Chapter 115
"What the prince said is very true!" Jiang Tao felt so angry that he almost violently beat up this person. After thinking about it, he finally endured it. He was afraid that Jiang Shi and Yao Jun behind him could not help but violently, and something bad happened, so he hurriedly turned around. The two glanced at each other.

"Hey, who is this one-armed general? He is majestic and majestic. I don't know how good he is in martial arts? If he is a warrior, would you like to be the prince's guard?"

Yang Qilong stared at Jiang Shi curiously, and asked several rhetorical questions in succession, making Jiang Shi furious.

Jiang Shi was trembling with anger, he just wanted to draw his knife to hurt someone, but Jiang Tao secretly held him down.

This detail was just seen by Dai Xiangzhu, and he sighed in his heart: "These are all arrogant soldiers, I am afraid that relying on the crown prince will not be able to suppress them, it seems that today is not appropriate."

When he was young, he loved to dance with guns and sticks, and he loved to travel around the world. He was fond of making friends with heroes, but he accidentally met the ambitious Yang Qilong. It was also mixed up.

In the end, because his eldest brother had an accident and had no heirs left, he had to go home to inherit the family business. Yang Qilong ordered him to be the incense owner of this place.

He is getting older, although he still loves to make friends, he has scruples in his heart, after all there are more than a hundred members of the Dai family here, so the matter of the incense meeting will be abandoned, otherwise there would be more than six hundred soldiers on hand now.

But ever since the Black Tiger Army came, he knew that the life and death of the Dai family was in the hands of the Black Tiger. He was very enthusiastic about the matter, but seeing that the matter was about to get stalemate, he hurriedly said with a light smile: "Prince, General Black Tiger has come from a long way, and it's cold outside, so let's talk in the house, let's go, Dai has already prepared the food and drink, brother You are welcome."

But no one in the Black Tiger Army answered, and they all kept their eyes on the ground. Jiang Tao was very satisfied, and he laughed and said, "Please, the prince first!"

Seeing Jiang Shi ignoring him, Yang Qilong turned his head away in embarrassment, tightened his clothes, and took the lead to leave unceremoniously, with a lot of resentment in his heart.

Lord Dai Xiang came in front of Heihu, and said with admiration: "I finally met Heihu himself today. Dai admires him so much. He is really mighty and extraordinary. You should be very clear, Brother Heihu, today we two brothers are going to get drunk. Fang Xiu."

"Hehe, Master Dai Xiang is a talented person with a great reputation, and Black Tiger also admires him a lot." Although Jiang Tao was worried about the safety of the Black Tiger Army, he could only pretend to laugh and winked at Wei Qingfeng. Wei Qingfeng rebelled with some of his loyal guards to support the actions of the meeting.

To be honest, Jiang Tao was a little worried. Wei Qingfeng was too emotional, and he didn't have a deep relationship with him after all. If Wei Qingfeng didn't keep his promise, this matter would be troublesome, but it would be better if he could deal with Dai Xiangzhu Now, I thought I would have to find a time to try it later.

"I'm ashamed, I'm ashamed, as long as Brother Heihu can show mercy, I will be grateful to you brother." Dai Xiangzhu smiled naturally, but there was a deep meaning behind it.

Jiang Tao's heart beat faster suddenly, could it be that things have been exposed?Could it be that he was talking about the Black Tiger Army dividing up the land and beating local tyrants?

He hurriedly said solemnly: "Now we are all under the crown prince's command, how can brothers kill each other? In the future, we will support each other, how dare I offend my elder brother, little brother, ha ha."

"Hehe, General Black Tiger please first!" Master Dai Xiang stared at Jiang Tao for a long time, then smiled and said politely.

Jiang Tao didn't dare to be careless, and kept pace with him, mainly because he was afraid that this person would plot against him. He was obviously a trainer, and the Black Tiger Army behind him followed neatly. When Jiang Tao and Dai Xiang entered the hall, the rest of the soldiers were killed More than a dozen soldiers in black stopped him.

Yao Jun deliberately stayed outside the door at this time. He had already obtained Jiang Tao's secret order to surround the prince, Dai Xiangzhu and other important figures before doing it, and try not to kill too many people.

He laughed twice, squeezed closer, and said coldly: "How can I not be qualified to enter the commander of five hundred soldiers? You look down on me, kid?"

He kicked two people down while speaking, and the rest of the guards hesitated for a moment before being restrained by the swarming Black Tiger Guards.

At this time, Prince Yang Qilong was sitting at the top, Dai Xiangzhu was sitting on the left, Jiang Tao was sitting on the right, Yang Qilong could see the situation outside the door clearly, he was very timid in his heart, hurriedly shouted coldly: "Black Tiger, what do you want?"

