Chapter 114
"Brother Wei, take a break for a while, and Jiang will come as soon as he goes." Jiang Tao saw that Wei Qingfeng's face was different, so he stopped talking and walked out of the hall. There are too many variables in this action, so he must make proper arrangements.

Jiang Tao recruited Wei Donglai and ordered him to inform the guards of all checkpoints in Jinzhai County that no one should be allowed in or out, including waterways of course.

He also ordered more than [-] elite guards such as the Black Tiger Guards, Sharp Spear Guards, and Biaohan Guards to gather immediately and be ready to go at any time. At this time, there were only more than [-] soldiers from the Iron Spear Battalion and Jiang Shi's new barracks left in the city.

Jiang Tao nodded towards Wei Donglai and said, "The military division only needs to guard the city, and the rest will be left to Heihu."

Wei Dong came to see Jiang Tao finished speaking, immediately took out a letter, and said worriedly: "The general must be careful, but there is a big problem with the waterway, and my subordinates boldly infer that our situation is a little precarious."

Jiang Tao hurriedly opened the letter, it was the urgent report from the Navy, and when he finished reading it, he broke out in cold sweat, frowned and sighed softly: "Military Master, it seems that we have met a master, if the Navy didn't catch up in time Come back, I'm afraid our Black Tiger Army has been divided and surrounded by the Qing army."

Wei Donglai also said cautiously: "It seems that we are completely surrounded. Presumably there must be large troops stationed in Sushiling and Macheng Town in Hubei. If I were the commander of the other party, I would definitely block the river and then mobilize an elite naval force. , directly into our hearts, then our Black Tiger Army will have no room for a comeback."

Jiang Tao also thought of this, looked at Wei Donglai in a daze, and asked eagerly: "Is there any other way for us? We can't just catch him with nothing!"

Wei Donglai shook his head lightly, and sighed: "Unless we can defeat the coming Qing army navy, otherwise, unless the opponent's leader is an idiot, as soon as the Qing army navy comes over, we will immediately be divided into two parts by the Qing army. The army's strength is far greater than ours, no matter whether it is exhausted or defended, it will not change the situation of defeat."

Jiang Tao was suddenly upset. It seemed that he had underestimated the Tartar's ability all the time, and now he was obviously at a disadvantage. Instead, he aroused the infinite fighting spirit in his heart. At an extraordinary moment, an extraordinary method should be used.

He stared at the map intently, thought hard for a while, clenched his fists and slammed it on the Shihe, and made a plan to break the boat, and ordered firmly: "The order will be passed on, and the guards on all sides will not move, so that the navy will expand again." 1000 people, and set up a shipbuilding department. The military division should cooperate properly, build warships as soon as possible, and study the tactics. It is necessary to form combat effectiveness as soon as possible. Maybe a month, maybe half a month, the Tartar Navy will come, time waits for no one, to We will rely on the navy at the time, will it be difficult to recruit manpower?"

Wei Donglai knew that the matter was of great importance, and it was difficult to recruit enough manpower under the current situation, but he didn't want to admit defeat, and nodded heavily: "General, don't worry, the subordinates will definitely live up to their trust."

"Well, let the more than a thousand recruits from the base come over immediately. We must swallow Jinzhai County as soon as possible, and then we will have enough manpower. On the contrary, if the front is tight after a while, and the rear is noisy, we will not be able to fight. It's gone." Seeing that Wei Donglai's fighting spirit was still alive, Jiang Tao felt a little relieved and said angrily.

"This?" Wei Donglai was startled, and hurriedly advised him: "General, wouldn't it be even more troublesome if civil disturbances are caused?"

"No, it will take at least half a month to mobilize the navy. Let's take advantage of this gap to deal with them. These half-dead people will be hidden dangers sooner or later." Jiang Tao was very clear-headed at this time, and analyzed decisively. It's not killing innocent people indiscriminately. When the time comes, the people will benefit, and they will definitely not reject them too much.

"That's what I'm talking about, but can we do it with so few troops?" Wei Donglai asked worriedly.

