The Great Bandit in Kangxi Year

Chapter 134 Repairing Internal Affairs

Chapter 134 Repairing Internal Affairs

Jiang Tao sent away the sincerely convinced Qian Zong, and when he was free, he led more than a hundred guards to patrol the various checkpoints.

These checkpoints are the lifeblood of the Black Tiger Army, as long as there is a problem in one place, it will cause a chain reaction, and the good situation of the Black Tiger Army may come to naught.

Even the New Year's Eve was full of wars, and the New Year's rewards were sent to the officers and soldiers' homes after a long time. Jiang Tao was very guilty, so he took it as a New Year's greeting to all the soldiers.

Jiang Tao first arrived at Jiang Xin's garrison. Thinking of the fearless tiger and leopard cavalry becoming infantry, he smiled wryly in his heart. He must mobilize this powerful force as soon as possible. Today's battle is inseparable from cavalry.

In front of the tidy and energetic tiger and leopard riders, Jiang Tao smiled and comforted the soldiers, then he pulled Jiang Xin and said with a straight face, "Is there any movement from the Qing army in the direction of Hubei?"

Jiang Xinxin sighed again and again, and said melancholy: "General, the Qing soldiers of the bird heard about the bloody battle at the base, and the tiger and leopard cavalry wished to fly to the base. The beast, who was attacked and killed more than a hundred people by his subordinates, has become much more honest."

Jiang Tao patted him on the shoulder and said with a light smile: "Don't panic, I'm afraid you'll be tired of fighting. Wait a little longer, and someone will come to defend. At that time, the general will ride [-] horses for tigers and leopards. I don't know if you can Train eight hundred elite tiger and leopard riders?"

Jiang Xin took a breath, and said pleasantly: "The last general will take over, and he will never disappoint the reputation of Tiger and Leopard Cavalry!"

"Okay, remember one thing, don't be careless at any time, I will leave this to you." Jiang Tao was relieved, and he gave some instructions, and he had lunch with the soldiers before leaving.

When we came to Jinzhai County, we saw all the old and young men reclaiming wasteland. The Black Tiger Army issued an order: "Once the reclaimed wasteland is recognized by the county government, there is no need to pay taxes for one year, but there are conditions, and it is not allowed to set fire to the forest." , Second, the fields are not allowed to be abandoned.”

Everyone is scrambling for such a good thing, especially there are more than 1 mu of wasteland along the Shihe River. However, to build irrigation canals, the treasury of the Black Tiger Army is slightly more sufficient now. Jiang Tao allocated [-] taels of silver with a swipe of a pen , Build waterwheels, make people build irrigation canals, and divert the water of the Shi River into the wasteland.

This is a good thing for the people, and the people have worked harder.

With the irrigation of water canals, these wastelands suddenly became good fields. In this way, as long as the weather is good, the Black Tiger Army can be self-sufficient even if it is sealed off by the Qing army, and there are still surpluses.

But this is a big project. The total population of the Black Tiger Army is only over 1. Excluding the more than [-] Black Tiger Army, there is not that much labor force.

It is for this reason that the Zuolu Navy now has a new task, which is to transport the poor people into Jinzhai County by the way.

The conditions are very generous: as long as there is a family boat, they will be given five taels of settling expenses, and ten acres of fertile land will be given away free of charge.

Few people believe in such a good thing, but at this time China has the most poor people without food and clothing, and there are always some people who are unwilling to succumb to the reality.

The day before yesterday, the Zuolu Navy brought back thousands of people. Although Jiang Tao was dissatisfied, he knew that it was not easy. After all, the Black Tiger Army was originally from bandits. If there was no special reason, who would risk his life to join the besieged Black Tiger Army? .

Whether reclamation of wasteland will cause water and soil erosion and worsen the environment, Jiang Tao has no time to think about it, he can only develop first, he can only try his best to keep the forest.

Seeing that many children were also helping their families reclaim fields, Jiang Tao was helpless. Now that the military academy has opened in Jinzhai County, and the Youth Army has also been incorporated into it, there are still many people who would rather let their children do farm work than They join military school.

This is not going to work. The development of the military academy is greatly beneficial to the development of the Black Tiger Army. Jiang Tao ignored other things and went directly to Wei Donglai who was in a mess: "Is there anything the military advisor can do about the military academy?"

"The minds of the common people are very simple. They are all a word of benefit. Generals don't have to worry about it. On the one hand, they can publicize the necessity of anti-Qing, and on the other hand, publicize the importance of military academies. The Black Tiger Army can be promoted directly, either as local officials, or as lieutenant generals."

