The Great Bandit in Kangxi Year

Chapter 111 Multiplayer Game

Chapter 111 Multiplayer Game
The repeated games between the Qing army and the Black Tiger army trapped the former "Third Prince of Zhu" Yang Qilong.

He was in Jinji Village right now.

In the past month or so, he brought Wei Qingfeng and others to Anhui. He originally wanted to gather up the old troops and try to make a comeback. He didn't want the incense masters who respected him in the past to see him lose power and rarely pay attention to him. He just gathered There are more than a hundred people who are unwilling to be mediocre.

In addition, more than [-] green battalion soldiers gathered in Lu'an Prefecture, Yang Qilong was startled and scurried all the way to Jinzhai County.

It just so happened that Jinzhai County also had his old club, but unfortunately, the incense master of Jinji Village treated him neither salty nor light, and only entertained him with good wine and meat every day, and never talked about the rebellion.

Yang Qilong was anxious like an ant on a hot pot, on the one hand he was worried about the roundup of the Qing army, and on the other hand he wanted to get the support of the incense master in order to deal with those betrayers, but he couldn't get it right for a while.

The Black Tiger Army quickly occupied Jinzhai County and blocked the main road, making it even more impossible to leave now.

Yang Qilong's mood was extremely complicated for a while, it turned out that the Qing army did not come to arrest him, but it was obviously beyond his expectation that a bandit has such a powerful force.

By the way, it is rumored that this person used the name of the third prince Zhu when he raised his troops, and said that he was a general under the command of the third prince Zhu.

Jinjizhai Xiangzhu's inaction made him very unhappy, but since the Black Tiger Army occupied Jinzhai County, Dai Xiangzhu was obviously more polite.

Yang Qilong suddenly had other thoughts, if he can subdue Heihu, relying on his own prestige, why can't he be so powerful that he can shake the world?

By the way, my cousin and Wei Qingfeng have a friendship with Hei Hu who fought side by side. When the time comes to betroth his cousin to this person, Hei Hu must be willing to obey. Hehe, it will be a big deal!
The more Yang Qilong thought about it, the more he felt that this was the reason, so he hurriedly recruited Wei Qingfeng to enjoy wine in the house on a snowy night.

After a while, Wei Qingfeng came in frowning, shook the snow on his body, and said worriedly: "Prince, now I can only go by the waterway, and in a few days, the river will freeze, and I can't go even if I want to. "

"Why are you leaving? Brother Wei knows Heihu? Heihu, the leader of the Black Tiger Army!" Yang Qilong stared at Wei Qingfeng hopefully, and calmly poured him a glass of heated millet wine .

Wei Qingfeng nodded gratefully, thought for a while, and recalled: "Heihu knows him, but I don't know if this person is the leader of the Heihu Army. The Heihu that my subordinates knew three months ago only had dozens of elite soldiers, but now The Black Tiger Army is so powerful that there are tens of thousands of people, I am afraid they are not the same person, right?"

Yang Qilong suddenly became a little unhappy, picked up the wine glass, drank it down, and sighed.

"The prince asked this person why?" Wei Qingfeng asked suspiciously after drinking the hot wine in one gulp.

"Well, this person is very important. If you can recruit this person, the prince will still have hope of rising. No matter what, you have to give it a try. The guards obey the order and go to the county to visit this person. Oh, wait, The prince personally wrote a letter, and Hufa must hand it to Heihu himself."

Yang Qilong nodded solemnly, and repeatedly urged.

After finishing speaking, he wrote an emotional and rational letter, and carefully took out the jade seal of the country, pressed it heavily, and then handed it to Wei Qingfeng.

"Hey, doesn't the prince hate bandits the most? Why has he changed his temper now?"

Although Wei Qingfeng was puzzled, he didn't dare to say more. The prince's temperament has changed a lot recently, and he can't stand the stimulation.

"Prince, don't worry, this subordinate will set off overnight."

Wei Qingfeng said solemnly, and left in the wind and snow after speaking.

