Chapter 113
Seeing Jiang Tao's complexion changed, Wei Qingfeng immediately became worried, but based on his understanding of Heihu, no matter what, the prince's life should be safe.

Jiang Tao closed his eyes for a while, and rationalized his thoughts. Wouldn't it be better if he could use this prince's identity to expand the power of the Black Tiger Army? That's polite."

"This? The general killed a certain Wei!" Wei Qingfeng was overwhelmed with surprise. Heihu didn't expect Heihu to agree to this so readily. What a blessing!
"Hehe, how about we go to see the prince now?" Jiang Tao smiled lightly, but actually he was laughing wickedly in his heart, secretly said: "I'm sorry, Brother Wei, I have to wrong you for the sake of tens of thousands of lives, but this is You delivered it yourself."

Although I think so in my heart, I always feel a little guilty. This can be regarded as betraying my friends!

"The general's important matter is important, and it's okay to delay for two days." Wei Qingfeng knew the general way when he knew that the front was tight.

"It doesn't matter, my Black Tiger Army is Yi Yi's generation, some Qing troops are not in the eyes of this general." How dare Jiang Tao delay for a few days, if this fake prince ran away, who would he cry to?Busy bragging.

"Okay, let's set off now, the prince is now in Jinji Village."

The honest Wei Qingfeng inadvertently revealed the whereabouts of the third prince Zhu.

Jinji Village?
Jiang Tao was startled. It is said that there are at least [-] soldiers in this stronghold. Including the personal guards of the Third Prince Zhu, there may be [-] soldiers. Take a break, brother, I will arrange the prince's guard of honor right now."

"You don't need to report me, the general, Wei is just the prince's guard, hey!" Wei Qingfeng sighed, staring out the window blankly, obviously thinking of something unpleasant.

Jiang Tao was guilty of being a thief, so he straightened his chest, coughed dryly and said, "Oh, Brother Wei, what's on your mind?"

"It's nothing, it's nothing, hehe." Wei Qingfeng immediately blushed and smiled awkwardly.

What an honest man, it seems that he wants a lover, could it be Li Lihua?
Jiang Tao had an idea, and tentatively said: "But I miss your little junior sister? I don't know which sect master Wei brother is?"

"No, absolutely not. I'm ashamed to say that Wei has been expelled from the school, so don't mention it!"

Wei Qingfeng quickly denied it, and at the end he was so anxious that he almost shed tears.

Jiang Tao couldn't bear it immediately, how could he bear to deceive him for being such a soft-tempered person?

Isn't he the material for great things?Do you have to be black-hearted and thick-skinned to succeed?
Jiang Tao thought a lot, and suddenly woke up: "After several months of hard work, he treated his subordinates and friends sincerely. Only then did he win the support of the generals. Only by exhausting all methods and using everything to the extreme, this is what a man does!"

"Why is the general in a daze?" Wei Qingfeng stared at Jiang Tao for a long time, seeing that he was still distracted, he hurriedly asked softly.

"Hehe, I just want to be ashamed of my heart, why be afraid of others!"

Jiang Tao woke up suddenly, muttered to himself, looked at Wei Qingfeng again, and sighed: "Brother Wei, in fact, although I, Heihu, am not talented, I don't want to be inferior to others. Seeing that Brother Wei is a modest gentleman, I will tell you the truth. If you want to control the so-called prince, just to expand your power, drive out the Tartars, and restore China, you don’t really want to take refuge in him, hehe, do you feel that Jiang is a bit stupid?”

"This? What?" Wei Qingfeng blurted out, wanting to capture the black tiger with his hands, but he was not sure of victory, so he suddenly regained his normal color, and said cautiously: "I don't know how the general will deal with it."

"Hey, look, anyone is just a tool in his eyes! I, Heihu, can't handle friends." Jiang Tao handed the letter to Wei Qingfeng and said flatly.

"Ah, it's impossible, how could it be like this!" Wei Qingfeng shouted in disbelief after reading the letter, completely losing his former composure.

"Ask what love is in the world, it's just a promise between life and death!" Jiang Tao sighed in his heart, and comforted him: "Brother Wei, do you think this prince can really drive out the Tartars? Can he really regain the old rivers and mountains?"

Wei Qingfeng's eyes were just glazed over, and he didn't answer in a daze.

