"Jinzhai County is a small county, and you can go down with a drum. There are many hills in the county, and there are only three roads leading to other counties. As long as you guard these three places, Jinzhai County will be as solid as gold." Wei Donglai pointed to the map and said confidently.

There are only two roads on the map. Obviously, Wei Donglai has been prepared for a long time. Seeing this, Jiang Tao applauded loudly: "Okay, the point of this battle is that soldiers are expensive and fast, so Wei Junshi will be the main general. I wonder how many soldiers and horses the military division needs? Anhui is far away. Far more than [-] Green Battalion soldiers."

"It only needs 3000 troops." Wei Donglai said with great joy and ease.

"Okay, take the Iron Spear Battalion, the other Vengeance Battalion, the Iron Armor Guards, the Sharpshooter Guards, the Sturdy Guards, and the Military Division of the Logistics Battalion. Well, bring Yebushou and the Physician Battalion. That's all, everyone. Be sure to fight to the death, behind you are your fathers and folks, blood will not be shed, and death will not stop."

Jiang Tao clenched his fists and said loudly that he should have set off in person, but the affairs of the base have not been straightened out, and besides, he believes in Wei Donglai's ability.

"Follow the general's order, fight to the death, fight to the death!" All the generals shouted loudly after hearing the words.

"Okay, let's go immediately." Jiang Tao said proudly, suddenly thinking of the magic weapon of the Communist Party, and hurriedly reminded: "Military divisions must remember that when they capture the county town, they should immediately send troops to defend the main roads, and then spare part of their troops to kill the evil gentry and bullies. Don’t disturb the people in the field, restore the order in the county as soon as possible, and those who dare to violate the order will be killed without mercy!”

Wei Donglai nodded solemnly, and reminded: "General, you must be careful of the Qing army in the direction of Hubei. You can station two hundred elite soldiers here, and you will have nothing to worry about."

Jiang Tao nodded, and saw Niu Mang drooping his head, listless, so he had to temporarily transfer Niu Mang to the revenge camp, and serve as the commander of 500 people.

As for the leader of the Black Tiger Guard, he had to leave it empty for the time being. Jiang Tao already had a candidate in mind, but he was not around.

Now that most of the navy is out, all the troops had to cross the river in small boats. When Wei Donglai and others were sent away, Jiang Tao immediately ordered Jiang Xin to take the tigers and leopards, plus [-] recruits, and stationed on the trail leading to the base in Hubei.

Not afraid of [-], just in case, Jiang Tao dare not take risks, if the Qing army sneaks into the base from a small path, then everything will be closed.

(End of this chapter)

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