In fact, he knew that Yang Qilong was not the real third prince Zhu, but he was a Han Chinese after all, so why bother so much, besides, this person's cousin Li Lihua's parents died since childhood, and the only relative left in the world is this person, if you want to marry a junior sister, this person Very important.

Thinking of Li Lihua, a childhood sweetheart, Wei Qingfeng felt a fire in his heart. Naturally, he couldn't feel the cold of the wind and snow. After traveling for dozens of miles, he remembered that Jinzhai County must be closed, even if he went, he would not be able to enter. City, now I can only find an inn to stay overnight.

Jiang Tao chatted with Niu Mang for an hour, and then went to sleep. It was still dawn when he heard several shrill screams.

At this time, the snow had stopped, and the ground had already accumulated half a foot of snow, and the whole barracks suddenly became noisy.

From afar, Jiang Wushang could be heard yelling at the top of his voice: "Don't panic, the Iron Spear Battalion will go to the canyon quickly, and the rest of the army will stand by and wait for dispatch."

When Jiang Tao heard this, his heart skipped a beat. Did the canyon fall?
Seeing that the army had resumed its organizational system, Jiang Tao calmed down a little, and went directly into the canyon, only to hear the sound of iron weapons clanging and shouting and killing more clearly. After passing three passes in a row, he saw countless braided troops storming the second line of defense , the first line of defense has been lost, blood stained the snow-white open space red, black, white, and red mixed together, it is so dazzling.

"Why did the general come here? The situation is critical now, please stand back!" Jiang Wushang finished speaking in a hurry, then stared nervously at the second line of defense, and shouted sharply: "Go to the next team!"

Jiang Tao waved his hand and looked intently. He saw that outside the second line of defense were full of Qing soldiers with braids, iron armor, iron shields, and waist knives on their backs. Just as the battalion soldiers worked together to kill several Qing soldiers who rushed up, the rest of the armored Qing soldiers swarmed up one after another. If it weren't for the archers shooting arrows at close range, the second line of defense would be lost again.

These Qing soldiers were not only well-defended, but also vigorously moved. They were obviously not ordinary green battalion soldiers. With the protection of iron shields, it was difficult for the soldiers of the Iron Spear Battalion to kill them.

It was only then that Jiang Tao discovered the flaws of the Iron Spear Battalion. The Iron Spear Battalion could not exert its combat power in a narrow space, and the space was too small and there were too many people. There is no support.

The Iron Spear Battalion had just assassinated the three Iron Armored Qing soldiers who rushed up, when there was a sudden bang, and most of the seven Iron Spear Battalion soldiers on the second line of defense fell down immediately.

Jiang Tao secretly yelled that it was not good. If this continues, the five lines of defense will change hands sooner or later. He wanted to rush to help, but he held back. The main reason is that he just punished Jiang Wushang and others. If he made the same mistake, wouldn't it be him? Slap yourself in the mouth.

Jiang Wushang sighed, and said anxiously: "General, it's a bit tricky now. We have already lost more than [-] elite soldiers. There are so many Qing soldiers, we can't afford it."

"Hmph, our soldiers really don't have the upper hand." Jiang Tao didn't expect that the opponent also had gunners. He looked at the sky suddenly, and then he felt that he was too stupid, and hurriedly asked, "Are there soldiers stationed on the mountain?"

"There are 200 people on each side!" Jiang Wushang nodded, and suddenly said in pleasant surprise: "This subordinate understands."

The situation was critical, and he forgot to make use of his strengths and avoid his weaknesses.

The Iron Armored Qing soldiers swarmed up, and immediately collided with a small group of Iron Spear Battalion soldiers.

Jiang Wushang didn't dare to delay, he hurriedly sent a message to the soldiers above.

After a while, arrows and rocks fell like rain from the top of the mountain, and the Qing army screamed again and again, Jiang Wushang waved his hand, and Niu Mang took back all the passes with the soldiers of the Iron Spear Battalion.

After clearing the battlefield, they beheaded more than a hundred people, and their own casualties amounted to as many as 30. It turned out that the Qing army took advantage of the dark night and cold weather to attack the pass, but the soldiers guarding the pass were careless. Passed two levels.