"Brother Wei!" Jiang Tao yelled, and said righteously: "How could this general snatch my brother's sweetheart? Besides, the crown prince had millions of people following him a few years ago, but now he still has nothing to do. Instead, he died in vain. There are many passionate people, do you know why?"

"Why?" Wei Qingfeng woke up suddenly, feeling guilty in his heart, since that's the case, that's all, that's all.

"Hey, Xu Jiang in this letter counted 10 taels of silver. Hmph, with this tael, with the prestige of the third prince Zhu, he recruited troops and built weapons at the same time. The power of the prince, even if he can't defeat the Tartars, can make the Tartars care about one thing and lose another, and can fight vigorously, but now? Millions of congregations collapsed in an instant, and the majestic prince was accompanied by only a few hundred people. Is it sad?"

Jiang Taotian said sarcastically based on the information he had received.

"What the general said is very true. Success depends on the hearts of the people, and defeat depends on the hearts of the people. The crown prince pays too much attention to status. Those powerful people have no worries about food and drink. How can they take risks easily? Only those poor and poor people will rebel wholeheartedly. It is a pity that the backbone of Zhong Sanlang Xianghui is the powerful , and the crown prince cherishes money too much, alas, whatever, Wei will go back to the mountain and let the master punish him!"

After Wei Qingfeng finished speaking disheartenedly, he had already recovered his normal color, but he just clasped his fists in a dull manner, and walked straight out of the door.

"Wait a minute!" Jiang Tao hurriedly stopped, and said sincerely: "Brother Wei, you must like Miss Li. In that case, why retreat, daring to love and hate is what my generation does. Besides, my Black Tiger Army sincerely resists the Tartars. , Brother Wei, why don't you stay and help me?"

Wei Qingfeng was very surprised, and blurted out: "Don't tell me the general doesn't want to marry his junior sister?"

"Hahaha, green vegetables and radishes, everyone has their own love. Brother Wei is not afraid of death, so why care about other things?" Jiang Tao laughed out loud and said aggressively.

"This?" Wei Qingfeng was in a dilemma. To be honest, he really couldn't let go. Besides, the crown prince was his lord after all, so how could he talk about loyalty when he left like this?

He stared at Jiang Tao fearlessly, and said coldly, "I don't know how the Black Tiger General will deal with us?"

"It's hard to say, if the prince is willing to be a happy prince and not interfere in military and political affairs, everything is easy to say, you understand, this good situation can't just be ruined!" Jiang Tao shook his head and said lightly.

"Okay, whatever, but I beg the general to agree to a certain condition of Wei!" After thinking about it, Wei Qingfeng felt that Heihu must have prepared everything for him to confess frankly. For the sake of the prince's life, he stared at Jiang Tao intently, as if he wanted to see through Jiang Tao's heart.

"Brother Wei, just be blunt, this general has always said one thing!" Jiang Tao responded calmly, if he can get the help of this person, it will be much more convenient to contact the incense masters everywhere.

"In any case, the general is not allowed to kill the prince's family. Do you dare to swear to the sky?" Wei Qingfeng said firmly, without giving Jiang Tao time to think about it.

"Okay, no matter what happens, don't hurt the prince's family in the future, and protect him properly, otherwise Jiang will die in a bad way in the future!"

Jiang Tao didn't expect it to be so simple, so he swore seriously.

Wei Qingfeng's contradictory mood finally relaxed. Thinking of the great cause of anti-Qing and Ming Dynasty and his willful and lovely junior sister, he asked: "The Black Tiger Army is surrounded on all sides, but I see the general without fear at all. Is there anything I can rely on?"

"Without him, it's just that it won't be long before news of Wu Sangui's rebellion spreads to the capital. By then, the Tartars will be too busy to take care of themselves. Why would they keep chasing after my Black Tiger Army? Besides, as long as the Black Tiger Army has one soldier, there will be no Retreat until all are dead!"

Jiang Tao had a well-thought-out way, his words were burning, and he was very high-spirited. Wei Qingfeng was taken aback, and then secretly admired.

Jiang Tao was afraid that there would be troubles outside the festival, so he hurriedly said seriously: "This time it will be difficult for Brother Wei. If Brother Wei is inconvenient to go, you can stay in the mansion for a while. The general will come whenever he goes, and he will not break his promise."

Wei Qingfeng's face was tense again, and it took a long time before he sighed: "It's okay, I can't hide, I'm all my family, I can't kill each other anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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