The Great Bandit in Kangxi Year

Chapter 133 Change Strategy

Chapter 133 Change Strategy
As a result, Jiang Wudao, who was guarding the border, was transferred back to the recruit camp to be responsible for the training of the recruits.

Gong Kaijun received the letter of appointment, and he couldn't calm down for a long time: General Black Tiger is really extraordinary, so important, I will risk my life.

He is a smart man, and he doesn't complain that his subordinates can't get on the warship for the time being. He just trains soldiers in the recruit camp with peace of mind. He believes in his ability, and General Black Tiger will entrust him with important tasks sooner or later.

Knowing that Jiang Wushang was not familiar with water warfare, Gong Kaijun not only did not reject it, but instead taught him his experience in water warfare. Jiang Wushang is also a bold person, and the two got along very well.

As for the reduction of the old and the weak, Gong Kaijun even more vigorously cooperated, and more than a thousand of the nearly [-] sailors who surrendered just happened to ask to go home. He met Jiang Tao in person to explain the situation.

Jiang Tao did not delay, and agreed on the spot that they could leave, and issued a certain amount of money. Seeing this, the people who stayed were more at ease, and their morale and combat effectiveness were gradually recovering.


The sun and the moon flew by, and half a moon passed in the blink of an eye. Although there were only more than [-] soldiers left on the right side of the navy, the cohesion of the army was growing with each passing day.

The left side of the navy is even more successful.

Not only intercepted more than [-] cannons transported by the Qing army to attack the Black Tiger Army, but also intercepted and killed [-] elite soldiers and countless materials mobilized from Anhui on the big river.

This victory was easy, and there were thousands of prisoners alone, all of whom were sent to Jinzhai County, or opened mines, or reclaimed wasteland.

Moreover, with the transportation of warships, Chen Dajiang saw that the defense along the Huaihe River was slack, so he made a decisive decision and led the land and water elite to capture seven counties including Huoqiu County and Huaibin County in one fell swoop. The Qing army lost sight of the other and could only run in vain.

The three green battalions surrounding the Black Tiger Army could hardly sustain it at this time. Without the unified dispatch of the imperial envoys, there would be no guarantee for food, grass and other materials.

These Qiuba uncles are not kind, and the people around them all complained.

It wasn't until this time that Kangxi got the news that Zhou Peigong had died and the Yellow River navy was wiped out.

The princes and ministers of the Manchu Qing Dynasty were all dumbfounded. The small bandits defeated the elite navy of the imperial court, but that was a large navy with more than 1 people. Are you kidding?

The Yellow River Navy is one of the few fleets in the imperial court, how could it be wiped out in an instant?
Even if the San Francisco rebelled, and Wang Fuchen, who was good at fighting, also followed suit, Kangxi was not surprised at this time. He only felt that he had been greatly insulted, and suddenly thought of the terrible consequences of Li Zicheng's running around back then. : "Old idiot, Zhou Peigong lost his teacher and humiliated the country. He is simply incompetent. What a great talent!"

Xiong Cilu's heart was pounding, and he knelt on the ground and kowtowed: "Long live, I dare to say a word, Master Zhou's talent and learning are also known to you, so the bandit army must be no less than [-], and there are absolutely able man."

"Hmph!" Kangxi's face was dark, with murderous intent in his eyes, and he cursed, "You still dare to mess around, come here."

After all, this person is the leader of the Han Dynasty, with peaches and plums all over the world, maybe there will be a big disturbance, hum, it is really not enough to succeed, and more than to fail.

When Kangxi said this, he stopped abruptly, waved his hand to repel the guards with knives who entered the hall, and said with a cold face: "Master Xiong, please go back to the mansion to rest, and don't go out at will."

Xiong Cilu felt sorry for Qi Ran, his forehead was broken at this time, and he still burst into tears and said: "My lord, although these thieves won, they must have hurt their muscles and bones, and the only way to do it again..."

Kangxi didn't even look at it, and interrupted bluntly: "Don't take it away yet."

Jieshu, Mingzhu, Suo'etu and other ministers of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties all looked on coldly, feeling a little disdainful in their hearts, and deserved it, the Han people are really unreliable if you are asked to recommend randomly, an old fellow like you.

Kangxi still had a stern face, he patted the armrest of the dragon head on the dragon chair with his right hand, and said coldly: "Do all ministers have a proper plan for suppressing thieves?"

