Chapter 116

Jiang Tao glanced at everyone, and deliberately delayed: "Okay, so there is no need to discuss?"

Yang Qilong interjected: "Give it to me, the one who kills the black tiger will be rewarded with a hundred taels."

Dozens of unarmored warriors rushed towards Jiang Tao's place, while the other armored warriors stared blankly at Dai Xiangzhu, standing where they were, without moving.

"Too much deceit!" Just as Jiang Tao said this, a series of gunshots rang out in his ears, and five corpses immediately fell from the beams of the house.

Jiang Tao was overjoyed, knowing that it must be the work of the sharp spear guard, and he didn't care about the prince's guard who was killed with the black tiger guard, he forced Dai Xiang to ask: "Brother Dai, don't blame this general for being cruel. kill everything..."

"Wait a minute!" Dai Xiangzhu saw that the prince's guards lost more than ten people just after contacting the Black Tiger Army. He clearly knew the skills of these guards. Feeling powerless, he didn't dare to hesitate anymore, and asked in a depressed mood: "If Dai asks to surrender, how will the general deal with us?"

Seeing that there was a turning point in the matter, Jiang Tao said righteously: "This general did not come here to kill people, let alone kill the crown prince and brother Dai. The matter has come to this point. This general will never swallow his anger again. As long as brother Dai is willing to surrender , Jiang will not move Brother Dai's gold, silver and food, but Brother Dai must hand over his troops, and if he wants to leave, Jiang will never stop him."

"How can I trust you?" Seeing that Jiang Tao never mentioned the fields and forests, Dai Xiang felt very pained in his heart. These are ancestral inheritances, how can they be easily abandoned. It can be seen that in the current situation, he will be captured soon, and when the time comes But there is no room to turn.If I knew this earlier, why bother, hey!

"Master Dai Xiang, don't listen to the gangster's words, and don't order his subordinate Erlang to kill the thief!" Seeing that the situation is not good, Yang Qilong shouted in a panic, and said to Wei Qingfeng bitterly: "The traitor, you are the one who led the wolf into the house !"

After speaking, she picked up the sword and stabbed at Wei Qingfeng, Li Lihua blocked Yang Qilong and cried, "No, I must have misunderstood Senior Brother."

At this time, Yang Qilong's eyes were red, his expression was a little crazy, he stabbed with all his strength, Jie Jie said with a strange smile: "Go to death!"

"Junior Sister!" Wei Qingfeng kicked Yang Qilong away, hugged Li Lihua and cried out like losing his soul.

At this time, the more than thirty princes had all been beheaded, and the rest of the prince's guards were shocked and did not dare to step forward.

Seeing the fake prince being kicked away, Jiang Tao was startled, and hurriedly ordered everyone to take it back. He was worried about Dai Xiangzhu's reinforcements, and asked in a cold voice, "Brother Dai, this general will count three more times. After three times, the Black Tiger Army Soldiers fight with all their might, don't hesitate!"



"Wait, Dai is willing to surrender, but Dai wants the whole family to join the Black Tiger Army, plus all the wealth, and please general ignore the offense just now?"

Lord Dai Xiang thought over and over again, and came up with a safe way to protect the whole family. In this way, the Black Tiger Army silently slaughtered the members of the Dai family, and hurriedly knelt on the ground to ask for surrender. Seeing this, his son Lang dared not stand up , They all knelt down one after another.

In fact, he has already considered clearly that as long as the Black Tiger Army does not fall, the Dai family will not be destroyed. If the Black Tiger Army really loses to the Qing Army, then they will find another way out. Conditions, the Dai family has no soldiers and horses to protect them, and they are afraid that they will be robbed and killed before they leave Jinzhai County for a hundred miles, after all, the outside world is not peaceful.

Jiang Tao was very surprised. He didn't want this person to be careful now, and secretly sighed: "Why is this so? Jiang is not so despicable!"

"Everyone, please rise up. My Black Tiger Army has always followed its word and done what it says. It will never treat you badly. How about this? Brother Dai has made great contributions by abandoning the dark and turning to the bright. He is temporarily the county magistrate of Jinzhai County. As for gold, silver and property , I don’t take a single penny, but County Magistrate Dai is very kind, so General Ben accepts the food and grass, but it’s just a temporary loan, and I will definitely return it in the future!”

Jiang Tao had an idea in an instant, so he simply let him go into politics, and gave orders solemnly.

Dai Xiangzhu was determined in his heart, and sighed again, the black tiger looked much more pleasing to the eye at this time, and said happily: "I am willing to do the work of a dog and a horse for the general!"

But he was wondering in his heart, what is the official position of the county magistrate?Could it be the county magistrate?

This disrupted Jiang Tao's vision, but it's okay, taking this village without bloodshed will be very beneficial to the current situation. If you kill a young man, you will increase the hatred of a family. Jinzhai County has a total of only 3 people. There are many people, and the more people who are hostile to the Black Tiger Army, the greater the hidden danger. He said with scorching words: "If you don't fight, you don't know each other. As long as Brother Dai thinks highly of Jiang, the Black Tiger will never let Brother Dai down. forget!"

"General!" Dai Xiangzhu looked at Jiang Tao moved, and blurted out, but couldn't speak for a while, the short words were completely different from what he had just thought.

Jiang Tao also relaxed, hehe said with a smile: "It's up to County Magistrate Dai to coordinate outside."

After all, there was still fighting outside.

"It's easy for my subordinates, oh, that's right." County Magistrate Dai patted his forehead, came up to Yang Qilong, took out a small golden package, and smiled courteously: "General, this is the priceless Jade Seal!"

Jiang Tao twisted it in his hand without even looking at it, and said with a light smile, "It's a good thing, but it doesn't work as well as the Han people, is the Crown Prince okay?"

"Just fainted, this person is very cunning, I'm afraid he did it on purpose just now, the general must guard against it." County Magistrate Dai gave Yang Qilong a disdainful look, and said suspiciously.

"It's okay, immediately put this person in proper custody." Jiang Tao glanced at County Magistrate Dai in surprise, nodded and said, this person's ability to adapt is really extraordinary.

It was then that Wei Qingfeng's eyes were dull and lifeless, and he sighed in his heart: "Love is a thing, the deeper the love, the harder the injury."

He walked up to Li Lihua, sniffed her breath, and felt that Wei Qingfeng was too useless, so he sternly shouted: "Wei Qingfeng, your junior sister is breathing hard, and she didn't hurt her life, so why don't you take her to heal her wounds? Do we have to wait until her blood is dry?"

"Ah!" Wei Qingfeng screamed, woke up suddenly, and shouted in a hurry: "Where is the doctor?"

Jiang Tao shook his head, walked away, and secretly ordered the Black Tiger Army to strengthen its guard. After all, it was in someone else's territory at this time, and the other party had just joined the army, so he had no sense of belonging to the Black Tiger Army.

After a while, County Magistrate Dai came over with a face full of embarrassment: "General, alas, the people from Gaoshan village and Hongchong village are here, and it's all due to my subordinate Meng Lang."

"Hehe, it's okay, I don't know how many people the other party has come?" Jiang Tao appeared to be careless on the surface, but his heart was like a stormy sea, with waves rising again and again.

"It's a thousand strong, but it's definitely not our opponent!" County Magistrate Dai still has lingering fears about the power of the Black Tiger Army, and he said confidently after comparing the two sides.

(End of this chapter)

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