In an instant, except for Jiang Tao and the others, everyone in the hall was stunned. Master Dai Xiang understood all of a sudden, stood up abruptly, drew out his sword, and asked, "This is your way of being a man and a minister? In vain, the Lord of Fragrance has praised you so much, you are really blind, where are all the soldiers?"

With a bang, Lord Dai Xiang shattered the valuable jade cup. Dozens of strong armored guards rushed out of the wing room connected to the lobby, and let down more than ten ropes from the girder, and many strong men slipped down from the girder. There were five archers sticking out their heads on the ground, and their cold iron arrows were all aimed at Jiang Tao. In a short while, there were bursts of shouts and killings in the distance. Obviously, the Black Tiger Army was surrounded.

Jiang Tao was slightly startled, thinking of the defense on his body, he still didn't change his face, stopped his subordinates who were about to get violent, and said with a smile: "It really is a Hongmen banquet, what does Brother Dai want to do?"

While speaking, there was a clang, and the long and narrow Qi family knife was drawn out. Jiang Shi had already cooperated with the elite black tiger guards to guard Jiang Tao's surroundings.

Yao Jun glanced at Daliang worriedly, whispered a few words behind him, and sighed in his heart: "The general is true, why put yourself in danger!"

"The bold black tiger, who has evil intentions and dares to argue, is really a shameless bandit. Whoever kills this person will be rewarded by the prince!" Yang Qilong came back to his senses, gnashing his teeth and roaring, he really miscalculated, no Thinking that this person is so bold, hey, where is the Guardian? .

"Wait a minute, Heihu, if you leave now, you and I will owe each other nothing. How about we meet again in the future?"

Master Dai Xiang stopped the crowd who were about to come forward, regained his senses, and said calmly, even if he killed Heihu, he was not sure to kill all the Heihu army, and there would be no room for negotiation.

"You really have ulterior motives. With the elite of our black tiger army, killing you is easy, but God has the virtue of good life. Since you want to kill the black tiger, this general is not a good person, hehe."

Jiang Tao glanced at everyone, said lightly, then suddenly changed the subject, grinning and sneering: "If the black tiger doesn't ask for an explanation today, he won't leave here. Hmph, anyone who stands in the way of my black tiger army will die!"

As soon as his words fell, the Black Tiger Army all took three steps forward in an orderly manner, and shouted loudly: "Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The murderous shout immediately drowned out the questioning voices of Yang Qilong and Dai Xiangzhu.

The voice was in unison, and the unparalleled murderous aura radiated out. Dai Xiangzhu's subordinates were all terrified, and their momentum was weaker by more than three points.

Cold sweat dripped from Dai Xiangzhu's forehead, he couldn't make up his mind, he took a deep breath, knowing that he couldn't show weakness, and said with a ferocious expression: "It's really deceiving people too much, the big deal is that the fish will die and the net will be broken. How can you be buried with General Black Tiger?" begging!"


At this time, Wei Qingfeng was in the backyard, with Li Lihua.

Li Lihua heard the shouts of killing in the front yard, and immediately had a bad feeling, and said eagerly: "Brother, let's go and take a look, cousin, don't be in an accident."

Wei Qingfeng's lips moved, but he didn't say anything in the end. He was afraid that if he told the truth, his junior sister would ignore him in the future. However, if Heihu didn't succeed, he and Li Lihua would have nothing to do in the future. Of course, but he couldn't stop the anxious junior sister at all.

When Li Lihua came to the lobby, he saw swords, swords and swords, and he glanced at the audience and immediately became clear. Hey, isn't this the Heitan that Guangzhou encountered?
Immediately he was so angry that he stomped his feet, pointed at Jiang Tao, and shouted coquettishly, "You bloody charcoal, how dare you offend the prince?"

"Bold, seek death!"

All the soldiers of the Black Tiger Army shouted loudly when they heard the words, they all wanted to step forward and kill this woman.

"Wait!" Jiang Tao couldn't help laughing bitterly, ignored her, and said seriously, "Brother Dai, think about it carefully, my army of the Black Tiger Army is coming quickly, do we really want to burn everything?"

"Hey, your Black Tiger Army has reinforcements, but Master Xiang doesn't have one? Do you know the three major villages in Jinzhai County?" Dai Xiangzhu still didn't let go, but he didn't know that his back was soaked in cold sweat. The combat power is definitely not groundless, and Erlang, who is under his command, is definitely not an opponent. Maybe when the other two send troops to help, the day lily will be cold.

(End of this chapter)

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