After Wei Donglai finished speaking concisely, Jiang Tao already had a plan in his mind. After thinking for a while, he said solemnly: "Try to let children over the age of eight go to school. The monthly salary is three qian."

"General, isn't this treatment a bit superfluous?"

Jiang Tao shook his head and said with a light smile: "No, even if there are 2 students, there will be less than [-] taels a year, but only ten years, no, only five years later, these students will be our Black Tiger Army The generals and local officials are the hope of our Black Tiger Army. Therefore, those cultural education studies should not only teach the children literacy and arithmetic, but also strengthen ideological education. They must be loyal to the Black Tiger Army, the people, and the nation. Pay more attention, culture and education are very important, and it is better to lack than to overuse.”

Arithmetic was sorted out by Jiang Tao overnight. In addition to the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of Arabic numerals, it is some common mathematical knowledge from elementary school to junior high school, including the perimeter and area of ​​triangles, squares, circles, and parabolas. Jiang Tao simply He taught the Wen teachers a few lessons, and then asked them to pass them on to the students, which was a disaster for the Wen teachers.

Some knowledge is even half-understood by Wenjiao, who is self-taught while teaching. As soon as Jiang Tao appears in the military academy, he will be stopped by puzzled Wenjiao.

Wei Donglai nodded. What he said made sense. If Wenjiaoxi was loyal to the Qing Dynasty and spread words that were not good for the Black Tiger Army every day, the Black Tiger Army would really be thankless. He thought to himself: "Be sure to hurry up this time. As for those stereotyped essays, there is really no need to study them.”

He thought of this and quickly suggested: "General, students can't have no goals. They can complete a year of basic study first, and then according to the assessment situation, specialize in government affairs or military affairs, and specialize in arts. Cultivate a large number of talents."

"That's right, no business, no wealth, no job, no prosperity, so let's just divide the military academy into financial schools, science and technology schools, agricultural schools, and military officer schools. Entering these schools, as for the young ones, you can study for a few more years, don’t teach the clever and lively students to be nerds, and if you want to apply what you learn, you can carry out more outdoor activities.”

Jiang Tao admired secretly, bringing up various universities from later generations.

Wei Donglai didn't understand all of a sudden, and asked directly: "What is a science and technology school? Farming also requires learning?"

"Hehe, the science and technology school is to learn various technical schools, such as gun-making, cannon-making, shipbuilding, etc., as for the agricultural school, it is to consider how to increase the production of food, etc., through experiments, to develop high-quality rice seeds or breeding, and so on. It’s time to say, after all, agriculture is the foundation of a country.”

Jiang Tao said that although he has occupied the position of principal of the military academy, how can he have so much time to manage it?Now, Wei Donglai is taking the lead. Wei Donglai is in charge of all the military affairs of Jinzhai County, and also intervenes in the government affairs of Jinzhai County.

It seems that someone who manages the military academy must be found.

This person must not only be loyal, but also famous and talented. It is best to be someone close to him. Jiang Tao thought for a long time before he thought of one person, but he asked him to invite him in person.

Jiang Tao suddenly noticed that Wei Donglai's eyes were bloodshot, he sighed softly, and said with a gentle smile, "Brother Wei, hurry up and rest for a while, I, Heihu, will have an arm broken if I'm exhausted, and I will leave the matter of blast furnace ironmaking to Wang." Tie Bang, I think this guy can do it."

Wei Donglai yawned embarrassingly, and said with a light smile, "Forget it, but the affairs of the military academy are too complicated, the subordinates are powerless, and the general needs to make preparations early."

Jiang Tao nodded, forcing Wei Dong to rest, and then rode to the construction site outside the city, where Wang Tiebang was supervising the construction of a small blast furnace for ironmaking.

That is, the effective furnace capacity is less than 100 cubic meters, the furnace shell is made of steel plate, and the inner refractory brick is built in a vertical cylindrical shape.

In addition to the steel shell, the key to the small blast furnace lies in the refractory bricks. Jiang Tao just knew how to make refractory bricks before. It is actually very simple, but the material used is very special. He used chrome ore, and it was not until this time that the qualified refractory bricks were fired. refractory bricks.

Looking at the hot construction site, Jiang Tao was full of confidence. With the small blast furnace, the steel production would definitely increase in the future. As long as there were enough iron ore and coal mines in the area under the jurisdiction of the Black Tiger Army, the Black Tiger Army would no longer be short of steel.

But can those small iron mines and small coal mines support the development of the entire Black Tiger Army?
Jiang Tao sighed, the Black Tiger Army will not stay in this poor mountain valley all the time, and will fight out one day.

PS: I have something to do today, so I can only update it, sorry.
(End of this chapter)

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