The Great Bandit in Kangxi Year

Chapter 112 Being Cao Cao Is A Good Choice

Chapter 112 Being Cao Cao Is A Good Choice
The bloody battle in Yixiantian is still going on. Fortunately, one side is defending and the other side is attacking at a leisurely pace, so there is no suspense.

However, Chen Dajiang, Gan Zhi, and Jiang Feng of the navy were very happy. They had already occupied a shipyard, and it was a medium-sized shipyard for seagoing ships.

They first mobilized some elite soldiers, pretended to be merchants, and lurked around the shipyard. At dawn, they attacked by water and land, killed more than [-] Qing soldiers, and killed more than [-] people themselves. Only then did they take down the shipyard.

However, the harvest is quite big. There are more than a thousand shipwrights and countless shipbuilding materials. There are also eight medium-sized sea ships that have been built, and each ship is equipped with ten brand-new cannons.

Although they were all small cannons weighing hundreds of catties, Chen Dajiang and the others were still ecstatic. To be honest, they really didn't know how to operate them, but they all knew that it was a good thing.

Although these were medium-sea ships, they were far larger than the large ships they had used before.

After exchanging shotguns for cannons, Chen Dajiang also became generous, and decisively burned the boats and supplies that could not be taken away, and sailed back to the base at full speed.

Fortunately, there was no heavy snow in the past few days, otherwise the river would freeze and they would be trapped to death.

A large fleet of dozens of boats suddenly appeared in the Huaihe River Basin, which shocked the officials along the coast. Fortunately, Chen Dajiang and others were eager to return home, so they did not wantonly loot.

Two days later, Chen Dajiang and others drove to the coast of Huoqiu, that is to say, they were almost home. All the soldiers were very happy, and it was the greatest joy to be able to return from the victory.

I didn't want to be blocked by more than a dozen small boats, they were obviously members of the government, and one of them shouted arrogantly from a long distance: "The imperial envoy has an order that all passing ships will be used as military resources, and you wait to stop the boat and dock. Hurry up and leave after getting the money."

Chen Dajiang and the others looked at each other, and Gan Zhi first laughed and said, "Haha, you fucking imperial envoy, kill these bastards."

All the soldiers smiled, playing official power with the Black Tiger Army, isn't it courting death?
The speed of the ship remained the same, and some soldiers had already prepared their bows and arrows.

"You are so bold, you still don't stop the boat! How dare... ah!" Before the young general could finish speaking, he was shot to death by a strong bow and fell into the water.

Bang... creak... whoosh...

More than a hundred Qing soldiers fed the fish and shrimp in an instant.

Everyone was happy, but more than a hundred ships of different sizes rushed over.

Chen Dajiang suddenly felt something was wrong, and ordered: "Get ready to fight!"

Jiang Feng looked around and found that there were thousands of Qing troops on the shore, all shouting to kill, and said softly: "Commander Chen, something is wrong, maybe we were ambushed by the Qing army."

Gan Zhi held the ghost-head knife and said carelessly: "No, these people are not like the navy of the imperial court. It's obviously just the right time for the meeting. Haha, let's have fun."

"This commander suspects that these Qing army comers are not good. I am afraid they are targeting our Black Tiger Army. We must make a quick decision and order the soldiers to fire rockets and bed crossbows! We must return to the base as soon as possible and report this to the general!"

Chen Dajiang frowned and expressed his thoughts.

"Whoever he is, I'll kill him first!" Gan Zhi glanced at the boat that was besieging him with disdain, and said murderously.

Yes, these are exactly the [-] elite Zhou Peigong selected, and Zhou Peigong is also watching the battle on the shore, he just came here yesterday, and so far, he only collected more than a hundred small boats.

He secretly sighed, knowing that it is useless to be anxious, he ordered the ship to be built, and at the same time ordered his subordinates to be familiar with water warfare, and blocked the news by the way.

Unexpectedly, he encountered a powerful water bandit today, and it was under the banner of the Black Tiger Army. Zhou Peigong was immediately furious, knowing that if he could not defeat the Black Tiger Army's water army, it would be a joke to attack the Black Tiger Army. He lamented that the Black Tiger Army With good luck, he ordered his subordinates to withdraw.

All the soldiers are new to water warfare, so they don't know how to fight at all, besides, the river water is icy cold now, if they fall into the water, unless the water quality is very good, they won't be able to get up at all.

Knowing that they are invincible, it would be foolish if they insisted on it. If they had prepared the fireboat and launched it on all sides, the water bandit would have lost most of it.