Jiang Tao frowned and wanted to reprimand him, but he finally endured and ordered the soldiers to repair the perfect fortifications.

The second line of defense was directly repaired to 20 meters high and five meters wide. Even if the Qing army climbed the stone wall, the front end of the top of the stone wall was extremely uneven, which made it difficult for the Qing army to walk.

Moreover, the long spears of the Iron Spear Battalion were replaced by large three-meter-long spears, and a stone wall a little higher than one meter was built in the middle of the stone wall. The soldiers only needed to put the long spears on the wall and move them back and forth to easily kill the enemy.

In a place more than two meters wide, up to four people can climb up at a time, and almost no one can survive the stabbing of more than ten long spears.

Then set up archery towers of different heights behind the stone wall, with sharpshooters attached to them, and shoot fish that slip through the net by the way.

Except for the first line of defense, the remaining four lines are the same.

"You are a great general, so we are not afraid of the Qing army's attack at all. We only need a hundred people to defend this place." Jiang Wu said sadly and sincerely.

"Hehe, don't be careless. You should also pay attention to precautions on the mountain, especially at night. The situation just now can't happen again."

Jiang Tao chuckled and said, he is most afraid of fighting a war of attrition. Today's Black Tiger Army can't afford it. Unlike the Qing Army, it doesn't matter if tens of thousands of people die. One order can make up for it.

But in this way, it is tantamount to blocking the route of the Black Tiger Army to attack Lu'an Prefecture, so there is no way.

"This mountain is 600 meters high, and it's very steep. Who can cross it except for the birds?" Jiang Wushang murmured in disbelief.

"That's wrong. There are countless strange people in China. There are no absolutes in the world. Anyway, there is no big mistake if you are careful. I will leave this place to you. I will return to the county right away."

Jiang Tao sighed softly, but he thought of Chen Dajiang and others who had not returned from the army. Now the navy is the hope of the Black Tiger Army, and there is a huge maritime territory and trade. It is a pity that the current navy is too weak, but Sooner or later, the Black Tiger Army will go out.

"Your subordinates will definitely keep it in mind." Jiang Wushang hurriedly replied.

Outside the valley of the sky, in the big tent of the Qing army camp, a middle-aged man in armor with a full face and beard was furious at this time, and he said angrily: "You have lost more than a hundred elite soldiers of this general, come on!" Man, drag this person down and behead him for public display!"

"General, please spare me!" A muscular young man kneeling in the middle of the big tent said in panic.

"Hmph, drag it on!" The man glanced at the generals coldly and snorted.

"Forgive me!"

"Report, the Imperial Envoy has an order to order General Wu to attack Jinzhai County day and night, otherwise the military law will be followed!" At this moment, Zhou Peigong's messenger came.

Zongbing Wu was taken aback for a moment, and smiled kindly for a moment: "Haha, the special envoy has worked hard, and the final general will definitely do his best to suppress the bandits and will never tolerate it."

The envoy nodded and left directly.

Zongbing Wu resumed his fierce look, snorted and said: "Weak scholars have a lot to do, and we still have to rely on us at the critical moment. Tell me, what should we do next?"

All the generals looked at each other in blank dismay, who dared to answer, this line of heaven is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it cannot be easily captured.

General Wu sneered, how can he not know what the generals are thinking, most of the people here are not his direct subordinates, they are all soldiers stationed in the province, and they have no friendship with him, so their complexion suddenly changed, and they shouted sullenly: " Since the Imperial Envoy has an order, we can’t neglect it, and leave it to the General today, tomorrow? Hehe, if someone dares not to work hard, the Imperial Envoy will ignore him, and the General will not spare him!"

Immediately all the generals took a deep breath, most of them were commanders or guards commanding hundreds of troops, I am afraid that after this battle, there would be few soldiers left.

PS: There was a power outage again. I was demolishing recently. I came to 3 words. I can only code at night in the future, and it will return to normal tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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