The battle situation at this time is already very clear, and only by mobilizing the navy again can the bandit army be suppressed.

But there are so many sailors in the imperial court, they dare not answer.

Kangxi waited for quite a while, but seeing that no one answered, he pointed to Mingzhu and said, "Let's talk."

Mingzhu secretly called unlucky, and bit the bullet and said: "The best strategy is to mobilize the navy and attack and kill the thief at all costs; the middle strategy is to lock the river with iron chains again, deploy heavy troops on both sides of the bank, and build forts, so that the thief army can be killed." Seal it, our army can win without a fight."

Seeing that what Mingzhu said was reasonable, Kangxi calmed down and thought to himself: "At this time, Wu Sangui's army and horses are invincible, and the soldiers and horses of all ministries are hard to resist. This is the great enemy of the imperial court, and the black tiger army, a clown who jumps on the beam, has to be guarded against." , Hmph, that's all."

But those three green battalions are too shameful, and the local and state capitals are also very incompetent, tearing each other down, how can they win the battle, hum, they are all demoted to one level and retained, alas, we still need to find a capable general.

Kangxi thought of this, glanced at all the officials, and said seriously: "It's reasonable, let's surround the bandit army to death, so how about it, Mingzhu will go to supervise the battle and disperse the court!"

Mingzhu suddenly felt distressed and couldn't tell, was it a little overkill for a dignified first-rank official to attack small bandits?If you can't wipe out the bandits as soon as possible, then your own fame will be... Alas, the king's fate is hard to escape!
Now that the Black Tiger Army has broken the encirclement and interception of the Qing Army, and a large amount of materials have been continuously transported into the base, Jiang Tao is overjoyed. The only thing he is unhappy about is the bad news from Suishi Ridge a few days ago.

On New Year's Eve, the Qing army raided a camp in Suishi Ridge.

The Qing army was extremely cunning along the way, and chose to attack in the middle of the night. The Black Tiger Army stationed there was caught off guard and suffered heavy losses.

Fortunately, Han Yong, the school lieutenant of the Xueyiwei, took the remaining dozens of elites to guard the other side of the mountain until the reinforcements came, and then the mountain was saved, but the Qing army could not be driven away.

But it was a fluke, if the Qing army occupied that hill, most of the Black Tiger Army would be surrounded, so there would not be more than a hundred casualties.

After this bloody battle, Jiang Tao always felt that the base was not safe, and he thought to himself: "At this time, there is no need to defend the Crushed Stone Ridge, and the elite of the Crushed Stone Ridge can be withdrawn, as long as 300 people are sent to defend the base , the rest of the soldiers and horses can be vacated, and besides, there are more than two hundred miles of difficult mountain roads from the gravel ridge at the base. If the Qing army follows, there will be no good fruit to eat. question."

Thinking of this, Jiang Tao hurriedly sent an order to Wang Junyi, ordering him to retreat slowly.

Thinking that Orion Camp knew the surrounding mountains well, Jiang Tao summoned Qian Zong, who had already returned to the base, and ordered him to hide in the deep mountains with his subordinates, raid the Qing army's food roads, and attack and kill a small group of Qing soldiers.

Qian Zong quickly nodded and said: "Don't worry, general, my subordinates will never let the Qing army have a good life."

Jiang Tao was worried, and warned again: "The essence of this battle lies in three words, fast, hidden, and dark!"

"General, this subordinate is dull, please explain in detail." Qian Zong suddenly asked in puzzlement.

"At that time, there will be Qing soldiers on the mountains with a radius of hundreds of miles anytime and anywhere, and the Qing army has an advantage in strength. You must advance quickly and retreat quickly, so that the Qing army can't catch or touch them quickly; the secret key lies in the old nest. , your garrison must have a retreat, it cannot be surrounded by the Qing army, and it must be changed at any time."

Jiang Tao thought for a while, and then said: "Try to attack and kill the Qing army at night, don't care about the number of enemies killed, kill the Qing army at the lowest cost, and make the Qing army suspicious. The main thing is to save strength, sneak attack is the kingly way, well, don’t have too many people, only bring three hundred elites, use your brains, don’t embarrass our Black Tiger Army.”

Qian Zong scratched his head and cried out: "General, is this also a special warfare?"

(End of this chapter)

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