Chapter 110 The Strategy of Siege from Ten Sides
Zhou Peigong of Gwangju learned that the scouts stationed at Broken Stone Ridge were all lost. He felt mixed feelings. He was worried because of the extraordinary fighting power of the bandits, and he was happy if he could paralyze the bandits. In his mind, a small defeat does not matter, the key is to attack Broken Stone Ridge, attacking from three sides, oppressing the living space of the bandits step by step is the kingly way.

It was almost the end of the new year, and the soldiers and horses were almost trained. He knew that the time had come. If he couldn't take the opportunity to repel the bandits this time, he would have to block and fight fiercely for a long time, and that would be a failure.

"All the generals listened to the order and immediately dispatched soldiers to the broken stone ridge to confront the culprits. If a culprit escapes, everyone present will be dismissed and sent to prison. No one will be spared."

Zhou Peigong drew out the Son of Heaven Sword, glanced majestically at the generals in the tent, and ordered in a cold voice, although he is a Confucian general, he is also majestic and imposing.

"Follow the orders of the imperial envoy."

The generals did not dare to underestimate this weak scholar. In the past month of training, they killed three Qian Zong who refused to obey the military order and a perfunctory guard. They really are not good friends.

"Well, let's all go down and get ready. We will call in half an hour and pass the Luo family father and son into the account." Zhou Peigong nodded solemnly and said calmly.

Although they went out overnight, no one dared to raise any objections, and they all retreated silently.

After a while, the two people who came in were Luo Xiaotian and his son, who had a great vendetta against Jiang Tao: "Please refer to the imperial envoy."

"You two don't need to be too polite. The success or failure of this time depends on you. Are you ready?" Zhou Peigong waved his hands slowly and sat upright.

He also heard about the destruction of the Luo family, but he did not expect that the Luo family was so big and deeply rooted that they were able to recruit more than [-] dead soldiers.

Luo Xiaotian seems to have aged a lot recently, but his vigor has not diminished. He stood up vigorously and did not hide the hatred in his eyes. He said calmly, "My lord, we have all sneaked into the county seat. When the time comes, we will surely make a contribution."

"Very good. This general will dispatch another five hundred elites to Commander Luo Qian. We must work together to pull out that nail. This matter must be done at the right time, and the attack will be effective. If you dare to spoil my big business, this officer will not let you down." you."

Zhou Peigong was slightly moved, and said firmly, the strong dragon will not suppress the local snake, hoping that this local snake can be of some use.

"My lord, don't worry." Luo Xiaotian snorted secretly, but said respectfully on the surface.

"Report, hurry up to five hundred miles in Lu'an Prefecture!"

Zhou Peigong was slightly startled, and hurriedly presented the order to have a look. Suddenly, the black tiger army appeared and captured the entire Jinzhai County overnight.

After scanning the map for a long time, Zhou Peigong sneered, and finally said with confidence: "So that's it, the black tiger gangsters finally showed their feet!"

He thought to himself: "According to this theory, most of the black tiger bandits are in Jinzhai County, and a surprise attack on Suishi Ridge has become a bad idea. Well, this is the Huaihe River, eh, this is Shihe River! Good!"

The Luo family father and son looked at each other in dismay, but they didn't dare to say more. After all, this imperial envoy was quite unreasonable. He gave this person 3000 taels of gold before, and he was reprimanded and almost punished.

Fortunately, the Luo family is familiar with this mountain and has some uses, otherwise it would be hard to say.

"Haha, as long as the sailors drive straight in, bring thousands of elites, and attack from all sides, the thieves will definitely lose sight of one another, and collapse in an instant."

Zhou Peigong muttered to himself again, frowning fiercely and said: "Unfortunately, there is no way to mobilize an established navy in such a hurry, it seems that we can only take risks."

The father and son of the Luo family were pleasantly surprised. This lord was really eloquent, and he immediately spoke to the hearts of the two of them, and they all stared at Zhou Peigong intently.

"The two of you will go down and prepare immediately, and act according to the original plan!" Zhou Peigong came back to his senses, and seeing the Luo family father and son staring at him blankly, he immediately said with an unhappy face.

When the two went out, Zhou Peigong had many thoughts in his mind, but he couldn't find a good general who could be completely trusted. This person not only had to be brave and decisive, but also had to know the art of war and be able to act according to circumstances. After thinking for a long time, he finally sighed.

This matter must be done as soon as possible, otherwise it may cause trouble, Zhou Peigong immediately showed determination, since he has no good generals, he had no choice but to go into battle himself.

Thinking of this, he immediately dispatched [-] elite soldiers and personally led the team to Huoqiu County. After all, Shihe River flows through this county, and this county is the closest to Shangcheng County, and it is also a neighboring county of Jinzhai County. constant.

Along the way, Kuai Ma told the Green Battalion soldiers stationed in Macheng Town, Hubei Province to leave [-] soldiers to seal off the surrounding area of ​​the mountain, and not to let a single person leave the mountain.