In fact, he still has nothing to say. The elite of the Black Tiger Army are guarding all directions. Most of the soldiers and horses are recruits, and the powerful forces in Jinzhai County are guarding against danger. How can it be solved in a short time?
"There is no other way. We can only fight. If we defeat one force, our strength will increase a little. We can't ignore it, right?" Jiang Tao sighed. There are only broken jars broken.

"Okay, that's all. The subordinates will make arrangements now." Wei Donglai was also infected by Jiang Tao, let go of the worries in his heart, and said with a firm expression.

Jiang Tao smirked, and sighed: "I really don't have a leisurely life. In the future, Ma Fangnanshan will travel around the world and laugh proudly."

When he came close to Wei Qingfeng, Wei Qingfeng was already fidgeting, obviously worried about what happened next.

"Hehe, brother Wei, listen to a certain sentence, stand upright, be at ease, why not be afraid of others?" Jiang Tao tried his best to suppress the impatience in his heart, and said calmly.

"The general's wonderful words, Wei Mou is suddenly enlightened, let's go." Wei Qingfeng breathed a sigh of relief, cupped his fists, and walked out of the door step by step.

Jinji Village is only [-] miles away from Jinzhai County, less than two hours, Jiang Tao and others arrived at Jinji Village, Yang Qilong got the news in advance, and he brought Dai Xiangzhu from Jinji Village to greet him outside the gate of the village.

If you can take down this stronghold without bloodshed, why not do it?
Jiang Tao laughed from a long distance and said, "See the crown prince, it's not surprising that the black tiger escort came late!"

"The black tiger looks too rude."

Yang Qilong saw Jiang Tao's appearance clearly, and felt slightly displeased. After thinking about it, this person looks fierce, but he also gives people a kind feeling. Whatever he is, as long as he is loyal to himself, he can fight and win battles. Now this Situation, how could he care about so much, he also smiled kindly: "Okay, he is really a great man, my Ming Dynasty lacks such a great general."

"Willing to serve the prince!" Jiang Tao said unwillingly because he really didn't have a good impression of this man.

This person is wearing bulky clothes, a brocade jacket and a cloak, has a handsome appearance, fair skin, slender nails, and a sword hanging from his waist, which looks like a natural nobleman, but his eyes are dull and dull, obviously drunk.

"Hey, why can't Hei Hu kneel down and bow down?" Yang Qilong reacted, his expression changed immediately, he snorted, and stared at Jiang Tao sternly.

Jiang Tao was taken aback for a moment, and immediately raised his vigilance. What does this fake prince want to do?Do you want to capture the local bandits and blackmail the Black Tiger Army?

Master Dai Xiang was startled. Seeing that the two generals beside Jiang Tao were staring at the prince and himself, they were obviously brave generals who had experienced many battles. Smoothing things over, he said: "Don't blame the prince, the rules of the Black Tiger Army are like this, they only worship the heavens, the earth and their parents, and nothing else, and besides, the Black Tiger General has a stomach, so there is no need to make big salutes, ha ha."

After speaking, he smiled at Jiang Tao in a friendly manner.

Jiang Tao saw that this person was less than [-] years old. Although he was smiling, he gave people a sense of extraordinary bearing. He was wearing iron armor, neither fat nor thin. Totally unusual land rich man.

This person is extraordinary!

Jiang Tao also nodded with a smile, then bowed his body and said apologetically: "I, Heihu, is a rough man, I don't know the rules, and I hope the prince will forgive me!"

But Wei Qingfeng sneered in his heart, Prince, you are still putting on airs at this time, hey, since there is no cure, why should you bother, and simply did not say a word, swept the whole audience, and found no sign of Li Lihua, very soon It's disappointment, thinking secretly in his heart, he will go to find his junior sister later, and then live in seclusion in the mountains and forests, and never ask about world affairs again.

"If you think it's your first offense, it's fine. You can't be like this in the future. Courtesy is the foundation of a monarch and his ministers. The rule of not kneeling and worshiping will also be abolished." Yang Qilong understands that this person is still needed at this time, so he can't blindly reprimand him, hum, wait for himself to control Stop the Black Tiger Army, and then deal with you, an ignorant fool.

(End of this chapter)

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