Zhou Peigong sighed secretly, he lost his mind for a while, and when he looked at the river again, he felt very tight in his chest. This delay, the elite who trained so hard lost more than two hundred people, and the number is still increasing.

They were either shot or knocked into the water, and they had no power to fight back.

It is easy for the soldiers to advance, but it is a bit messy to retreat.

Zhou Peigong pursed his lips, secretly blaming himself for his wrong command, and said bitterly: "Quickly fire the rocket, hurry up!"

When the subordinates prepared the rockets, the water bandits had already left. After counting, there were more than [-] casualties or missing.

Zhou Peigong was furious immediately, and calmed down again in a short while. The more the black tiger army's hole cards were revealed, the more confident he was in destroying the thief.

Knowing that the bandit army still has a navy with extraordinary combat power, it would be easy to handle.

If there is no loss today, a rash attack with [-] troops will probably end in annihilation of the entire army.

Zhou Peigong ordered his subordinates to continue the drill, and at the same time wrote a letter to the sage, explaining the strength and combat power of the Black Tiger Army, and seeking the assistance of the navy, and it must be fast.

On the one hand, they dispatched scouts to hear all the information about the Black Tiger Army, and blocked the river with iron chains, in order to prevent the Black Tiger Army from escaping by water.

He also searched for hunters and medicine farmers, and inquired about the trail from Huoqiu County to Jinzhai County. Zhou Peigong didn't believe that the Black Tiger Army could defend such a huge place impeccably.

........................ ..
But Jiang Tao was in the Jinzhai County Government Office at this time, and met his old friend Wei Qingfeng.

Wei Qingfeng looked a bit older with a dusty look on his face.

However, I haven't seen him for several months, and Jiang Tao was very puzzled by such a change. He said softly, "Brother Wei, if you have nothing else to do, how about joining our Black Tiger Army? Let's fight side by side again and kill all the Tartars. What more can I ask for?"

"Are you really the famous Black Tiger?" Wei Qingfeng hesitated slightly, and said in surprise.

"Hehe, it's just a bandit that everyone scolds, what's the point?" Jiang Tao chuckled, and waved his hands indifferently.

"Hey, if all the bandits have such a heart, wouldn't the world be peaceful?" Wei Qingfeng stared at Jiang Tao with a burning spirit, and said with a lot of emotion, the former little bandit has now become a prince with more than ten thousand troops, it is really a vicissitudes of life , all kinds of surprises!
"Hehe, I'm honored. By the way, why did Brother Wei come here? Didn't you all go to the north?"

Seeing him talking about it, Jiang Tao suddenly remembered the old things, couldn't help asking, and sighed in his heart, he was born here for more than two months, and he did a lot of things that he didn't even dare to think about in his previous life. I was also startled at every step, if it was in the previous life, I am afraid that I have been shot to death N times.

It is true that the times make heroes, no matter how talented a person is without opportunities, he is still very ordinary.

"Oh, it's a long story... This time, my brother came here to deliver a letter for the third prince Zhu!" Wei Qingfeng lamented his downfall, explained that the intention of coming had become serious, and took out the letter and handed it over.

Jiang Tao was startled suddenly, the third prince Zhu wanted to recruit him?
He smirked, and read the letter in one breath, only to find it very funny, but he didn't want to laugh out loud, after all, he wanted to save some face for Wei Qingfeng.

Those nasty words made him shudder. If it was before, maybe he would have considered it. Unfortunately, now that the Black Tiger Army is in crisis, and it has a foundation, how could Jiang Tao find another master who has no real meaning?

Besides, although he is not very good, he is a modern person after all, and he hates people who are above him with arrogance and arrogance.

What's even more annoying is that the so-called Third Prince Zhu actually wanted to betroth Li Lihua to him. Jiang Tao was immediately angry. He is also a person of taste now, and it is very easy to find a woman. Besides, the first impression Li Lihua gave him not good.

If in his previous life, he had no car, no house, no tickets, he would be lucky to be able to marry a daughter-in-law. Jiang Tao would definitely agree to it, but it's a pity that beautiful women are just a cloud to him now.

But after all, this person is very prestigious among the people. After decades, there are still people who use the name of the third prince Zhu to rebel, and many people respond. This person must not die by his own hands, let alone let go. Even if you jump into the Yellow River, you won't be able to wash away your bad words.

Jiang Tao thought about it carefully for a while, and finally made up his mind. Han Xiandi didn't just come into existence today, so he should be Cao Cao himself!But in this way, it would be difficult to face Wei Qingfeng who had a relationship.

(End of this chapter)

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