Chapter 106
Wei Donglai looked relaxed on the surface, but in fact his spirit had already been taut. The whole army only carried three days of rations and went into battle lightly, just to march quickly. In fact, the affiliation of Jinzhai County is not important, but the important thing There are three main ways.

He made a plan in his mind, the official road from Jinzhai County to Lu'an Prefecture is the most important, it must be defended with heavy troops, he hurriedly ordered Jiang Wushang to lead his subordinates, join Niu Mang and Xue Yan's subordinates, a total of thousands People, don't stop all the way, go to the border of Jinzhai County and guard against danger.

Wei Donglai had already prepared a guide, and told Jiang Wushang: "We must arrive here overnight, prepare more stones and wood, and build a stone wall on the first line of the sky, only stick to it, not go out lightly, and those who violate the order will be dealt with by military law. "

Jiang Wushang also knew that the survival of the Black Tiger Army was at stake, so he didn't dare to be careless, and said solemnly: "Don't worry, military commander, you won't get hurt if you don't get hurt."

After speaking, he strode away.

Wei Donglai nodded, and ordered Luo Qian to take the armored guards and a vengeance battalion of 500 people to defend the main road from Jinzhai County to Huoshan County.

Wei Donglai was very relieved for these two roads, but there was no suitable candidate for the narrow road leading to Huoqiu County from Jinzhai County. Feng is a fierce general, and it is okay to charge forward, but it is not safe to let him defend to the death.

He had no choice but to send Jiang Wudao to station here with his army. In this way, the three armies will come out and block all the passages out of Jinzhai County.

Wei Donglai breathed a sigh of relief, and rushed towards the county with the remaining thousand soldiers and horses.

.................. ..
The county magistrate of Jinzhai County received the secret security from the Chief Jia, and he was full of fear. Delusional, he only hoped that he could hold onto the county government office until the end of his tenure.

But now the Black Tiger Army sent out an army of [-] just to attack the small Jinzhai County, which is too unlucky.

Thinking of the county magistrate's duty of guarding the land, the county magistrate hurriedly reported to the prefect of Lu'an, and then bravely recruited all the staff: "Do you have a good plan to repel the thieves?"

In fact, the magistrate of Lu'an had already known him to guard against bandits, especially the movement of the Black Tiger Army, but due to Shi He's obstruction, coupled with the lawlessness of water bandits, ordinary people could not cross the river at all, let alone the fact that the main force of the Black Tiger Army Just across from Shihe.

Chief Jin Ba of the Green Camp said perfunctorily, "All are under the magistrate's arrangement."

In fact, Mr. Jin was terrified to death. The news that the black tiger army had killed thousands of Tartar cavalry had already spread. Although his Jin family was a big family in Jinzhai County, they didn't have the courage to fight the black tiger army. After all, the opponent is an extremely ferocious bandit, not even the iron cavalry of the Tartars is an opponent, let alone the strength of his own troops.

"This?" The county magistrate snorted and looked at the others.

The master of the county yamen, the county magistrate and others looked at each other, but they were speechless. They were all locals, and they couldn't beat them.

The county magistrate let out a long sigh, even wanting to die in the city.

The catcher who stood by the side sneered, but remained silent.

All the staff members were furious, President Jin pulled out his waist knife, and shouted angrily: "Wang Mazi, what are you, how dare you look down on us, I will cut you off!"

"Wait!" The county magistrate stared at Wang Butou in a daze, and shouted softly: "You are still yelling at this time, and you still don't back down! Does Wang Butou have something to say? Otherwise, I will punish you for contempt for the superior. !"

Wang Butou knelt down unhurriedly, held his head up and said with a smile: "I don't dare to despise the Shangguan, but I just think about the wealth and life of the adults."


Everyone scolded angrily when they heard the words.

The county magistrate waved his hand, knowing that Catcher Wang always pretended to be a man. Although he didn't like him, he was really a capable subordinate. He snorted softly and said, "Speak up if you have something to say, it's too much nonsense."

"Hey, my lords, don't even think about it. The Black Tiger Army killed the powerful and plundered property in Shangcheng County. It can be said that they did all kinds of evil. Could it be that these bandits became docile when they arrived in Jinzhai County?"

"The villain also heard that General Black Tiger is lustful, and loves taking wives and concubines the most, hehe."

Wang Butou smiled indifferently, and everyone's expression changed immediately, and there was a sound of needle dropping in the room.

"Damn it, I'm going to fight with them." President Jin stood up abruptly, shouting with red eyes.

The county magistrate and masters also said at the same time: "Gather the young and strong, distribute weapons, and defend the county."

"Okay, I have already reported to Lord Zhizhou that the reinforcements will arrive tomorrow at the latest. I will personally guard the city and live and die with the city. You should work together to defend the city."

The county magistrate was overjoyed when he saw the unity of the people, and quickly reassured everyone.

Immediately, the entire county was busy, and after an hour, more than two thousand strong men were finally gathered, and the county magistrate was relieved, and led all his staff to guard the four gates of the city.

After waiting for another hour, the sky was already dark, and only then did the bandits that everyone didn't want to see, the county magistrate looked at the torch like a dragon, and his heart beat faster again. When the bandits came a hundred meters away from the city, he held back Frightened, he shouted softly: "Wait for the bandits, just disperse, otherwise no one will survive when the imperial army arrives."

The rest of the people on the city wall also began to scold, and the ugly words were unbearable.

The black tiger army was furious and wanted to attack the city immediately.

"Don't be impatient!"

Wei Donglai sneered in his heart when he heard the words, and was surprised when he saw the bright lights on the city wall and the silhouettes of people: "It seems that I have underestimated the ability of the government office."

In fact, he had already sent people to watch Jinzhai County, and learned that there were only three hundred troops in the county at most, but according to the current form, it was far more than that, most of them must be young men who had just been recruited.

Wei Donglai took a deep breath, not only did he not bring food and grass with him this time, but also the situation was unclear, he must take this city as soon as possible.

The city wall of Jinzhai County was five meters high. Wei Donglai ordered Luo Feng to take the armored iron gun camp to protect the sharp spear guards.

bang bang bang...

All of a sudden there were casualties on the city wall, and the county magistrate lay down on the brick floor in horror, only then did he realize how serious it was, and hurriedly ordered everyone to dodge.

After several rounds of salvo, no one on the city wall dared to poke out the top of the city anymore. Wei Donglai smiled at the leaders, "Set up camp immediately, and keep vigil at night. , not to kill the enemy, but to awaken the opponent, can Jiang Wuji understand?"

"Subordinates obey!" Jiang Wuji nodded.

Wei Donglai nodded, and continued: "The logistics battalion will go to sleep after the ladder is built, and the rest of the soldiers will rest first, and attack the city in the fourth watch. The city must be occupied before sunrise tomorrow, or everyone will be guilty."

All the generals nodded yes, only Yao Jun, the commander of the sturdy guard, was puzzled and said: "Military Master, can you take this city in an hour?"

"Hehe, there is no other way but to fight to the death!" Wei Donglai smiled easily, but full of murderous intent.

All the generals were shocked, it seemed that this battle was a tough one, and it would be impossible not to work hard.

(End of this chapter)

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