He also strictly ordered the commander-in-chief of Lu'an Prefecture to attack dangerous places such as the first line of the sky day and night, and those who dared to perfunctory would be killed without mercy.

Only then did Zhou Peigong feel relieved. As long as the generals acted according to his orders, the strategy of attacking from all sides would have a [-]% chance of winning. The key was to rely on himself as a surprise soldier. He became nervous. Although he was very confident, it was him this time. Leading an army for the first time.

It all depends on human effort, as long as it goes well, maybe in a month or so, we can wipe out the black tiger thieves. Zhou Peigong is no longer dreaming. He rides a horse comfortably, is indescribably free and easy, learns writing and martial arts, and sells it to the emperor's family. Happy, happy!

At this time, the sky was dark, the north wind howled, and the faces of the soldiers were sore, and the torches were blown out from time to time, but no one dared to complain. Zhou Peigong was in high spirits and naturally he didn't feel the cold. After the wind and rain, it will not be able to become an eye-catching strong army. By the way, bloody battles are still needed.

It's getting colder and windier, and it looks like it's going to snow again.

When Jiang Tao arrived at Yixiantian, it was already snowing heavily.

Their arrival immediately broke the silence of the mountains.

Jiang Wushang and other commanders rode fast horses and rushed up to meet him: "See you, General!"

"Well, go back to the army tent!"

Jiang Tao felt a little helpless, he saw Niu Mang turned his head away, and his lips moved slightly, obviously he was born a lot, and he would have yelled at him in normal times.

Jiang Tao sat down in the military tent, and Jiang Wushang immediately reported: "General, before dinner time, more than ten thousand green battalion soldiers from Lu'an Prefecture drove to the outside of the canyon, and with a little damage, they retreated, and now they are five miles away from the canyon. Set up camp everywhere."

"Well, how is the stone wall going?" Jiang Tao nodded, waved back and forth, and said calmly.

"Nowadays, according to the terrain of the canyon, five six-meter-high stone wall fortifications have been built in the canyon. The Qing army can only attack hard, and at most four people can come up at a time, but they have to face more than ten long spears. Five meters behind, there is another eight-meter-high stone wall. Five sharpshooters stand on it. Their spears strengthen their bows. Five people can block them, but they can only defend the periphery. However, the food and grass have not yet arrived, and the soldiers can only eat some dry food."

Jiang Wushang said in a low voice, obviously the punishment order also dampened his enthusiasm.

"You are all the generals of my Black Tiger Army, and even the veterans of my Black Tiger Army. You are role models for all soldiers in every move. You will be rewarded for your achievements and punished for your deeds. This is how our Black Tiger Army can fight a hundred battles. Don't you guys even think about this? Don't you have any sense at all?"

Jiang Tao exploded all of a sudden, and asked sternly.

The three of them lowered their heads even more and stopped talking.

Jiang Tao also knew that his words were a bit harsh, and he said softly: "You are all generals of my Black Tiger Army. The first thing I consider is the interests of my Black Tiger Army and the lives of the soldiers under my command. It is a good thing for a general to be brave, but it cannot The three chief generals all ran to the front to fight desperately, but left more than a thousand soldiers alone, if something unexpected happens, first this general will be heartbroken, and then more than a thousand soldiers will be leaderless, our Black Tiger Army will be in danger!"

"What the general said is very true." Jiang Wushang and Xue Yan responded in unison, with a very sincere tone.

"That can't be reported to the whole army, my old cow has no face to face people!"

Niu Mang was also very ashamed, but still said unconvinced.

"Haha." Jiang Tao was relieved now, and laughed loudly: "Brother is bad, my Black Tiger Army is more than the three of you who like to mess around, this is a plan to kill tigers and scare monkeys, my brother has no choice, Black Tiger Army It is getting bigger and bigger, and there must be strict military laws as the backing, so that the whole army can be a warning, but the three brothers have been wronged, and I hope the elder brother will not blame the younger brother!"

"No, the general worked so hard, but his subordinates didn't understand, they really deserve death!"

"No way, the general will punish you lightly. According to the military order, those who disobey the order will be executed!"

"Brother, you can't, my old man made a mistake. In the future, I must be familiar with military books, and I won't do anything foolish again."

Jiang Wushang, Xueyan, and Niu Mang saw Jiang Tao bowing to them, and hurriedly fell on the ground and shouted loudly.

"Okay, get up, let's talk about it. I, Heihu, will go back to the base tomorrow morning. As for the food and grass, it will be shipped later. It's just a pain for the soldiers." Jiang Tao hurriedly helped the three of them up, and said happily.

PS: It’s better to be a man than a man. There was a power outage today. The store has not been located well, and the network cable has not been connected. This is the only way to go today. Sorry, I will make it up later.
(End of this chapter)

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